32. Concurrent Co-factoriality Jan 8 Written By L.W. Otteson Approximation omission & imputation #TWS_LitRadicand non-approximation and dismal Miss Estimation Concurrent constraints, conditions, factors, and currencies of power, influence, and control… What happened to theories when everyone said ‘journalism is dead’ & “philosophy is pointless’? #et_lit L.W. Otteson Social scientist, student, & writer 2048 US President? http://www.lwotteson.com
32. Concurrent Co-factoriality Jan 8 Written By L.W. Otteson Approximation omission & imputation #TWS_LitRadicand non-approximation and dismal Miss Estimation Concurrent constraints, conditions, factors, and currencies of power, influence, and control… What happened to theories when everyone said ‘journalism is dead’ & “philosophy is pointless’? #et_lit L.W. Otteson Social scientist, student, & writer 2048 US President? http://www.lwotteson.com