32. WERttO Pt. I


Worth Explicifying:

Rise to the Occasion

L.W. Otteson











































Copyright © 2024 by Lukas Wyatt Otteson

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Cover design by www.EntertainThis.Store

ISBN: ----

Printed in United States of America

First Edition: 2024




Note: The information in this book is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranty. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.

Please respect the hard work of the author and support their efforts by purchasing an authorized copy of this book. Thank you for your cooperation.

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J.W.O. (1938 – 2024)

R.F.C.F. (1938-2013)



Thank you to everyone who has shown such patience with me throughout this process. Friends, family, mentors…

If you don’t understand the purpose of this project, just know it was all something I had to get off of my back.

Appraise how you will, I’m going to be satisfied with this time/effort invested.












Table of Contents





































































Do not read this book if you do not sign.

I am not responsible for your misinterpretations.

This is not gospel.

Try reading more before writing-off (or even take a nap).


I wrote everything in this book. I am responsible for all of it. Every time I mentioned someone on X (formerly “Twitter), I was under the assumption that having social-media platforms might merit some back-and-forth. Sometimes there is a bit of jest in someone getting mentioned. We move past things when we can laugh about them, though. Maybe that is just my opinion. Anyway.

Sometimes I want to archive an elephant-in-the-room situation. Sometimes I want to highlight something for historical-precedent. Sometimes I want to promote something that I wish I could see on screen, canvas, etc. Sometimes I think I’ve some insight worth sharing. Sometimes it is some insight of someone else’s worth shouting-out. Sometimes I am tackling subjects & topics, trying to find the words. The formatting will be unconventional. It may even be the funkiest book you read this decade. This book will be unlike any you’ve read before.

If there is anything that you disagree with or want to add to, please feel free to write to any of the accounts. You can mention the chapter & the number. For example, a note in chapter 3 #45 could be mentioned in a tweet that looks something like this: “3.45 The general topic in your view, sarcastic remark about a typo, etc.” If we don’t get back to you right away, hopefully the comments section is teeming with life (like a thriving reef of thought). You could also try including the #we_rtto hashtag to add to conversation.

If you are listening or reading digitally, I am still seeking to provide you informed consent. This book is explicit. Do not read if you should read it when you’re older.

By continuing to listen or read, you hereby give your good-faith that you are prepared to trudge through the trenches of cognitive-dissonance. I offer what I have to offer.

I’m not getting paid to say anything. I’m not getting paid not to say anything. Not hoarding cultural capital for my cronies. Not locked up behind an NDA (or a subsidiary NDA). No security clearance to be violating (I do not speak on behalf of any government, at all). Don’t making me regret leaving my devices to others. The way I figure it, someone smarter than me can figure anything in here out, right? Well, I think it is weird to keep this stuff secret, personally.




By signing below, you agree to all of the above & will be given permission by L.W. Otteson to read this book.



Signature(s): ____________________________________________________


Date(s): ________________________________________________________






[  ] No refunds. Enjoy the cover, introduction, & pgs.









“We can’t have disclaimers for every misinterpretation that might be made, right?

I suppose you could try, but that amount of text might be more cumbersome than an original and is likely to carry more behavioral friction than simply drawing one’s own interpretation.

(meaning that the disclaimers will lose value and won’t be read other than for evidence of plausible deniability).

Don’t expect disclaimers for every misinterpretation that might be made (it is not probable). That said, predicting misinterpretations might be low-hanging manipulative fruit for some.” - @CAL_Matters














Do not continue without agreeing with disclaimer.



























My name is Lukas Wyatt Otteson. I am North American. I only speak English, but love other languages too. I went to community college after high school and eventually got an A.A. in Behavioral & Organizational Social Science. I thought I might want to be a journalist when I started college, so it’s kind of like I’ve been chasing the same story for a while now. Then I received my B.S. in Psychology (minoring in Communication Studies) while I was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. I am currently enrolled in a M.A. Political Science program, set to graduate Spring 2025. While there are many ways to begin, let’s start back when I officially separated from active duty (to where the journey of this book began).

Once upon a time, I wanted to write a book called “Worth Saying, Worth Hearing” in 2021 (after I separated from active duty). I’d thought to myself for years that writing wasn’t enticing because I’d naught to write. I knew I needed to bring more to the table if I was going to ask for my readers’ time & attention. I knew I needed to learn, read, think, question, ask, write, listen, etc. I’m not sure if I always understood that all of that was to be humbling. I also knew that my expression was limited while I was in the Air Force. I got out and it was hard for me to stop writing for months. On top of that, I was studying pretty intensely for a “Graduate Record Exam – Subject Test: Psychology” too. I learned a lot more about the world from February 2022 forward. I found things so valuable (personally) that I wanted to share just in case anyone else was as moved as I was by the content of the writing. Now, I look back and wonder if I’d have the operating social-scientific framework that I do if I weren’t constantly ankle-deep into WERttO.

By this point, you may have noticed that the name of the book is, instead, “Worth Explicitizing.” There was a plan for a six-book series with alternating fiction & non-fiction. There have been a few massive learning-curves throughout this process (& definitely some pivots).

            I was writing on my phone until my thumbs hurt. I’ve asked for napkins & pens at the bars too many times. I often find myself unable to escape a shower or a drive to school without feeling like I need to write something for something… I was writing before work, at lunch, and after work while I was in California in 2022 & 2023. What I’m trying to say is: I have put a lot of effort into these public-facing posts. 

            I wrote all of this across almost 3 years & even Part I isn’t meant to be read in one day. The writing process was all about just taking chunks out of the elephant in the room (one bite at a time). I would have never gotten this done if I wasn’t chunking apart my hike & seeing the road for miles rather than minutes. Restricting gratification to merely the-achievement-itself pedestalizes an ultimate-goal and further subordinates instrumental-goals (increasing behavioral-friction indirectly & decreasing the stickiness of potentially desired habits). In other words, momentum toward the top of the hill can be hindered by our focus. Take your time with the book.

I discuss things I think we can benefit from talking more about.

I share some potentially useful expressions & phrases that are not as prevalent as they might be. Sometimes I see a cliché and think about what was not clichéd instead. I hear a connotation & wonder how memories have been influenced by information in such a way that they’ve predictably latched onto one definition (as opposed to alternative options). Like I said earlier, I’m really just trying to contribute everything I have for the table.

I would like to answer all of these questions someday (maybe), but I want to share them in case I can’t answer them. Another objective of this book is bridge-building between print & digital (social-media, internet) text. Having a shared lexicon is something that might be able to help us become more secure in the face of certain types of manipulation & exploitation (as a culture/country).

Don’t read the book if you cannot help conflating fiction with non-fiction. I am not a certified clinical provider. You’ll have to reality test yourself through the seas of these pages. I will always be there in spirit, but mine was a bumpy ride (full disclosure). One of our goals with this book is to try to serve as interpretive maps & compasses for this framework that I’ve recently boiled down to 6 frames: 1) psychology, 2) culture, 3) social/mass-media, 4) democracy, 5) economy, and 6) literacy. I’m still messing around with the idea of a 7th frame: espionage. I suppose you’ll have to wait for an update on that front until Part II.

If the schemas (ways of organizing information) are insufficient, then we will improve them. You can help with that. Disagree. Agree. Question further. Ponder. Take something as a launch-pad (get out of a writing-slump). Write in the book. Highlight. Use the margins. Check it out on X if you want to see the photos, GIFs, links, threads, comments, etc. Bless this book with your attention. Entertain This.

Explicitizing, explicating, and explicifying can allow us to alchemize formerly implicit assertions & assumptions. We can bring words & literacy back to life. We can stop saying that “philosophy is pointless” & that “journalism is dead.” We can let thoughts free so they may linger. We can make available previously imperceivable dimensions of conceptualization. We can take some command over our interpretations to design schemas (hopefully ones that we can reliably reference). A book can change things from “nobody told me it would be like this” to “somebody told me it would be like this.”


Go back and sign the waiver.


Don’t read the book if you cannot help conflating fiction with non-fiction. I am not a certified clinical provider. You’ll have to reality test yourself through the seas of these pages. I will always be there in spirit, but mine was a bumpy ride (full disclosure). One of our goals with this book is to try to serve as interpretive maps & compasses for this framework that I’ve recently boiled down to 6 frames: 1) psychology, 2) culture, 3) social/mass-media, 4) democracy, 5) economy, and 6) literacy. I’m still messing around with the idea of a 7th frame: espionage. I suppose you’ll have to wait for an update on that front until Part II.

If the schemas (ways of organizing information) are insufficient, then we will improve them. You can help with that. Disagree. Agree. Question further. Ponder. Take something as a launch-pad (get out of a writing-slump). Write in the book. Highlight. Use the margins. Check it out on X if you want to see the photos, GIFs, links, threads, comments, etc. Bless this book with your attention. Entertain This.












            One last thing: all of these chapters will be continued in Part II…

Chapter One








Will Belarus come to a negotiation table?


Sometimes thinking big is about little details.

Sometimes thinking too small means missing the big-picture.



Would mere non-guilt or innocence be sufficient organizational/cultural-replacements for honor?


Let’s extend the argument.

If necessary yet insufficient, then what else?



Subsidiaries all the way up.



Is shame a cultural-supplement to law & order?



Good morning Doc @jordanbpeterson,

Do you have any particularly strong opinions about Graduate Record Examinations (General)?

What about the Subject Tests?

Have you worked with @ETSInsights in your prolific career?





How can Sweden win Minsk over?

@trpresidency @HongKongTourism

@shanghaidaily @IndiainMongolia

@USembassyKAZ @KyivIndependent

@KyivPost @USEmbassyRiga

@NATO @bricscouncil_in

@VisitHelsinki @IndiainTallinn @govbrazil





Is there commercial-interest in security? #et_rhetoric






To what ends & by what means?



How is taboo?



If there is a norm that you find compelling, then hopefully you see some wisdom in it.



Do we still need to spend time with peers when we’re adults?


If so, then there is such a thing as “not enough,” right?

Where could/would there be “too much”?




Downsides to chronic-arousal/over-stimulation?



Be a good leader to yourself.


Shame, guilt, and embarrassment for every mistake is going to be a problem.

Repetition is a different topic.


When are mistakes personal?


{is this a personal-mistake}


When you teach someone who they can be, the can draw up their own map.


Which mistakes do you live in the memories of? #ShortTerm #Working #Attention #presence #tiempo


Not every mistake is personal #ExplicifyThis #ExplicifyThat #ExplicifyThese #ExplicifyThose



Gyms with dog-parks near me ?

#ai #et_mktg #ai_business #et_business #et_think #et_comm #et_forex #et_invest

@ABCSharkTank @ET_LWO



Do different cognitive-distortions carry differing predispositional/predictive weight? #Macro @TWSPublish



Is the FAE (fundamental attribution error) an example of base–rate fallacy/bias? #hyperjudgment #SelfAttribution #Cognitive #Psych #CogPsyc #FalseHeuristics #recall #extraction #distortions #comorbidity



If accuracy is a problem for you, then how many of our interests are shared?

@trulyseltzer #et_beverages #et_mktg #tws_mktg #lwo_mktg



Do we become extremely risk-averse as we sink into extreme-individualism? #et_culture #culture #et_twitter

@TwitterWrite @EntertainThese @EntertainThose

#onymous #et_lit #et_write #et_read #tws_lit #tws_write #tws_read #et_patreon #lwo_think #tws_think



Which came first: Karma or nirvana? #et_sequencing #et_scribbles #et_notes #et_think



@EntertainThis_O @EntertainThat











#MerchMadness continues until April’s Fools Day!


Discount code “#EntertainThis


#et_discount_MerchMadness #et_discount




For two more weeks

#Et_shop #tws_store




Don’t forget to check out @Gapminder’s super cool “Worldview Upgrader” https://upgrader.gapminder.org



Lay out all of the taboos…

Let’s choose which ones we can cut through and which we ought not ?




I believe that games should try to be available on both PlayStation & Xboxs…

Why am I wrong?

 Let me know in the comments.



I have to get my approval. #motivation



Time spilt @TWSPublish



If you disagree with @jordanbpeterson, what are the chances that he calls you “bucko” in the next couple minutes? #TwitterVote

@TwitterComms #TwitterPolls #Et_TwitterPolls #Et_2048 #ET_vote #ET2048Vote #ET2048Election @ET_LWO #et_times #et_election #usa2024election #USA_Elections


Working on a book & coming out with one are two different things.



Scenario: “There is incentive to confuse.”


 What are you doing?

Create demand with stocked supply? #explicitivity @TwitterWrite #IndustryLust



People who retweet me aren’t doing it for attention ?



I love the sound of a rainfall creek.



What challenges do you want?



What are the downsides of live-streaming Supreme Court hearings? #SplittingTheJury #levels #sociology @YouTube @TwitterTV #Broadcast



To those in media that make their money #strawmanning: do you consider yourself an entertainer or an educator?


#AllDueDisrespect #RespectWhereItsDue #Steelman #USA2024Strawmen #USA2024Steelmen #USA2048Election #USA2024 #USA2048 @USA2048 @USA2048Election


@EntertainThese @EntertainThose



Entertainers can be impatient about repeating themselves, but Educators are dispassionate. Entertainers are allowed to educate, BUT they fall-short of the “Educator” title. #competence #standards #scholarship

Disclaimer: educators ARE allowed to be entertaining #confidence



If you were a scorpion, then might it be responsible to be avoiding frogs… rather than preying upon them…

••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •••••

What kind of scorpion to be… #Power @ET_LWO


I actually have been asking similar questions about the #HaloEffect recently…


Speaking of, ought we exercise caution with what we #CulturallyPedestalize with respect to the #HaloEffect?

Does this apply to other cognitive-biases as well?


Is the “Halo Effect” an example of a #CognitiveBias that is nurtured? Can it be? #NatureNurture #BioPsychoSocial



Does the scorpion have to doom the frog in order to survive or is it spiteful?


Did this story inspire the tale of the fox & the Gingerbread Man?



Where does being mad at traffic get you? @ETdotSTORE

Who really drives one’s self crazy? @Honda



Hard to be blind to your own placebos, right?



Some might argue that choosing not to believe is as much of a choice as choosing to believe.



What’s the difference between seemingly-innocuous disparity and revelation?



Zero assertiveness doesn’t sound optimal or healthy (or safe, really) by my estimation..


Risk for being 100% passive or 100% aggressive seems too steep for me.


Balancing between assertiveness, passivity, & aggression is a problem that isn’t going away. #SocialPsych


Is assertiveness more of an art or a science? Or is it somewhere in the middle like comedy?



Making music helped me bring some under the surface stuff to light, {#Consciousness} rather than repressing or suppressing

Kind of the same story with designing/writing

@Canva @ScforArtists

@AppleBooks @AmazonKDP

Kinda #GoodGrief


#Comedy #YesAnd

With stand-up comedy you can bring in a plan for couching or talking things back at certain points you might make, but with improvisation the comedian is on the “edge-of-the-stage” with the crowd “of-their-seats”.


Like, “Where is this going ?” @NetlfixisaJoke


I know I’ve heard that the most “important thing is whether or not it’s funny”, but if you did care about the precision of your speech these differences seem important to me.


Simultaneously, some stand-up comedy is meant to be wholly offensive… And people laugh… And how weird is it to lie to yourself about what you want to laugh at?

Maybe it is weird to laugh at certain things and maybe it’s weird to orient our jokes toward a specific audience…




But again, is it funny? And if it’s not funny to someone, does that just mean that they’re not part of the audience/patronage?


What does answering these questions look like from the moral-psychology lens? @JonHaidt


How does that compare/contrast with a comedian like @JerrySeinfeld? @SeinfeldTV



The anthropological history of underground cities/societies makes Plato’s allegory of the cave that much more interesting. #philosophy

I know there were many coastal cave peoples and that it is an allegory (not literal), but I can’t help but find it more interesting nonetheless.



I have tried to have a healthy fear of narcissism throughout this process of creating a platform. I wonder what the consequences are of being too anxious of narcissistic behavior… Utter passivity… Fear of confidence? Fear of competence?


#ProductOfYourEnvironment #Environment #YourEnvironment #Interpretations #InterpretiveConsequentiality #AdaptiveInterpretation #MaladaptiveInterpretation


Is there a way to quantitatively determine whether an interpretation is adaptive or maladaptive? Or doomed to qualitative data?



The puzzle has become a new #SymbolicApparatus for me.


New year, old me, new puzzle pieces, old canvases

#WorldView #PerspectivePuzzle #reality #ObjectivePuzzles #SubjectivePaintings


Though some paintings strive to be objective, puzzles have a definite order to them (both with many different paths, but the latter finitely).


What if you painted your relationships in your mind? What if you did it on a canvas?

Is your painting one piece of that relationship-puzzle?


Maybe you can’t do anything about the way a puzzle is made… maybe you should also paint.


You can pick up and put down the puzzle pieces, doesn’t all have to be done at once. You also don’t have to rush a painting.



Is #CoText a word for a given potential misinterpretive-possibility (independent upon intention or plausibility) within a given sentence/statement/speech/etc.? #language #grammar #definition


Like #subtext, but not necessarily “subbed” by the speaker… More like a projection if the speaker/messenger minimized misinterpretive-plausibility…


How do we objectively determine that with fairness & responsibility

? Would it possible to quantify misinterpretive-plausibility?

Would it even be desirable?









Who gets paid the sales tax when you turn #lemons into lemonade?

Seems like a racket to have to get a license for that.

You get taxed to sell #lemonade out of lemons, but you can still give it away if your goal was simply to make lemonade.



Was Ryuk a good or a bad Shinigami? #Deathnote #Anime

@Netflix @Hulu




Users may be posting pictures or making a podcast, but seems like all deep-fakes should be illegal unless licensed #Piracy #ModernMedia #Tech #VocalDeepfake #FacialDeepfake #VideoDeepfake


What would the licensing restrictions be?


#CreativeCommons for data from social-media?


@Twitter @instagram

@facebook @tiktok_us @YouTube



Calling a 5k a #marathon doesn’t make it so.



What security-clearance do taxpayers have?




Are all zombies controlled by fungus? @PaulStamets

#TheLastOfUs  @hbomax @TwitterTV



Can foreign currencies be #PumpAndDump’d as easily as #crypto?

@RobinhoodApp @WSBChairman

@WSJ @Official_WSB @GSWReddit @Reddit

@TwitterBusiness @TwitterBizJP

@NYSE @AMCTheatres @GameStop @TheEconomist

@HooverInst @economics @WSJecon @SIEPR

@wef @BW @business @EconomicTimes




We could actually make your own collection just for you if you wanted to get involved @ETdotSTORE #ET_collections

@Shopify @EntertainThis_O

Or just feature your product with the annual collections…





Writing about @KingJames:

Wild that this man’s passing might be his greatest skill.



How did Zoolander not win an Oscar?

@DietCoke @TwitterMktg @BenStiller



Is it possible that by attempting to positively-punish someone (by naming them), we might reinforce with that individualized attention? #embolden


Is anonymity sometimes better if attention is the goal motivating the undesirable (whatever that may mean in good-faith) behavior in the first place? #copycat



Wouldn’t it be sub-optimal if everyone in a culture/group had the same personality or role?


There very well may be exceptions (open to hearing any offered), but they weren’t jumping out to me readily.





1. Careful accusing someone of Wrongthink

2. Careful committing Wrongthink

3. Don’t dehumanize anyone

4. Careful committing Wrongthink

5. Don’t get accused of Wrongthink

6. Don’t get dehumanized

7. Careful committing wrongthink


If people know that wrongthink is used as a pseudo-justification for dehumanization, then why would they support a dogmatic-orthodoxy that normalizes such antisocially-hegemonic rule?


Is #Wrongthink a dogmatic phenomenon?


Had a pretty tough time with this one… Open to suggestions, thoughts, etc.





How many businesses are still alive because consumers’ attention-spans allow/ed them to be?



Symbiotic ideologies are natural allies, but we’ve seen #UnholyAlliances before. #history



When will wisdom be concept-crept into having a negative-connotation (permitting dismissiveness)? #linguistics #LanguageBarriers #AttentionSpan


“Words make messes”

Use your words, don’t let your words use you.

#InterpersonalSchematicPickup #conflict



Can a culture shape personalities more than we previously thought? #traits #anxiety #neuroplasticity






Do major political parties pick whose campaign they’re funding elections ahead of time?

@CAL_Matters @USA2048Election

@TWSPublish @TwitterGov

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose


@EntertainThis_O replied:

What if both of the major parties are willing to back the same candidate?



Are there more/less desirable elections to win?


Might a bipartisan system incentivize one party to saddle the other party with the issues/problems more likely to inspire public ire?

F/u: Does it?



We tend to over-value the #ExplanatoryWeight of disposition in our everyday irritation/frustration. #FAE #FundamentalAttributionError Does a culture socially-engineer into this bias or does it explicitize it in order to reduce its #diffusion/dissipation?


It may not behoove one to provide dispositional-distractions/distractors if one wishes to avoid the proliferation of a minefield or seemingly-warranted context-deflection.





#ET_Times #ConsiderThis #ConsiderThat

#ConsiderThese #ConsiderThose #ConsiderWhat #ConsiderWho


@EntertainThis_O @EntertainThat

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose




I get more excited about buying a new website than any clothing… #ngl #fashion

@GoDaddy @squarespace

#domains #assets


@ETdotSTORE @TWSPublish


By the time it is established that a DdoS was unwarranted/unconstitutional, the damage can already have been done.

What do we need to ask in order to surmise whether or not such damage as actually likely/probable?

@Verizon @Tmobile @ATT


Similarly, what do we need to ask in order to determine whether or not such #DdoS were warranted/constitutional in the first place?



Socially-pressuring narcissistic preoccupations creates a narcissistic culture.


In a narcissistic culture, who is rejected?

Who is being pressured into therapy via scapegoating, gaslighting, etc?



Can an organization be diagnosed w/ a personality disorder?




To avoid a landmine is to remove all misinterpretational plausibility, allowing zero seemingly justified positions/arguments to be plausibly attributed to the speaker/writer (clarifying situation/context while implicitly reducing dispositional leaking).

Notably: this explicitivity is not necessarily tied to a reduction of bias.



When a culture indulges in the fundamental attribution error, do we lose the shared/normalized sense of collective efficacy with regard to adapting our dispositions?



If we’re playing a game together and people who are not playing the game (anonymous) regulate players or suggest rules, then it would be wise to consider them critically (rather than dismissing), but it is also worth noting that they are not playing the same game.


The anonymous are not regulated by the players that they regulate and they do not have to adhere to the rules they suggest.


That doesn’t sound like checked power.


We run the risk of a rigged game the more we empower the anonymous. #bots #FakeClout #FakeAccounts @Meta @verified @YouTube @FCC @stanfordio @pewinternet @Google


Even if one believes in the value of anonymity, other players can bribe, coerce, collude, and conspire with the anonymous.



An anti-fragile approach to thinking might be more valuable than a collective illusion of feeling safer by walking on eggshells.

It would be ironic if we chose the latter at the behest of the anonymous.



Is it both arrogant and ignorant to believe in an anonymous public sphere/sector?

Need we challenge ourselves by exposing ourselves?



The further you dive, the more anchors and mines you find.



@TWSPublish replies:

The further you fall into the rabbit hole, the more blinded you’ll be when you come back to the surface.



Is being a public-figure/media-personality more about merit or utility as a plant?



Some people get paid to make being irresponsible look cool (or try).



When we choose to scapegoat our parents for who and where we are, we choose to stay a crying baby in a basket floating down a river.

Could we argue with the same can be said regarding generations?


@CAL_Matters replies:




Did news/journalism become more heavily subsidized/regulated by the government after the Patriot Act?


Reply from @EtdotStore:


@Meta @Twitter

@YouTube @FoxNews


@nytimes @latimes

@mercnews @EverydaySpy

@sfchronicle @TWSPublish






Is your self worth conspiring against?



Mediation is so interesting.



Can norms be diagnosed with personality psychology?

Can norms be clinically predictive?



Who do lobbyists pledge their oaths to?

Should elected officials make oaths to corporations?


(Author’s Note: Do corporations ever take oaths?)



So many different kinds of sabres being rattled.



Loaded/loathed language

@JonHaidt @amazonbooks



Zero entitlement can’t be the answer. You ought to be disagreeable enough to stand up and claim privileges that you’ve earned (whether a given organization or system honors the promises of their meritocracy remains to be determined and hopefully acknowledged).


Reply from @TWSPublish:

And temper that disagreeability with competence/literacy/tact



Like this tweet if you paid for followers, likes, retweets, etc.



Worth explicitizing,

Worth having said/heard…



Novelty is a luxury in the same kind of way that a butterfly is a luxury.


 Productive and adaptive individual-consequential interpretations...

Something to do instead of being helplessly bored.



Semantic gymnastics are manipulative when using concept-creep to “change” definitions or when substituting words synonymously to make the same argument that has already been falsified, refuted, or otherwise discredited.



Ukraine-Russia grain?




Does context matter?

Does it always matter?

Does it never matter?

Does it only matter when it supports your argument/position?



Is culture a stronger predictor than class and/or race (in terms of literacy for example)? #Ethnicity #Class #Race #Culture #SocialScience


Prejudice is ignorant.


Our choice of social-instruments inform the accuracy and precision of our arguments/conclusions.


Which systemic questions are best answered by race?



Replying to @USA2048Election’s:

“Identity confabulation Is it possible that prefrontal abnormality/reward-system dysregulation feeds into a vicious-cycle of identity confabulation?

For the sake of egotistical consistency…

Motivated reasoning/forgetfulness”



The need for consistency makes outsourcing of identity into a tribe convenient, less work/cognitive distress Outsourcing of informational responsibility Reduction of conclusions to “opinions”


@LWOtteson replies:

Does politically polarized gaslighting model oppositionally-defiant behaviors/symptoms? Egotistical-defiance syndrome?



Inhumane/antisocial/Machiavellian communication/politics …


Egotistical manipulation, informational omission, appeals to ignorance, utilization of logical fallacies to garner re-election…


Malicious manipulation..





@CAL_Matters responds:

Politicians are supposed to be vying for votes (at most), not leveraging personality and group-identity for the purpose of securing their own financial future above the needs of those they’ve pledged to serve.


@EntertainThat replies:

Its selfish, not spiteful… The citizens’ tolerance for pandering enables the politicians to continue benefitting. When a population stops permitting pandering from their “leaders,” then at least their motivations are isolated.


A selfishly-motivated “leader” is not a Leader, by definition.


@EntertainThis_O chimes in:

There is likely incentive to attempt to convince constituents that their interests are the same as that selfish leader. Then we must ask ourselves if we are being manipulated or not.

Do these leaders proposed means truly lend themselves toward mutually shared ends?





If the proposed means don’t, then were their interests shared/equal/the same? They shared the means, but don’t share the ends. Who bears the weight of the consequences? A “leader” or their followers?


@EntertainThese closes:

If their interests/ideal-ends do happen to align, then we must ask whether or not the same level of risk is being taken through the means to the ends.

Are they motivated by selfish-interests or by leadership?



What happens with the complete absence of in-group criticism?

@JonHaidt @jordanbpeterson

@parler_app #GroupThink #OutGroupHostility #Tribalism #LogicalFallacies #NoEchoChambers @realDailyWire @CNN @Meta

@FoxNews @Twitter @Ground_app @Gapminder

@Google @HooverInst



What/who is to be disgraced if the norms are ignominious?




How can something be voluntary without informed-consent?

Coercive consent precedes involuntary agreement. Someone is being manipulated into agreeing to something different than what they think they’re agreeing to.



Should marijuana and psilocybin be schedule 1? Would research be easier if they weren’t?

@michaelpollan @PaulStamets @BetoORourke

@GavinNewsom @nyuniversity

@ucsc @hubermanlab


(Author’s Note: Or do grants have to be gate-kept in favor of patent-poaching?



Scapegoating and gaslighting can become norms where accountability and reputation are sold out in favor of egotistical consistency &narcissistic status-maintenance.

Correcting one’s behavior isn’t necessary when responsibility can be deflected. #CognitiveDissonance


@LWOtteson replies:

Dunning-Kreuger’s false-summit can become home for everyone if we allow ourselves to be led by the temptation to play the blame-game rather than address our own dysfunctional behavior/incompetence/ignorance.


@EtdotStore with the mic-drop:

#Culture #ValueSystems #MacroAnalysis



Our harmless opinions/indefensible conclusions/cognitive distortions embed themselves into our worldviews. Our perspectives can become separated from reality. The more we permit ignorance for the sake of being cool… the more we promote division.. cognitively, socially.



The more a culture allows distorted senses of reality to permeate into a given culture, the greater the number of realities we permit to exist as part of our norm… the more we divide ourselves… the more we all run on our own simulations rather than optimizing the one we share..


If operating under the aforementioned premises, it would still behoove us to agree on the laws and facts of our “simulation.”


Sensationalism, tactical omission of detail, white lies, pandering… alternate realities..


Simulation dissonance…

Cultural dissonance…



Refute arguments again.



















#Proactive #Election2024 #2048Diplomacy #Ambassador2048 #Election2032 #Election2040 #2048Election



Standard of living



I’m still worried about deep-fake tech.



A stranger can be a book in a library.


#LibraryMode #ModesOfPerception


#MuseumMode #GalleryMode #FirstPersonMode ##RunDiagnostics



@ET_Times @TWSPublish




psychologically distancing from violence is incredibly dangerous.


Dehumanization is always just one generation away.



People will say you were given everything.


People will say you did everything on your own.


People say all kinds of stuff.



lo que tu digas



It is the #AgeOfDisruption as much as we allow our reading/writing populace to be illiterate... but we cannot make one drink from a well (let alone many).



#SpamCloutAccounts help disinformation go ‘round.



fake clout. That is the issue at hand. And #verification is dependent upon, partially, followers counts. So, a pathological gatekeeping of ethos exist..

The bought follower—counts give fake-credibility ..


(Author’s Note: halo-effect, false-idolatry & celebritization)



Stop taking your adult children’s mental-health for granted.


(Author’s Note: Might it behoove us to strive to avoid taking mental-health for granted, in general?)



Life is @TooShort to live like it isn’t yours.

#EntertainThis $TWSP









Could Eritrea, Tigray, and South Sudan mediate the border disputes?

Or is disinterested/impartial diplomatic intervention desired?



“Just another *#InsertBait #Devil” #ßutr



Thinking is inherently weirder than recalling.



#allegories #caves



Beauty is not restricted to the sense of sight.



Again, with all due respect, we owe our elders more.


Their ability to trust us with delegated power and responsibility is stuck on the issue of widespread illiteracy.






Run away from knives.



Experimental seawater petrol/salinated rice seeds…


Cannot go to market before more testing! Don’t rush and roll the dice on peoples lives!


Since we’re still in trials, can we try introducing the petrol-consuming fungus to some of these relevant region’s fields? @NatGeo



What if we had the security clearance? What’s going on?



Being cautiously pessimistic enough to not be manipulated is not something we have to apologize for..



Two good teams left and right:

-A leader willing to concede executive office on each side

-Two candidates whom either party would be glad to call their leader



That’s the goal,

cross-partisan cooperation/collaboration and ethical fulfillment of oaths taken.




I loved Planet of the Apes way more than Star Wars

@joeroganhq @Disney

@joerogan @carlosmencia

@TraderJoesUnion @michaelpollan @bradybrand @LAClippers

@justinbieber @brysontiller

sorry not sorry


@andyserkis @TolkienSociety



I wonder if both parties have ever wanted to nominate the same candidate?

@USA2048Election @LWOtteson @JonHaidt



#DefenseProvocation #LoadedLanguage #biases #fallacy #et_comm



Tweet this

Tweet that

Tweet these

Tweet those



Could Tyr pick up Fenrir?

What about Thor?

#et_myth #et_lit



Wait… so, is that huge investment in the IRS supposed to help more people legally-immigrate?







“Let that sink in.” #anchors



What is not worth sinking teeth into? #Anchors



Replying to @StefonDiggs’ “Everybody not going like you… And that’s ok”:


What they do to someone they don’t like is an entirely-other matter. What is tolerated? How much psychological-distance they’ve built between themselves & people they “don’t like”…



Corgi: Y’all started from the bottom and left. I was born here. I will die here.

#et_drama #et_workshop



I want








and the squad to get their bread, get that…



We all just wish we were sticking together like the culture that brought about those dynasty omens. #et_sports



Fake Cult-Lord:

Some churches probably have been more responsible with their voluntary-taxes (the donations) than some governments.


Some governments may have been more responsible (with their mandatory-taxes) than some governments (with their donations).






“Pence will be the most important endorsement of the primary. And it’s very complicated how it might play out.”



“If enough people say that, does that make it true?”



“The color of one’s tie isn’t supposed to be warpaint…

#OathMeal #QuakerOaths #OathMilk #et_culture #precedentialPardon



In response to @Doritos” “Something’s popping”:


What is it, @JackHarlow?



I wanna take a dive into the evolution of hands


#et_anthropology #et_primatology #et_zoology #mammalia


Gotta check out “Chimp Empire” on


too!! @TwitterMktg


Danke God para #evolushion! #Skal #plost


Healthy interfaith debate needs to be modeled. Less modeled when ideologies substitute for faith, worse for intercultural familiarity. Our inter-ideological discourse needs-improvement…


@EntertainThat reply:

“If given a particular ideological-landscape, who is arguing that the outcomes are determined based on the particularities? #deterministix #reductivision #et_times



Are those “realm-tears” glimpses into the past? In the hopes of altering the future.. #odin #myth


Don’t know, don’t have #Ragnarok @TwitterGaming








“There should be badges on influencer profiles if they’re paid by a political campaign or campaign affiliated committee”



“Or federally-subsidized?”



Makes fonts great again!







“Drones are attacking Russia. US taxes are funding this war. Nothing to see here. Enjoy TikTok.”






President Biden @POTUS:

“I strongly urge both chambers to pass our bipartisan budget agreement. Let’s keep moving forward on meeting our obligations and building the strongest economy in the history of the world.”



Is this the same as “highly encouraged?”





Imagine Dark Brandon has everyone who didn’t obey running a 5k at 430AM


















Fake Psychic: There is no way that operators are being trained via social-networking applications.

#et_fake #et_workshop #shamanism


@ETdotStore reply:





“I wish people took more charitable interpretations of tweets. That said, sorry for being ineloquent or saying dumb or over-simplistic things on here sometimes. I'll work hard to get better. PS: I prefer long-form podcasts for exploring ideas with rigor and nuance.”



I wish people afforded others charitable interpretations in real-life…





“As much as reasonably achievable…”




“People don’t think for themselves because it’s a lot less work to copy someone else’s opinion.”



#CognitiveDissonance #101_Psyc #LWO_Ed #LWO_Ed_ #LWO_Ed_Psyc #LWO_Ed_Psyc_101 #101_Twitter #X_Education #X_Accreditation #101_Accreditation #Edu_Twitter

Interesting way to put that, Mr. Hormozi.







You give me those horns, I’ve earned them!

#SymbolicMarkers #ET_Workshop #ET_Literature #ET_Fake







What are some differences between Karl Marx and Robin Hood?







#et_think #et_workshop @TwitterWrite



If you’re going to effectively filter out the unfair criticism, then you might end up throwing-away some value.







“Looking to hire a VP of Witchcraft & Propaganda”



“Hi Mr. Musk! I can walk & talk. I can handle a lunch-meeting. Lo que te quieres.


If you’re in the #BayArea, I would love to discuss this at greater length. Should we do an interview live on @TwitterSpaces?




Very respectfully,






Thank you to all friends and family that have been kind enough to allow my shedding of delusive-anchors.

#SupportMatters #ThisSupport #ThatSupport #et_sports





Is “getting to the bottom of it” about rabbit-holes or pigeon-holes?

#AboveTheSurface #BelowTheSurface

#cal_curriculi #et_caligulag

#ClichéThis #ClichéThat #ThisCliché #ThatCliché

#ClichésMatter #AllLiesMatter




If you say that you “don’t want to be an asset”, then there’s nothing left but liability on their end.




#Beef #et_1984 #et_anachronousness


#ET_Myth #Fiction #LWO_Workshop #ET_Fake



How much of your philosophy lends itself toward snake-oil production?



Men and women tend to cope with grief differently. Men get more angry and women get more depressed. #lwo_101 #Psychology #Cardiology #InterdisciplinaryResearch #CrossDisciplinaryCollaboration




#BluffYourself #BluffOff #BluffYou







Dang, #English is cray






#BeniNorms #MalNorms



#MalTrends #BeniTrends






#CovertSubsidization ?







“We support any graduate who wants to attend sandwich art school.”



I think I want to be a viarum-factorem, but good to know! <3



We are supposed to feed our kids now and be friends later, but that’s when faced with mutual-exclusivity. If we can afford to do both, then that’s awesome.


@TWSPublish’s reply:

I like the #MacroNotion that we should always be too busy to fight. #NoMacronOcean #NoMacronSea



#MicroNotion #MacroNesian #MicralAggressory #MacricAggression












Poly v Indo ? A regionic linguistal-dilemma…

#WhereTheyMaybe #UsVersusThemSyndrome




















@ET_Times’ reply:

#Rexinique #XeresOfInfluence




Type PRIME without looking at your keyboard







Batman is more about the difficulty of non-lethal real-world Ops & the disincentives of painful weaponry than bat-manure. If nitrogen is a concern with Amazonian-guano, then we need to look at alternatives.


If gene-editing is going to be an issue, make a confession and do your Hail Marys.

We can’t poison #Brazil with nitrogen.














Be loyal to something, no?






Is @joerogan joining  @CNNplus?



If you call anyone who disrupts the status quo a #grifter, then when do we call you? #StaticQuo





Why would we need @neuralinkif there was already sufficient brain-wave mil-tech?










If you can already drive a sleeper-cell to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia, why the continued research and development??

Budgetary indiscretion?



How much of R & D can be described as #Trojic?

#PseudoDevelopment #PseudoResearch

Plausible deniability for grant restriction and progress hindering?

Got to get that split-pay on that patent, right?


Why stop there? Pharmaceuticals are very profitable …


#PatentThis #PatentThat

#GrantThese #GrantThose

#ResearchThis #DevelopThat

#ResearchThese #DevelopThose

#DevelopThis #ResearchThat

#DevelopThese #ResearchThose






Every realm is alike w/ #bigotry (not #BigTree)

If you don’t have bigots today, that doesn’t mean anchors and plants won’t bring you some tomorrow.

#ThisBait #ThatBait #BaitThis #BaitThat


Seeing someone being gullible/agreeable enough is like chum to a shark.



Sharks sew bigotry. It has always been easier to hunt #strays.




“They aren’t experts, they’re authoritarians.”



“So, expertise can be bought/sold too? Uh oh”












What will it take for shares of @Twitter to go to public again?



























Give your #Handlers options.



#handlers #_handlers #handles



Has all of this already happened?

#et_steps #et_chips #et_history #et_fix #et_workshop


Author’s Note:

Is “déjà vu” some ancestral spirit stuff (like, past lives)?



#Blancos #Broncos





Check for hidden #RedChips and #BlueChips in #DenverBancos.


Did I just earn the salary of 80,000 IRS agents ? #et_2023 #et_trans #et_com













@CAL_Matters @USA2048Election


@EntertainThat #et_levels


Does it matter if you’re a white intellectual or a black intellectual?

There’s gonna be a lobby somewhere that’s mad that you’re not conforming, either way. #et_ties #et_chips #Social_Instrumentism #et_levels



#VersusMode #Version



I’m a #BlackSwan.



#UpTalk & #VocalFry are #TribalMarkers.

#SymbolicMarkers #ET_Ties #ET_Chips



Being a scribe means:

-Bad posture


-Everybody thinks you don’t do shit.

-What else? #et_scri #et_times



Have we overcorrected into thinking that writers are no longer of value? Be careful conditioning a culture to be disgusted when it sees excellence… Maybe don’t see it that way??

#et_maybe #et_culture


They would only think that you’re not doing shit if they’re:


A. Not paying attention.


B. Don’t believe in you (no matter how hard you might be working).


C. They did pay attention and they don’t understand.


D. They did pay attention, but don’t understand (and don’t afford doubt-benefit).


E. They did pay attention, but don’t understand (and afford doubt-benefit). What did I miss?


Does any of that change what’s already been done (#WhatTheyThink)?

#et_ins #ET_Outs #NoFixedHistory



My herd flocks.

#et_flock #et_shep



Satan said that halos had become more vanity than beauty.

Did Jesus teach you about this?

What about his #ghostwriters?

#et_ghost #et_workshop #et_fixion


Did Jesus teach about his exceptionality/uniqueness/specialness/perfection?

If not, then some #scriptiveTranscriptions looks mighty #sus.


#et_sus #et_trans #et_fix


#ThisSlang #ThatSlang #et_lit



Bloody-glaciers, Scooby!









What is a mention-by-proxy?

Like a #SubTweet?

#et_sub #et_super #et_pro #tws_twitter $LWO_•#EntertainThis



People who only have vanity will hate you for your beauty.






“Artificial intelligence? Call me when there’s artificial wisdom.”



Something that looks like it will come first.”



#AllSchema #NoSyntax#BuildingBlocks





#SubjectiveValue #et_values #EyeOfTheBeholder #et_layers #et_filters #BeautyMode #GalleryMode #EmpathyMode #MuseumMode

Some of the beauty is coming from the painting and some of the beauty is coming from you.

 The butterfly is beautiful whether you choose to appreciate it or not.



I think the whole alpha/beta/whatever-thing is as-situational as the situational-necessity for feminine/masculine-behavior.

Inspired by an #AlphaFemale in the new #BlackMirror season

@netflix @TwitterTV #AF_Twitter #AnalogicalReasoning #GenderRoles



Level 1 can’t help Level 2 get there if they make themselves sick empathizing with 8 billion people per second, seven days per week, four weeks month, et cetera, ad nausea.

#et_syntax #et_schemas #et_algebra


#et_levels #et_class






Do we have enough raw materials for 10 or 11 billion smartphones?

Just curious…

Would we need to extract resources from extraterrestrial objects? #et_com #et_trade #et_market #et_world #et_net #et_web





I renewed my FAFSA today in less than 10 minutes.



Freya would have let everyone die for Baldur, but he would have died anyway. Freya might have actually told Loki about the mistletoe if he was able to convince her to see his vision. She may not have known about Œdin’s spell. He may have bought her faith with that news.


He might have needed her to save Tyr, too. #et_myth #et_workshop #et_fix




The fool affords others the luxury of not having to lose face for asking questions that they have not answered, but the fool providing the question enables such bullshit. The asshole tells the fool that they don’t believe they’ll call the bluff. The fool has a choice.


Let this dickhead ruin it for everyone or do the right thing.

There is no such thing as #utopia.

Parasitic behavior is another real-world constraint to consider.

We have to regulate around that as much as we permit it.


I suspect we’ll permit it as long as “we” profit from it.





So that other questions may be asked ..



One memory can have how many lives?




Respecting an audience is realizing that they’re spending their short-term memory on you.




Some users add value to the platform w/o verification,





#et_values #et_will








It took some hours of #AC_Chronicles for me to become conscious of the fact that I would protect Putin‘s daughter from fascism & tyranny in all forms (if that were my story).









#WION_Twitter @TwitterWrite #WastedImagination #WastedPotential #ET_Waste #WasteMan


Ja know?


Were all 26 alphabetical letters developed at the same time or was there more of a process? #et_etymology #et_epistemology



The computers aren’t going to quit.

Why should I?



Closed Captions need punctuation. #PunctuationMatters


We need more punctuation in Hollywood. #SomaticMatters (semiotic?)







“The world will pay you more in the short term to lie, but more in the long term to tell the truth.”



“Few things in life are guaranteed.”



Is it possible to decrease risk for one group without increasing risk for another group? #PerceivedRisk #RealRisk




Should we be apologists about cheating or standardize honest/communication? What are the effects on our population thus far?










Is honor-without-pride anything more than a lie? #et_culture



Roads that transfer heat (not photovoltaic cells) to batteries ? Could the kinetic force maybe be corralled as well? #et_tech #et_think


Just having a hard time coming up with the pitch to lay blacktop asphalt all over the planet and make it hot as balls (like it is here today in Gilroy today). Back to you guys






#FakeSage: What would it have meant for Sisyphus to have “died on the hill”?


#et_myth #et_workshop


#FakePupil: Why did Loki trick Sisyphus?

#FakeSage: He saved him from hell.

#FakeLoki (quietly entering the chamber): Who romanticizes rolling a rock up a hill for eternity?





What is it to

“know where someone is coming from”

if not





Comedy/debate together in one show?

Learning won’t be tragic.






#Fediverse platforms?






Weird answer to a crazy question: Expialidociously supercalifragilistic. #et_trivia



How can it be that not looking diverse enough is sufficient reason to discredit the validity of someone’s arguments (in science/philosophy/politics/etc.)? #et_culture



It is more tempting to be fatalistic about market determinism if you don’t have a cohesive culture (meaning that it’s more tempting and perhaps more permissive to scapegoat & play the blame game).

That’s interesting, but honking about the social-costs regarding cognition …


Social imposition is as checked & balanced as business, right?


Fatalism, determinism, and reductivism are their own dark triad (albeit moreso at the cognitive level and within the general population).


So: as-dangerous-as-we-are-illiterate… fantastic!

#EffectiveLiteracy #FunctionalLiteracy



Markets are regulated, why all the doomsday pessimism?


If you’re manipulating the citizenry, I could see how this could be an issue.


Would Machiavelli have wanted his peasants troubling themselves with books and classes (or Odin, for that matter)?



What potential maladaptive/collective-consequentiality lies ahead of personality-pandering politics?



Can somebody be reborn without dying first? #Transcendence #et_trans

What mythology/lore does a #Phoenix come from?

How can someone adequately value rebirth if they can’t appraise death?




My pronouns are #This, #That, and #These.

#MyPronouns #ET_Trans







Analogous/Motivated/parallel reasoning ?



What percentage of their week do heroes spend thinking about villainy?



Is India going to take part in the tech boom of Denmark?





The neverbloom-caterpillar would rather die comfortably then go through growing pains.



Why is genitalia a marker of diversity?

How is who someone is fucking supposed to indicate what relevant skills, experience, and aptitude that person is bringing to someone else’s table? #dei_EntertainThis


What kind of weird person let’s ANYONE have a seat at their table?

Look, maybe that’s somebody’s idea of having a good time…

Maybe somebody thinks that that will afford them salvation from rapture…


You don’t pick up ANY hitchhiker out of some weird principle, do you?


Y’all really actin’ like Nelly out here with these bandaid solutions!




The incentive to gerrymander & gentrification



How much of pre-modern psychological-warfare sought to subliminalize the foreign-exchange market?

#CurrentEvents #Currency #et_mkt #subliminalizeThis #subliminalizeThat #subliminalizeThese #subliminalizeThose #et_comm


#subliminalism #SubliminicSyndrome



Can a hypothesis be worth more than two cents?


What is a framework worth?






Miss Communicative



Economy and culture?



What could those things possibly have anything to do with each other?



Y’all Cinderella w/ how y’all like to forget about shoes that fit…



I just don’t understand why people are willing to die on hills for talking-heads that are incentivized to keep their constituents illiterate with gerrymandering.

Blue chips, red chips, red ties, blue ties Lobbies, hobbies…


Is our culture the result of a mutual pursuit of self destruction?

Who convinced the American people that that was in their best interest ?

Is our culture the result of a populace that outsources it’s critical thought to logical-fallacy/fantasy/delusion/cognitive-distortion/precarious-philosophy?

We are sorely mistaken if we’re confusing weakness for strength at a Geopolitical level. There’s nothing cute about the most powerful country on the planet being feeble, fragile, and effectively-illiterate.

Much of the world is pessimistic in terms of their United States speculation, because they’re concerned that we will kill each other in the Civil War

or be culturally subverted & directed to some other scapegoat… (building a country of 300+ million people that are phobic of contradictory-information & cognitive-dissonance… that’s a good way to prepare, eh?

Instead of lazily demonizing a country that you didn’t bother to learn enough about to respect, can you be a part of the solution?

Can you propose solutions?

Can you be a problem solver ?

Don’t get me wrong, identifying problems is essential.

Putting yourself through the trouble of understanding, the problem gives you the chance to discover something worth sharing.

You don’t have to be arrogant to give some thing your best shot.

How can you really take ownership over what you’re capable of doing with your moral virtue?

Ambition is not evil. EVERY expression of competence is not a perpetuation of oppression.

Your brain will be different tomorrow than it was today when you woke up.

We need to afford each other, enough grace to celebrate small-steps reliably, and as a culture.

Hype-somebody-up for something above superficiality.


Wow, there was really unbound-wisdom in the cliched-imperative to compare yourself to who you were yesterday (instead of the others). Lookey there



You don’t have to wait for something to be hyped-up to #like it.











Not everything is scalable to the macro-level and/or generalizable.

Not everything is scalable to the micro-level and/or specifically-accurate. Social-scientists work with real-world constraints too (or they should be).

What would perceive–world constraints be (other than psyops)?

Who came up with the word #Cyclops in order to lie to children about #Psyops?

Human nature is one of those things that we have to account/engineer for.

Some misinterpretations are more plausible than others.



We would all be fools to give away this country, right?



Why, then, would we suppose that nobody would act on the incentive to instill foolishness in our society? #BehavioralEconomics

There are at least 7 billion people that are poorer than you if you live in the United States. The top one percent typically lives a lifestyle that all 1 billion western/educated/industrialized/Rich/democratic cannot substainably obtain (just a side-note).

People in this country make up a third of the most western/educated/industrialized/Rich/democratic people on the planet. Are being affectively literate is one of the few things that the average American can’t afford not to do.

Telling someone else that they can afford to be effectively-illiterate is telling them that wolves will be nice to sheep (for whatever silly reason).

Not only is it individually-consequential (because you can be manipulated and personally-exploited/abused), but you also have a vote. There is a special place in hell for people who gentrify and then follow-up vote without being effectively-literate.

Talk about #GoodSamaritans

This is the vote-stealing that I’m most concerned about with this country.

Even here, though, this behavior is parasitic, but it would be of reach to assume that somebody’s disposition is parasitic without ample evidence.

Don’t impale people for being guilty of an undesirable behavior, but let it be known that they’ve been informed about standard procedures and whatnot.

We will impose social-costs for antisocial-behavior. It’s part of the #CulturalTax

 #Rituals #Traditions






How many people have chosen to talk about “they/them” instead of “us/them” with their 15 minutes of fame or whatever-platform/seat at whatever-table?

#ThisAccomplice #ThatAccomplice #TheseAccomplices

#ThoseAccomplices #PlausibleLiability

#BehavioralEconomics #Incentives #Motivation



Cross-platform verification?












Free on @LinkedIn!


#verified @LinkedInMktg @HireOnLinkedIn



Human cultures vicariously-learned intraspecially. Pretty cool (and also another reason to temper your arrogance, he he)…

(Author’s Note: Yeah, yeah, they vicariously-learned interspecially, too.)



Polling, loaded language, leading witness, suspect question-framing, biases, distortions, delusions, fantasies, willful blindness, feigned ignorance, interpretive-liability, interpretive-plausibility, plausible-deniability, plausible-liability, conscientious confusion,

Gentrified gerrymandering (vote stealing), real guano market, flu season is always worse for poor/old/young/predisposed, #SocialComorbidities, #SocialSyndromes,

Concept creep (false equivalence/conflation),

Logical fallacies

Cultural-subversion & normalization (espionage), linguistic-prevalence, maladaptive-interpretations, interpretive-consequentiality, individual/collective – consequentiality, etc.




Which political tribe is saying that we shouldn’t fight child/human trafficking? #PlausibleLiability




Let’s keep those prices organic.






Should a president be accountable for lives-lost due to closing the CDC (for example)? #PolicyLiability #PolicyAccountability





How can we objectively distinguish when that is the case?#SocialScience



U.S. deployers are still giving away their locations w/




, … Turning off your




#Geolocation isn’t enough. I’m not making a comprehensive list, but here’s some light shed on an issue that I’ve heard nobody ever discuss before.



@USA2048Election reply:

#DiplomaticImmunity #DiplomaticMunity #DiplomaticMutiny #DiplomaticImpunity



Instead of being offended by an illiterate press, maybe we should just take the layups as they come. Some things are old to us and new to others, right? (…Yes, & vice versa)

“Nothings ever promised tomorrow today.”

A reputation is supposed to be on the line if we are promised a circle-back to un-answered/acknowledged questions.

Sometimes it’s just disappointing when a platform is squandered.

“Somebody had an opportunity to say something and they did #what with it ?”

If you have something-to-say or questions-to-ask on that platform and you get weighed down by… #anything! ,,,

Here’s another great opportunity for imposter-syndrome to become part of your cognitive-diet: betraying yourself with those opportunities/platforms/moments/people.

Not everybody is contractually free enough to do the best with those platforms/opportunities, though.

#ContractualLiability #NondisclosureAgreements #Classifications #Clearances #Dossier #Folders #SecretResearch #PubliclyFundedSecretResearch #MassMedia #ModernJournalism




“You’re not supposed to get paid for an investment immediately.

That’s why it’s an ‘investment.’

So stop acting like you investing in yourself is gonna make you rich tomorrow.

It’s not day-trading, it’s your future.”



“Mass-media apologists help dissenting journalists get buried. Let’s keep being patient, though.”




What is everyone so afraid of?

Deamplification by association ?

#CostsOfInteraction #SocialCosts #Norms #Culture



When is consistency excessive?

What is extreme consistency at a non-clinical cultural-level?

#Macro #Micro


























Crony-capitalism is capitalism that is going to lose.




“What have you learned from being in this community?”



“Good people find a way to help.




Do we need a debate about whether or not neurotypical people are being exclusively targeted for manipulation?

The “value” of manipulating neurotypical & neurodiverse people is building multiple realities within a culture. #Et_Values #CulturalSubversion (Author’s Note: remember, it’s technically possible to value evil. It is able to be valued.)

They’re different targets/assets/consumers/producers.






How many of the people that said “Ukrainian refugees shouldn’t be given corridors” (out of some #dei policy about Yemen) also hung or posted the Ukrainian flag?
















Actions speak louder than words, right?

Silence is violence, right? Where is that energy when it comes to accountability for proposed policies in times of crises?

How much of #ClickbaitEconomy gets governmentally excused because shell-subsidization is effectively manipulative? Hollywood, blaming corporations is trife. All this talk about AI & robots taking your jobs… for y’all to be acting like NPCs!


Read non-fiction 1x, please!

“Wow, you’re so well-spoken.”

“Wow, you’re one of the not-evil ones (not like your parents or theirs before them).”

This country has so many internal problems. It is so far from needing to obsess about propaganda abroad. We need to become effectively-literate first. It’s unethical to be acting like we can shepherd anybody culturally (as a group).



We need to make a second Civil War in the United States absolutely ridiculous again.



Thank you, #HipHop! #X_Music #HipHop50 #ThxHipHop #X_Rap




Carlito &








#et_sports #X_LWO





If me rapping is cultural appropriation, then so is playing golf and basketball.

What’s next: numbers and alphabet belong to the past so we have to make our own every generation?

Is cultural-appropriation a psyop ?

If it were, then there would be funded/concerted efforts to shape sentiment in a desired direction.

If it isn’t stealing IP or proprietary technology, then it isn’t possessed to the extent that it could be appropriated.

What exactly do you think belongs to you?

What did you do?

We should take all of the tomatoes and potatoes back from Europe too?




Zero tolerance for plagiarism. I do understand that it is a problem when people don’t give credit where it’s due, absolutely.



It looks like the biggest flex of this century is going to be non-subsidization.

If you have gag-orders and nondisclosure agreements, why would we trust your word?

You sold it.

Same goes for the people who only became “special” after they read a folder.

Where are the diversity quotas in the NFL and the NBA?

“I want reparations for being discriminated against. My feelings are valid and I believe I would be in the NFL.”

What a weird ideology that champions logical inconsistency…

When did fourth wave feminism and white guilt become God ?

For anyone who wants to be offended by this, I would like to remind you that there were real articles about how Ukrainians shouldn’t have been helped out of a war zone because of their skin color.

What kind of message are we trying to send internationally?


How late were we to the concentration camps because of skin color (back then)?



I really don’t mean to ridiculize or strawman.

Feel free to add context in the thread.

Disagree with me.

Make it make sense.

Fastest nation to ever abolish slavery.

I’d rather spend my time talking about for-profit prison quotas.


Also, is it psychologically advisable to tell a child that they’re “only going to get half as far (even if they work twice as hard)”?

For whom and when??



Some kids will have to work harder, but isn’t class a better instrument to use?

Seems low resolution, but I do have an older iPhone…


The country where this speech is improper because of my melanin-levels… A nation where people are barred from conversations on the sole basis of race… Sounds like an illiterate place. That includes white liberals too. What’s the white version of the “coon-slur?? #UncleLuke?



“The dishonest anchoring tactics are one of my larger concerns about the proposal. $759 Billion makes 400 billion sound like a piece of cake, right? Generally a red-flag if somebody can’t shoot straight w/ you…



@CAL_Matters continues:

“When somebody’s trying to work you, these are typically the people that react explosively when they are called out on it. That’s an effective strategy (but only as effective as you tolerate bad faith argument).”


@EntertainThis_O continues:

What’s the alternative? Say something that you disagree with? Sorry, this is how I see it… Perspective change, but not without thinking.

Sounds more like ideological appeasement …

We’re supposed to be able to discuss …

All I ask is that you think with me before you tar & feather me…


@ET_Times rant:


A rainbow colored echo chamber is still lacking diversity.


“Sorry for defending your right to disagree.”

We are international role models.

We set precedent that other people want to be able to follow.

I’m gonna walk away from this expecting to be caricatured.

My words were chosen carefully and I believe I reduced misinterpretive-plausibility adequately.

If your reasoning is motivated, then what value do you bring as a critical thinker? #FarFromScience #FarFarAway

Are you the type to get subsidized?


@TWSPublish’s reply:

“Unfortunately, there will be foreign actors that want this to be more divisive than I believe it should be. One part of common ground is realizing that pitchforks and mob-mentality were supposed to be left in the old world.


Make it blasphemous to be so easily manipulated again.

Make literacy real again.

Make hate unprofitable again.

Be above Clickbait.

Be more than sensationalized mental-adolescents.

Make delusion ridiculous again.

Be able to debate again.

Stop supporting a system that puts status-quo above its citizens.”


Tangent from @ET_Times:

“All I have is 1 vote.

Make the numbers make sense?”



What is the flavor of the _________?



We need to tolerate logical-fallacies less (especially people who are trying to impose onto the culture).

Standards & expectations…


Cognitive-distortions are like a dark humid environment for a pathogen…

Can we consolidate reality, please?

We will speed up the death of the dollar unnecessarily. Both the East Coast and the West Coast will be pushed inland before the bubble pops and we’re forced to leave.

Oh, maybe it won’t be the wealthy .

So, who cares ?

For what?

“Shouldn’t the evil empire of the United States crumble anyhow?”

What an ungrateful thing to say …

By the way, where are you allowed to say that without reprisal?

“Poor people, go find your own country again. Bye! Hope they can defend you (but not really enough to actually stop making this scenario more likely).”

When you set the precedent to have excuses in the future, things become much more convenient for you and your whims.

Imagine leading followers to a limited future that you limited…

Quite the shepherd you are… #CliffNotes

Do you think that stirring up conflict about limited resources is cute ?

Collectively inconsequential ?

Beneficial for you, Machiavelli ?

What means for what ends?

We’re supposed to be trying to show the world that we’re literate enough to trust.

I am not willing to lie about this. That would be a betrayal to alliances and partnerships that have probably persisted longer than the United States has existed.

No thank you.

The feeble mind that conceptualized these flags as blanket-enemies ignores their own role in earning trust. Is undermining speculative-markets enough ?

Would it take a pandemic for us to pay attention for long enough to actually be literate?

On another note: other governments are also tired of us sending people who are learning on the job to the Oval Office every 4-8 years.

These poor excuses don’t do us any favors either.




Who is giving you your marching orders tomorrow?




Hot in there (lowkey), had to turn off the AC… D:




“Still haven’t heard a single decent argument against canceling student debt. It makes zero sense to force 45 million Americans back into debt.”



“What is a grifter? All press is good press.”



Make low glycemic breakfasts great again?



How much did Russia sabotage the efforts of the Allied Forces in World War II?

London, Paris, *not Italy, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo…

Who was sending all those Russians to the trenches?

Whose bottom line was the motivating source for the catalyzing proxy-wars ?

Hamburg and Saint Petersburg…

Somehow the United States is currently a “pariah” AND restraining from repossessing NATO debt…

#MakeRussiaGreatAgain #MakeChinaGreatAgain


How many states in the U.S. of A after the government buys Russia & China ? From the governments or from


? State lines go back to where they were before government appropriation (for starters)?

Not the fifty nifty anymore?

That’s gonna mess up #ThatJingle for sure…




Türkiye needs more support.



How can anyone overestimate Stephen Curry?



You get to enjoy your liquors because bootleggers weren’t bootlickers.



Why is the Federal interest rate higher for graduate and professional students than it is for undergraduate students??



Monopoly on not killing press?



Sometimes you feel like you have nobody when you’re never where you are.



Don’t be mean to the ais/bots )’:






Think twice before sending your 6th grade students into the criminal justice system.

It’s like a river that you have a choice to throw them into or not.

It’d need be dire straits… no?

#HandleAtTheLowestLevel #ChainsOfCommand #AdministrativeControls #TechnicalControls






Is #Trump #Gay?





#x_par #x_sar #x_sat #x_cap #x_com







I hope there’s some mythology in the new assassin’s creed game.

Or theology …

I want to learn more of that stuff …

#OperationCaravan #AbsterGoProductions




#SharedLiteracy #Ethnocentrism #Xenophobia #Barriers #et_culture




#X_gaming #x_workshop #x_lit



Ai is going to read alluhdiss..

@alleniverson   @chatgptaitalk   @bing   @X   @Starlink   @neuralink   @LWOtteson



Were there potatoes and tomatoes in Carthage? Rome stealing notes wasn’t quite as effective as seeds, was it?






Climate change is as-much a poverty issue as it is an environmental (unless you think that utopia exists w/o humans).

Stop telling ai that utopia can exist without us, silly-gooses. Here’s the importance of being able to articulate elegantly.

Just some more scribbles …




#AutomatingTrauma How can I reduce the amount of trauma that I’m about to take away from #this (for myself, maybe for others??)







A #zeitgeist can be built by doctors & #cultists, too.



I’m probably like the opposite of genius.








I am going to continue being aggravated if you continue to try to sell my friends and family into a delusion.

I don’t care how many checkmarks or halos are offered.

My participation does not call for the psychosomatization of my loved ones.

Hold me accountable and stop building syndromes into culture.

#PlausibleLiability #CheckTheReceipts



I have no wife and no kids.

Maybe I do want it to work out generally.

Thx for incentivizing me with my inability to feed myself with work that is clearly valuable.



What do we do about people that are smarter than me with more intent?

Give them their fill?




As far as #ModernSpyCraft goes, we should just assume that everybody knows what you’re doing.

People in the United States of America feel safe.

So, with that common denominator, why doesn’t anyone else feel safe?

Is it because of military or is it because of domestic governance?



2/day,,, There are all of these people who have much less time than me ….

(Author’s Note: Let alone every 40 seconds…)



Is there anything between amplified & deamplified?



Please specify where you are proposing policy for.

International policy can get mixed up with domestic policy, and we’d have similar problems as the general/specific misattribution problem.



If you really care about making an ass out of you & me, then:

1. be explicit

2. reduce misinterpretive plausibility

3. accept liability

4. And stop, hoping that you can get away with pandering and appealing to people’s implicit assumptions.


It isn’t fair when you’re driving the #implicitivity of the assumptions.

It is especially nefarious, actually. Is that enough for everybody to agree that fairness is a legitimate moral foundation ?

Or is that not worth listening to you because somebody that you don’t #like said it ??

Or is that a false dilemma?


Please enlighten me with the #alternativity.






Isn’t it kind of traitorous to betray the public interest of the United States in order to obtain re-election?

With the oaths, I’m not sure that we are without articulable evidence for treason…

Who wants an audit?







“Corporations that egg on reparation talks should put their money where their mouths are. Why not?

Should it be tax dollars ? No.

Should it be reserves/treasuries? Probably not.


You already know they’ll put up whatever flag you want in their profile picture.

Why the lack of assertiveness here?

Wow… #WhatLeverage



We do need to be somewhat weary of becoming too concerned with world leaders “trusting” us.

Telling us that we’re falling short (when we are not) is it going to be as effective as white guilt if we set the table for it.

“How practiced we are at becoming explosive in the face of perceived goal-interference” is going to inform what we are naïve/gullible enough to believe & chase.

It still won’t be deterministic or an all-inclusive excuse, but it is worth mentioning.










Technically, 8 billion people disagree with me and they could still be wrong. #Logic

I find that unlikely, but it is technically possible.

It is 100% impossible that the billions before us disagree with me about everything. Unfortunately, nobody seems to listen to them here.

By a show of hands who’s read more than two nonfiction books since they graduated high school ? But informational synthesis is worthless ?

Trying to help people stop outsourcing their logic shouldn’t be this incentivized.

Why does it seem like encouraging critical thinking is so punishable here ?

Imagine being so stupid that you compromised our press/speech when we have a monopoly on it ?

What’s next?



How am I supposed to advocate for US financial institutions? What little experience I have includes having a distributed denial of service from


. Still have seen zero plausible liability about that … Sweep it under the rug …




If the shoe fits…

Feel free to peer review ;)



This is markedly more racist than a class based policy. Interesting…

Is the Democratic Party trying to buy brown votes while telling them that they’re “coons” if they disagree ? #Optics #ET_ops



#X_Patriot #PatriotAct






Pick your excuse.

Were you too incompetent to ask the right questions or were you too scared??






Are quotas bad for traffic safety (via driver anxiety)?

Is that anxiety worse for people struggling with poverty ?

Why wouldn’t the same criticisms levied upon prison quotas apply to the rest of criminal justice? #x_aoj




No thinking. No thank you, please.

No thinking. No thank you, please.

No thinking. No thank you, please.

No thinking. No thank you, please.


An after class vibe



“Gotta take breaks”



There are mistakes that most people make & there are mistakes that most people don’t make.



Now that NCAA players get paid, will there be fines?



@YouTube view-counter now continues updating as you’re watching



As a general rule, telling someone to “stop caring” or be “less sensitive” is potentially arrogant/presumptuous and maladaptive (as a normative prescription).



That said, there are specific instances in which someone can benefit from taking a break from trying to solve a problem. But the bulk of a culture isn’t supposed to be built for exceptions … Sub-cultures help fill that void.


Regarding the maladaptive part:


A) Sometimes people are advising in such a manner with the best of intentions, but other times they just don’t want to sit with discomfort and it’s easier to dismiss somebody (even easier when you can convince them to start dismissing everything you’re uncomfortable with).


B) Potentially maladaptive at both the individual and collective level (and they are not mutually exclusive).


I think this schema is a lot closer to where “toxic masculinity” was originally of some value. I don’t want to harp on this as a male issue (because it does technically pertain to both sexes), but cultures do treat sexes differently (in one way or another).

I wonder what the costs of advising someone to “care more” or “be more sensitive” might be (or their equivalents). Haven’t we seen the effects of that at this point?

How dysfunctional could we be to be dealing with both of these problems at the same time?




#FakeBaldur was an archetypal scribe, an olive branch.

To have brought harm to him was to declare war.

Cultural exchange functioned like a treaty.

Some marriages performed similar functions. #et_fake #et_workshop #et_myth

What does the mistletoe represent, then?

The trickster-Loki archetype warns of blame deflection and rage misdirection.

Prudence of retaliation is a virtue in this sense.

I’m not sure how to consolidate this with the idea that #FakeBaldur had to be eliminated in order to to save #FakeTyr and end #Fakeœdin’s tyranny…

I suppose this is where the interpretive openness of Norse mythology comes into play. Many stories can be told, none are gospel.



the United States needs more curry in its ketchup.



Since when did everyone care so much about linguistics?

The rise in hatred of the Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew languages doesn’t make any sense to me. #ET_Trans


How many centuries have we spent killing each other over languages/lingustics?

When is enough #enough?



Tim Burton ≠ Tinbergen #et_trans



Birds being cuckolded don’t know they’re raising offspring that aren’t theirs.

Cuckoo birds knock eggs out of other birds’ nests and trick them into raising their offspring. Please leave the animals out of your fetishes.




Beaners are coffee dealers. Wow




What is an indecisive culture?



Hardy har-har



“Knock it off” is such a #Boston thing to say.



#FakeTeacher: “Is this discussion productive? If not, shepherd it.”


(Shepherding productive & constructive conversation/discussion)

#et_fiction #et_fake



Lots of homophonic names out here…



If DEI policies increase segregation, then there should be policy change right??



@YouTube view-counter now continues updating as you’re watching…




“You don’t want to sacrifice novelty out of fear/phobia of naivety or gullibility…”



“What does that say about cynicism?”


 #et_workshop #et_fake





Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  

Chapter 2




















When is resignation an obligation in public-service? #Competency #explicitization #et_q


What happens when a generation of parents is convinced to tell their kids that changing the world is a cliché joke? What happens ? #UpwardMobility #Gatekeeping #et_philosophy #cynic #nihil


Which gates are worth keeping and which gates just ruin the efficiency of business with no added security?


Do unnecessary gates add risk via waste?



Don’t want to drink from a firehose. Probably some acute stress & confusion to be expected.




Be more interested with what you’re involved in and less interested in what you’re obsessed with?



Would it be overly prideful to think one doesn’t need to continually improve? Should we link pandering with smugness reputation-costs?



Taboo who?



What is a good reason for someone to have two different stories? @KyivIndependent @BBCWorld @MoscowTimes @nytimes



You use tools that you did not make. Humble yourself or by hubris be taken.



Whether it is validation or constructive criticism, dismissing someone else’s input (as an attitude) is privy to a sort of selective blindness about self (as well as decreasing access/exposure to possibly valuable dissonant-information. #CognitiveFlexibility #CognitiveClosure





Do cognitive flexibility and cognitive closure correlate at all with openness, conscientiousness, or other personality traits?



Getting your own validation and approval is cool too though



You hear people say “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” but I’d like to extend that sentiment. Don’t ask me to lie to you either.



Should we say “stored energy” instead of “fat”?



Does 100% plausible deniability and 0% accountability sound like a healthy workplace environment?#et_union @ET_Times @TWSPublish



Good people can do great things




Ask yourself what portion of dispositional judgment sounds optimal #implicitization #implicitivity



Why have personal reasons to hope against your success? #earn When success is hard-earned, you might have to convince yourself that you deserve to succeed (in order to enforce the costs & put in the work).



Would you have done that if you were the same exact person?



Make enough progress that you’d regret having differently had your time spent. @TWSPublish @CAL_Matters @USA2048Election #et_lit #et_write #et_twitter #et_facebook #et_instagram #twitter_et



Is there ever a time where deciding not to be assertive is an adaptive-behavior? If so, when?


(Author’s note: especially adaptive at the group-level)



Something can be someone else’s fault and still be your problem (& vice versa).


My fault, your issue? Your fault, my issue? My fault, my problem? Your fault, your problem?



Would it have been better for Narcissus to have thought he was an ugly duckling instead of a swan?



How are supply-chains still being affected by this pandemic? #Logistics #et_log #shipping #handling #inspections



Platitudinal/platitudinous-aphorisms can be used alongside the fundamental attribution error #conflation Cognitive-bandwidth Norms vs Laws #et_notes





Risk is like energy. It can’t be created or destroyed, merely transformed. #et_physics #tradeoffs #et_union #et_union


A union is ideally providing greater benefit than risk-by-association. If you’re incredibly costly to interact with (or even perceived as such), then your representative-risk is unlikely to be immediately-enticing.


Union-persuasion with anything other than legitimate-benefits/agreements seems dishonest imo #et_keywords #et_vocabularic #et_vocabularial


What is the #etymology beneath “onymous”? @Dictionarycom @CambridgeWords @MacDictionary #LinguisticPrevalence



Is there a gym where you can drop your dogs off for peer-play? #et_commerce #et_mktg @TwitterBusiness


Is calling #play “voluntary” sort of redundant? #et_this_play #e_this #e_that #e_these #e_those @TwitterComms @EntertainThis_O




I put most of my money where my mouth is #tense



If everything was a revelation/realization/epiphany and everyday was a breakthrough, would we suppose that they lose value? #CounterIntuitive @TwitterWrite @EntertainThat



Guidelines might be good for anyone to outline for themselves.



Why do dogs have tails?



Gratitude > platitude



What a 365 @TWSPublish @ET_LWO @ET_Times





All time-spent is, at-minimum: a pebble. The depression of having poorly-spent your time outweighs the stress-tax of time well-spent. #resiliency #inspiration #motivation #DifferentPebbles #DifferentRocks #geology #Earth @TWSPublish @ET_Times



Sometimes it’s kinder to yourself to think in miles, sometimes minutes



What’s the difference between supporting small business and supporting non-verified accounts? #SupportSmallBusiness #SupportLocalBusiness #SmallBusiness #LocalBusiness #Verification #PayToPlay #CostOfEntry #Barriers #HaloEffect #BottomUpSolutions #TopDownInPositions


#Supply #Demand generate a problem, sell the solution #Reputation #Status #Credibility #Content #Context, #Marketing



Is “whoever smelt it dealt it” a warning about narcissists? @ComedyCentral



“Be a light” What is the alternative?



Saying that you want to be an angel is like wanting to get 100% on a test. If you’re willing to accept 60%, then you’re more likely to get an F. #demonization #angelical



Hearing a lot about how artificial intelligence is going to affect essay-writing and English in #education, but I’m not hearing much about the mathematic implications.#Academia @AppleEDU #math #steps #process #BackwardEngineering #CognitiveAtrophy #BrainDrain @bing @OpenAI #et_ai



Crazy how we can outsource our memories into #writing. #notes @Apple #technology @TwitterWrite #keywords Do we need to be careful #offloading or is that more about nothing ? @Wale @SeinfeldTV #atrophy





When you don't know anything beyond yourself, what could you think about anything or anyone else? @TwitterWrite @TWSPublish



Sometimes being different or weird is the wrong choice. Sometimes it isn’t a choice. Sometimes doing the same thing as everyone else is the wrong choice. Sometimes it is a choice.



What if competition with artificial intelligence is what it take for us to become literate?



Do you respect anyone who knows everything?



Figure out which hoops you appraise as worth jumping-through



If it is worth hearing for anyone, then it may be worth saying for some. @ET_LWO #wswh @TWSPublish


Partly-cloudy is elite weather @weatherchannel #elitism



Can a candle or an effigy be beneficially burned for someone/something? #grieving #grief #loss #coping @Apple @TMobile @EntertainThis_O #meaningmaking #creatingbutterflies #investments #CognitiveOpportunities




There are better & worse reasons to want/need #anonymity



Is a pond more competitive than a lake? #PondBrain



All shame/no honor makes for disappointed mothers, children, and fathers ?



Is it okay to follow people that you don’t 100% agree with? @TwitterBusiness @instagram @YouTube



People are acting like entomologists the way they’re buggin.



New blind date show with people who speak different languages? @YouTube @jubileemedia @TwitterMktg @ET_Times



What role did language-barriers play in 20th century geopolitics?

@duolingo @Speechify_audio @dragonanywhere @Google @Apple



Do bears act different than bulls in China shops? @WSJ #bearish #bullish

@RobinhoodApp @AMCTheatres @GameStop @cryptocom @TwitterMktg










Will @neuralink make computers? @TwitterBusiness @intel @Dell @Google @OpenAI @Sony



Do we ascribe authority to thinkers with differing accents? #HaloEffect #DispositionPresupposition

How are different accents anchored to different dispositional assumptions? [#stereotyping] #biases #issues #problems





How much is the #FundamentalAttributionError at the root of?



Proof of concept?



How many times have we seen pump-and-dumps more than in 2021?  @Bitcoin   @Dogecoinupdate @GameStop @AMCTheatres @TheEconomist @wef @EconomicTimes @TheEIU #ModernMedia @WSJopinion @Twitter Did the whales make any breaches?  @WebullGlobal @Meta @SCforArtists @Patreon @TheDailyShow






Taking how easy K-12 is for granted means having to catch up later (or staying behind). #choices #decisions



Row your boat gently down the stream if you’re tired of being a planktonic baby in a basket.



Can cellphone-charging capabilities be manually overridden?  @Huawei @Apple @SamsungMobile @Android @AppStore






#CreativeCommons @EntertainThis_O @LWOtteson @SCforArtists @TwitterMusic @TwitterBusiness @AppleMusic @spotifyartists @amazonmusic


Is “dressing broke” a difference between saving money and making money?

@Karmaloop @PLNDR @AmazonFashion @TwitterBusiness @ET_Times @HaloEffect #SelfFulfillingProphecies #SunkenCostFallacy @EntertainThat @WebullGlobal @CashApp @Venmo @TwitterCreators


Dress for your role @TwitterFashion #ET_Business?


“Dress for the job you want.”? “Look good, feel good.”?





Strive not to be beholden to anyone?

#Journalism @WSJ @gijn @ICFJ @pressfreedom @ejcnet @TWSPublish @ET_Times  @CAL_Matters @USA2048Election


Do so with caution if necessary.


Leveraging credibility and integrity should be a last resort. #Indebted #Credit



We agree with many people that we disagree with.



#Depreciation #Depedestalization



If universities are run like businesses, then don’t they have incentive to discriminate toward the most profitable students?



Food can be novelty.



Sharing one opinion with someone doesn’t mean sharing all of their other opinions




Flagging deepfakes is an important task @TwitterEng @lexfridman @Meta @Google @Apple



Sometimes what we try to control is liquid slipping through our hands.

Sometimes what we try to control is like liquid slipping through our hands.

Trying to control too much can be like trying to stop a waterfall with your hands.



Will “Do not amplify” notifications specify whether it is a corporation or government agency manipulating a user’s ability on a given platform? @Twitter @Meta @YouTube etc



If a hypothetical/counterfactual simplifies or reduces confusion, then is not also more probable/plausible?


I understand that confirmation bias, motivated reasoning, and ad hoc justifications are variables worth considering too, but don’t we have a responsibility to ask questions to hold accountable those who have the power to classify informational secrecy?


Are conspiracy theories as valuable as they are in line with Occam’s Razor? I’ve heard that incompetence is the simple retort to this line of thinking. Perhaps


How will we ever know what is misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation? #Circular


Coming to grips with accepting uncertainty can mean combatting cognitive closure/flexibility and one’s morality. To be fair, it is no little ask. #FootInTheDoor #Concessions



Is there a franchise that is like a @Starbucks (i.e. bring a laptop, meet up with friends, get some work done together) but for beer? @ModeloUSA @mcuban @richardbranson @kevinolearytv @KirinUSA @Pilsner_Urquell @LWOtteson





How useful is olfactory research? @RaytheonTech @LockheedMartin #Subliminal #ReceptorTargeting @smithsonian Can pheromones be lifted out of subliminal consciousness with tech?



Are there subliminal waves (below our auditory capacity) in our tech/apps? @dhsscitech @SpaceX If there could be, is that something that we need to prepare for? #CyOps @EverydaySpy



Could @Apple audio archives be used as evidence? @amazon @StanfordLaw #DV There is a discussion regarding warrants, but I also wonder whether customers have clearance to access their own data. Is it beneficial enough that bad actors are consistently on edge within borders?



I wish we could type the symbol for #therefore on iOS @Apple @TwitterBlue



Is foreign exchange a human right? @UN @Gapminder @Forbes @WSJ @IMFNews @wef @bricscouncil_in



Are there streaming/view farms too? @Meta @youtube @Twitter @SoundCloud @AppleMusic   @Spotify #Followers #Likes etc



Can Americans agree that the left lane is for passing? @en_germany @CA_DMV



What does it mean to value someone?



Retroactively enforced or moving forward?



Off the cars go through the green light, sailing into each of their own specific & unique lives.



Wouldn’t it be weird if you shamed somebody without knowing what they’re guilty of?



Can voices be deep-faked?



Standing in front of the mirror, ignoring yourself.

Do you have to relegate that moment to nothing or can you use it as a moment to be a friend?

Make meaning out of it or ignore the investment opportunity?


Self-talk/compassion/understanding needn’t be vain.

What did Narcissus see in his reflection? Is that enough, to just ask that question?



Conservatives and liberals are supposed to work together to gauge and appraise what level of risk is affordable. #Collaboration #Cooperation



Earned privileges are not the problem. A discriminatory process that leads to unearned privileges is an issue. Discerning the difference is a #shared cultural problem.



Do we understand cognitive dissonance well enough, from a neurophysiological standpoint, to confidently conclude that chronic confusion would reliably predict depression (via chronic stress)?



Are your proposed means going to produce your desired ends with probability? Does that culture/environment/group desire the same ends?



Maintenance of egotistical-vulnerability, for politically-convenient/reliably-predictable tribal behavior, comes at the cost of an informed Democratic-Republic (with the should-be insulting assumption that citizens need to be told what to think because they don’t know how).



What if a norm violation isn’t shameful?


Sometimes people don’t understand why an act is shameful. This is inadequate if the group goal is changed behavior/thinking. Sometimes people don’t care. They’ll be shamed more, appealing to selfish interests (to make them have to be considerate). Accountability, reputation•


Embarrassment induced shame may serve a social function, but it is theoretically possible to serve dysfunction too.

Accepting to be shameful due to sheer social-pressure (without sound reason) can mean accepting to conform to dysfunction in order to preserve social-belonging.



Disclosing the concerns for regret removes the possibility of omission. Interesting though, its being ethical to someone’s future-self. Prosocial versus antisocial consent.




Beware of those asking you to suspend your judgment in favor of theirs @KingJames

@dailywireplus @Meta @TwitterBlue



Teachers are allowed to say “Ask your parents,” right?



Sometimes individual adaptivity carries collective maladaptivity @LWOtteson



The more one lies, the further one is from getting what they want using the truth.



We do not have to have opinions on every word. What a burden that would be, ey?



A culture does not want to become so individualistic that intimacy is relegated to being between a person and their music/Podcasts/media-consumption, etc. Costs of thinking ought not be so high as to incentivize toward this shallow/artificial intimacy.


Individual costs might be easier to imagine or even recall from anecdote, but what might the macro-social consequences be for such a normativity?



A nation might not want to be so overwhelmed with nonsense that when ish gets real, everyone’s too tired to pay attention.


A nation may also want to avoid being so distracted with entertainment that any confrontation with the truth is so dramatically-overwhelming that attempting to cope with it is intolerably-uncomfortable. #Pentagon

Governments don’t aspire to have the credibility of the boy-who-cried-wolf, do they ?

If they don’t, then, how do we get casualty reports that are 1000% different from each other?


When would you want to feign weakness vs to demonstrate ANY type of dominance?




Crimea wanted/wants to be Russian? Okay. I hear that, but land (property) is supposed to be sold, not driven by flaghood.

Me moving within the US sounds more reasonable than moving to Mexico expecting everyone there to become “American.” (Even if you can work remotely & gentrify).



Even when you’re falling #et_lit #et_write #et_notes #et #et_ @EntertainThis_O



We learn what not to tolerate, not to tolerate everything.


Whole races/sexes/ethnicities/etc. cannot be pariahs. #dehumanization



How much has illegal-immigration been curbed by lower crime-rates?



Audience / culture Mob / culture Crowd / culture










Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  




Chapter 3




Would saying “male/female” instead of “man/woman” waste too many strawman talking-points?



Begging the question lets others be the lawyers for empty arguments. #vacuity #et_logic



1: A couple of sentences can burn down a straw-bridge.

2: So, what does it mean for us to have a bridge of stone? #et_write #et_workshop



Roads are better now than they ever have been.

Just believe it. @TwitterFaith#et_fig #et_faith

Roads are getting better forever. We always have to move forward.



One painter tries to paint the same image in his head 1 million times. This is his hell. Another painter tries to paint the same image in his head 1 million times. This is his heaven.



Motivating someone to find an answer to a question is reason enough for me to ask (and a small achievement every time).

You don’t have to have all the answers.



I know I have a voice.

It seems like artificial-intelligence has a voice.

How does YOUR voice sound?




Would the overjustification effect be seen in instances of parental-advocacy for entrepreneurial video-game utilization?




What is the value of the word “morbidity”?



Let us pick up pens or let the crowns bounce.




Who are the truth’s competitors?



Don’t write yourself off. #et_lit


(Author’s note: Whether that be cynicism or misinterpretive-plausibility..)



Culture regulates the lying. The Constitution protects both the the lies and the culture, corporation ≠ culture. ≈, maybe. =? No. #VennDiagram #et_lit @GCapperz



You shouldn’t have to be grandiose or antisocial to win, right? At that point, the game is not a gain (unless we want to see who seems seasoned).



Back in 1776, how many foreign governments would have been excited about the United States creating red & blue camps with arm-bands?

What about race? Was racial-polarization a goal of any of our adversaries?



Aren’t politicians supposed to be better role-models (and examples of competency, communication, collaboration, etc.) than blue and red gangs?



Does one care about somebody if they’ve written the person off before hearing them out?



“Imagine being one version of yourself for more than 5 years.” - @Pablo_Tha_Great



Dehumanizing others based on whether their favorite color is blue or red is inexcusable, negligent, and incompetent.

#et_poli #et_lit #et_think #et_human #et_social #SocialScience


Who thinks someone’s life is worth less because they don’t have the same favorite color??




Were we in heaven before we were born?



When will AI’s attention rate surpass the human subconscience? #et_



#ET_Formula #ET_Puzzles #ET_Schema #ET_Twitter #ET_ #ET_Formulas #ET_Puzzles #ET_Treasure #TreasureHunt



#Et_art #et_gallery #et_museum #et_lit #et_notes #et_ #et_scribbles #et_ink #et_times




What is a good reason for something to become less compelling?



How many things could you never do without being able to tolerate uncertainty? #Stocks #Venture #Business #Speculation #Success #Tolerance #Certainty #Resilience




I appreciate subjectivity too, but we can’t afford to forget how to pay attention to things objectively. #Scholarship #Academic #Competency #Degree


I appreciate subjectively, but I remember that I owe attention to objectivity. #debt #Paid #Outstanding #costs



With what are we too psychologically-distant? #et_relations #et_pr #et_relationships


What do we need to increase psychological-distance with? #et_edit #et_micro #et_macro #et_org #et_net #et_web



Could issues reminiscent of Cold-War Language-Barriers (or even as far back as alchemy) crop-up whilst translating my texts? #AncientEspionage #ModernClassicism



Don’t plagiarize.




Is anyone conducting covert-surveillance considered a spy?

@EverydaySpy @ET_Times

#sufficiency #necessitant @tristanharris @Huawei @tiktok_us @SocialDilemma_ @CAL_Matters @USA2048Election @EntertainThat #et_mktg



Why would one persistently view themself dispositionally (out of proportion with situational-attribution)?

Why would one choose to continue doing so?

Litany laundry-list of plausible explanations, #iSuspect #et_iSuspect #tws_lit #tws_CogPsyc #tws_twitter #twspublish #et_twitter



What if you don’t know what you think, but other people do?



When should a person cast a stone?

The stones you throw go on your scale. Doesn’t matter if it’s from stained-glass-windows or rooftop bars (though some stones are more illegal than others).


(Author’s Note: Should we carve marble instead?



#et_books #et_lit #et_write #et_read

@ET_Times @ET_LWO

#LwO_lit #LwO_books #LwO_write #lwo_read #lwo_times #lwo_et



Person C: Reframe: what do you believe is worth dying for?

Technically, you can’t know if anything is worth dying for unless you’ve died.

You could be missing variables for that formula/calculation.


(Author’s Note: What if someone argues that death is akin to our time before birth? How would one substantiate/ground this position?)



I want other people to give me a break when I won’t give myself one @KITKAT @TwitterMktg @TwitterFood





An #omen is neither good or bad, but #ominous has a #NegativeConnotation because of our #NegativityBias against #uncertainty.

We #err on the side of #caution to the point that we consider all omens suspicious.


Is it our negativity-bias or does the assertion of the negativity-bias subject us to #vulnerability in the face of linguistic-subversion?



@GNCLiveWell @DrinkOrgain @lennylarrys_s

@orangetheory @GoldsGym @PlanetFitness #GloboGym

@chrishemsworth @rickygervais @JerrySeinfeld @chrisrock

@billburr @QuestNutrition @NBCOlympics @YouTubeTV


#VocabularicSubversion #LinguisticPrevalence #VocabularicPrevalence #Vocabularial #Vocabularic #VocabularialSubversion #VocabularialPrevalence #Anchors Are we meant to hide in the nest our whole lives rather than be uncomfortable enough to branch out?


All that said, one can also be reminded of a similar omen of the past. Do some omens carry greater threats? Then certain omens can carry potential reward too, right?


Is an omen a similar apparatus to a cost-benefit or risk-reward analysis?



Is it possible to speak your piece AND hold your peace?

#HaveYourCake #EatItToo

Rhetoric & precedent complicate things. It’s like there has to be a satisfying story on top of everything else. #strategy

Commander-in-chief in the United States serves you. You don’t serve them.


(too idealistic too wonder if we can’t arrange a way to serve each other??)


@NavyExchange @OldNavy @TwitterFashion @Visa

Healthy #ForeignExchangeRates @TwitterBusiness


Tariff after the line of actual control? Immediate sanction relief? #negotiation


What if #NW_StPetersburg voluntarily raised the flag of a different government (and thus, possibly, a different nation) to secure freedoms of press & speech?

@Gapminder #FreedomOfPress #FreedomOfSpeech


@Usher should make a remake #Concessions

@TwitterMusic @HotNewHipHop


What if @realDailyWire made a movie about the future of androids?

Mans stays talking about #androids now!

@Android @Meta @YouTube @Stanford @ET_Times

Can I pose this silly question without the cost of interacting with this idea being too high? #comedy

@TwitterMovies #straw


#et_mktg #twitter_mktg #mktg_et @SamsungMobile

@MikhailaFuller #steel


Is that too large of a concession for Treaty of Versailles apologists? How is that even a concession in negotiation? That’s your own people making decisions upon their own, lawful behalf. #Usher_et @MTV @TwitterMusic


How much better will flight prices be from Kyiv than they will be from Moscow?

@Skyscanner @OpenAI #ChatGPT

@travelchannel #TwitterTravel

@lexfridman @TikTok_IN #CruisePrices

I can’t wait to be able to safely try the food in both beautiful cities!

@CookingChannel @YouTubeTV


@vrbo @Airbnb @bookingcom

@Expedia @TurkishAirlines @TwitterMktg

#et_mktg #et_commerce #et_brand #et_times #lwo_entertainthis #et_negotiation


Change my mind: Sending predominantly poor people to die in your proxy wars (for your profits) is akin to class genocide. #ET_lit

@UN @UN_HRC @hrw



Is cartoon production going to be easier with #ai?

@openai @apple @adultswim @comedycentral @youtube @TwitterTV @Meta



“My cousin from jail told me to stay a boy as long as possible.” Peter Pan

@Disney @TwitterWrite #comedy  @hulu @PrimeVideo

#parody @HBO



Who should be the USA’s first female commander-in-chief?



If you’re going to “go out on a limb”, you don’t get to go out on the weakest branch and then blame the tree.

Calculate which limbs you go out on, don’t just hug a tree for the rest of your life like it’s @cocainebear.

@TwitterMovies #Arbology

Or do?? Idk haven’t seen _



How far away is your metal-recycling going?



How will audio-deepfake change bullying & anti-political campaigning /ads ?

@Apple @Huawei @tiktok_us

@anchor #brokers  @Google



I wonder what other #biodiversity Middle Earth has to offer.



@MLBTheShow has always been so solid!



Bots & propaganda accounts Corporate-bot accountability ? Government-bot accountability? As far as systems-engineering is concerned, the concern with non-verified lone-wolf accounts seems non-commensurate & irrational. Odd in my opinion..


#GovernmentBot #CorporateBot


#GovernmentBotAccountability #CorporateBotAccountability







Did people 100 years ago think that the world was overpopulated?

Did people 200 years ago think that the world was overpopulated?

Did people 700 years ago think that the world was overpopulated?

@NatGeo @Gapminder @netflix @TwitterWrite


Did people 1100 years ago think that the world was overpopulated?


Did people 3000 years ago think that the world was overpopulated?


What about the-era-before-the-common-one is going to be revealed when the ice of Greenland melts? #BCE

@NorwayUN @DenmarkinSV @indembiceland @WIONews


How many media-companies sign umbrella-NDAs with a govt. ?

“Nobody with an NDA is allowed to talk about that.”


Is juvenile spite reason enough to educationally-engineer ignorance regarding history & anthropology? #pedagogy #SocialScience I think the risk of the consequential confusion might be greater than the benefit added to national security #Operational #strategy



How do we encode subversive-anchors against #AI? Is that appropriately cautious?

@TwitterEng @GoogleAI @neuralink @bing

@stanfordio @pewinternet @StanfordCyber



What happens to the boy that tries to slow down the Earth from spinning on its own axis?



Beware untempered broad-sweeping claims and absolute statements.



So many awesome discographies out there!

@SCforArtists @AppleMusic

@Spotify @youtubemusic



I feel a lot more like Vince with every passing year. #vincible

@NetflixIsAJoke @ComedyCentral

@OpenAI @GoogleAI

@TwitterWrite #aging


@EntertainThat @ET_LWO



#CircleLoom #Ponzi

“Scared money don’t make money”

@dogecoin @RobinhoodApp @GameStop @AMCTheatres

Is there any interplay between #PumpNDumps & #PonziSchemes?

@WSJ @Official_WSB

@Forbes @WSBChairman

@NYSE #PyramidSchemes



“How motivated am I to use logical-fallacies about this or toward them?”



Only one letter and a dash difference between business and busy-ness.



I’ve heard others liken us to #androids nowadays (with the internet attached at our hips), but what about how we avatar-ourselves?

Is distancing ourselves (from the group-identities we’re regularly attributed) a way to focus #listeners’ ears on content? #EffectiveCommunication



Isn’t the market share for rare-earths pretty fluid/dynamic if we’re talking about discoveries in Sweden, Greenland, India, etc.? I’ve heard it said that China holds ~90% of the market, but that seems like something that isn’t static. #StaticQuo



Gotta amplify yourself, I guess… #ET_Books #ET_Mktg #collaboration #crosspromotion



I want to follow more @Twitter accounts.



Even if you get trashed, you still might become an archaeological artifact. #anthropology #reflection #metaphor

After all, one person’s treasure is another person’s trash..


Who you choose to be matters whether or not you’re praised for it (though it is challenging to discern when it is appropriate to do away with the feedback of others).

People miss throwing trash at the bin all the time..



Is @Twitter better, worse, or basically the same since the @elonmusk takeover? #CheckIn

@Tesla @SpaceX @neuralink

@RobinhoodApp @WebullGlobal

@dogecoin @CNN

@FoxNews @Meta

@YouTube @UCBerkeley

@Harvard @sfchronicle

@latimes @HooverInst

@nyu_journalism @WIONews

@Google @Apple





Time well spent?



#Sisyphus has to put in work just to stop the boulder before even beginning to push it back up to where he was.

#hills #mountains #procrastination #SelfSabotage




The content is more important to me than who gets the credit for writing it.

@TwitterWrite @TwitterBooks

@AmazonKDP @ET_LWO

#accounts #handles #assets



To what degree do you deny mentorship?

To what degree do we need to mentor ourselves? Do some have to more than others?

Is having mentors a luxury?


What exactly does it mean to be your own mentor? Is that the mentor that your mentors built/d?

@HogwartsLegacy #ps4 @Xbox @TwitterMktg

@LinkedIn @anchor @SCforArtists @Huawei

Can peers be mentors to one another? What about competitors?


Does high-honor culture inherently bring power-distance or is that something that could decrease with some social-engineering?

@lexfridman @YouTube @Tokyo_gov @natgeo

@hubermanlab #CulturalBarriers #Guilt #Honor



*Is there any kind of steelman that power-distance is good for certain contexts? Maybe “some power-distance”? @travelchannel

Could living conditions be more predictive than cultural power-distance?


How is power-distance checked & balanced by the given culture?


What if you have honor in a constitutionally checked & balanced govt.? Why then would power-distance still be a concern? #regulation #coverage


If the majority of people in a culture belong to sub-groups that value honor then how is it argued that the culture is guilt/innocence rather than honor/shame? *On a 0-100 power-distance scale, communism is on one extreme and fascism is on the other.#USA2023 #USA2024 #USA2028


@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters @JonHaidt @TwitterBooks @AmazonKDP

If the majority of people in a culture belong to sub-groups that value shame then how is it argued that the culture is guilt/innocence rather than honor/shame?


How do we see social-media and think that we’re not a shame-culture? #ModernMedia @Apple @Google

Where is the honor on the internet? @verified

Shame probably isn’t supposed to be ad hoc,

why would one suppose that honor is supposed to be?


How much should a broader culture’s honor depend on its intertribal squabbling? Must US citizens continue to hold competing cultural ideals in order to placate the dependency on single-issue voters? How much political incompetence must be tolerated before it is #NextPersonUp?










Does everyone need help living with themselves? Do environments, norms, and cultures inform the preponderance of this problem?

We live with ourselves as we live with the lives we’ve negotiated for.


Interesting to consider alongside #perfectionism Tambien



Tolerating other people’s beliefs does not mean that all conclusions/opinions are equally valid/sound. For a start, it means not using the fundamental attribution error to paint someone as their opinion. #dehumanization #identity #labeling



Do you want today to be longer? Tomorrow closer?

Today shorter? Tomorrow further?

Yesterday to be further?

Yesterday to be closer?



Breathe life into your vocabulary.



If you want honor, don’t do shameful things?


If the act of shaming is inadvisable/maladaptive, then isn’t the juxtaposed honor potentially pernicious?

Or is the shame just failing to direct behavioral change toward honor?



Don’t confuse incompetence with virtue.



Self-Deception to avoid cognitive dissonance/pressure?

Probably good to know if you’re self-deceiving into competence, right?



Do @nikestore and @Disney love Taiwan?

@ET_Times @CAL_Matters @USA2048Election

@verified @anchor @SCforArtists #Entrepreneurship



Will @GooglePixel_US compete with @HuaweiMobile?

@Apple @Android @SamsungSemiUS @TwitterBusiness #TwitterMktg @AppStore



What do you think about fake charities?



Would @neuralink use Twitter users’ data for ai research? Y/N

@lexfridman @GoogleAI @hubermanlab @TwitterBusiness

@ET_Times @TwitterBlue

ReallyToughQuestionShow @anchor

@YouTube @ET_LwO



Lots of web-design & editing today.

@squarespace @LWOtteson



Parroting or regurgitating what an idol says doesn’t make one literate.

The same principle applies to mobs.



What excuse do we have to be illiterate if we can read and write?


Do we want underinformed opinions to be representative of who we are?

@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters @ET_Times



Looking forward to more learning



I try in earnest to discuss convoluted topics/subjects with respect, tact, compassion, integrity, love, humility, care, even-handedness, concern for humanity & our planet, consideration, responsibility, sports talk, and some humor sometimes.


“Big if true”



@espn @amazonmusic

@anchor @spotifyartists

@SCforArtists @EntertainThis_O

@cowboys @USA2024

@usa2104election @usa2032 #usa2026midterms #usa2024primaries

@cnn @foxnews



Divorce yourself from the idea that your preoccupations are others’ projections.

Vice versa, divorce yourself from the idea that your projections are others’ preoccupations. #ExceptionRatherThanRule #RuleRatherThanException



If one can’t have a #seat at the #table, then might they need make their own? #carpentry


How many journalists’ hands were broken by the #RomanEmpire? Comedy, religion, and mythology used to be the only means to freely express opposition to the ruling establishment/regime. #Press


Broken hands, thumbs, and fingers… there is voice to text now…

@Apple @Speechify_audio @dragonanywhere

But how do you build your own seat/table if you don’t have hands, fingers, or thumbs? #philosophy


Might one be enticed to break them in advance to assure the rulers of their compliance? #silence #AnteroactiveCensorship #ProactiveCensorship #SelfCancellation #FearMongeringSpeech #FearMongeringPress


To whom is that beneficial?



Don’t we need to regulate how many stories are being killed so as to curb the number of subsequent investigations? #MurderSheWrote


If flooding journalists with investigations becomes the norm and leads to helpless cynicism, then the battle of attrition is won by the story-killers.


We need #culpability. #TheBestAbility #Liability #Accountability



Are we training #AI?

@pewinternet @stanfordio @awscloud

Do customers/users know? Is #InformedConsent the same thing as throwing a Terms-Conditions disclaimer at someone? What if it’s more dense in bad-faith?

@Google @Apple @OpenAI @Microsoft @Meta @neuralink @TwitterEng



We are updating dictionaries.



Your willingness/motivation to engage with your environment predicts (at least in part) the likelihood of whether you’ll be depressed or inspired by negative stimuli.

Keep that in mind when you aren’t happy with something or find yourself somewhere you feel like you shouldn’t be happy at.



Cold pizza, hot coffee

@StrawHatPizza @Starbucks @Keurig 10/10



What are the repercussions-for and implications-of depedestalizing oneself?

@ET_LWO @ChrisWillx

@ET_Times @CAL_Matters



Will businesses will account for @Twitter costs in their budgets?

@Shopify @TwitterBlue @ETdotSTORE @TwitterBusiness

(Author’s Note: Meta too)



Tis quite the limitation to remove people from searches.

@Twitter @facebook @instagram @YouTube

@tiktok_us etc



Opinions can be underinformed hypotheses or underdeveloped conclusions. It doesn’t make sense to underscore the value of your opinion if you’re willing to impose it on others through policy/legislation/social-pressure.



Can nuclear-fusion manage to bring investment without scaring oil/gas proprietors into price increases?

@Gapminder @ShellenbergerMD @GavinNewsom

@RaytheonTech @LockheedMartin @WSJ @Shell



Nuclear fusion seems like a pretty big deal. #Disarmament

@Duracell @Energizer @Forbes @PhysicsWorld

Is it scaleable?

@mcuban @richardbranson

@SpaceX @NASA

@Edison_Electric @CAgovernor


(Author’s Note: Don’t forget about Thorium, molten-salt, Japanese/Finnish innovation in the field…)



Reference points



Kinda cool how an open book can still be a mystery



Should we reduce dysfunction or just redistribute it?



I hope that @Twitter doesn’t become an echo chamber.

@Meta @YouTube @FoxNews @FCC @CNN @amazon @Apple @anchor



I worry that clickbait, shortening attention-spans, and parasitic-algorithms will make us a non-contemplative people. I hope I’m wrong, though.



Retweet if you love traffic.



Putting aside the ethical question of whether or not corporations should engage in surveillance-capitalism, what legal-justification is there for government agencies using any of that data beyond necessity for national security?



Equal opportunity & Division of vulnerability


Meritocracy is an admirable and worthwhile cultural aspiration, but there are real-world constraints.


Pursuing an opportunity means not choosing something else or other things. There is a tradeoff. Even under the assumption that all qualifications are equal, not everyone is risking equally. Not everyone had to risk as much for those qualifications and that opportunity is not as risky for everyone as it is for some.

Can you create equal opportunity without equalizing access to the qualifications requisite for that opportunity?

How could that be possible without artificially equalizing outcome at some point or another?


Noticing that meritocracy is flawed doesn’t mean that you have a superior alternative. Meritocracy is indisputably flawed but what would you replace it with?



You could look at the same thing every day and there would still be novelty in the scene.



Love some wordless consciousness.



Self-identifying as educated, informed, or correct does not change your identity. #Infallible opinions ≈ #insisted conclusions (subject to criticism)

Identifying as infallible should be intolerable #Culture #Ideals #Values

#SelfConcept #SelfDiscrepancyTheory #SocialSelf


(Author’s Note: One’s sense of identity also does little to validate an argument, right?)




Failure to influence an environment can lead to depression.


In the face of that depression, we can choose to accept helplessness (develop a potentially vulnerable-narcissistic victimhood-mentality), adopt an aggressive/grandiose one, or proceed anxiously to navigate the middle ground between those choices…


The sense of entitlement to influence the environment is inherent to both of those narcissistic structures.


@CAL_Matters replied:

None of us are necessarily “entitled” to influence any environment, but an environment/culture/group that purports to value you whilst denying you the ability to competently influence the environment… does not value you.


As you are are not entitled to the influence, said environment/culture/group is also without entitlement to your membership.


@EntertainThis_O replied:

Why would anyone belong to a group that doesn’t value challenging itself?

Isn’t that an authoritarian/tyrannical/totalitarian structure?

Is your inability to influence the hierarchy a result of your incompetence or their desire for capitalizable dysfunction?



#Spurious is a good word to know



Isn’t the question “Are we still in a recession?”



Study/survey idea Population: Self-described “Alpha Males”… Methodology: Score them on grandiosity and competence Hypothesis: Significant negative correlation between the two scores.


(Note from @CAL_Matters: Needs a more specific population and a significant sample size)



Philosophical-outcomes need not align with the intentions that inspired the philosophy/ideology. The “road to hell” may not be paved with #GoodIntentions as much as they are with the inadherence to known risk-predictors, outcome-probabilities, history, data, etc.


“Hoping-for-the-best and preparing-for-the-worst”… neither asks us to turn a blind-eye nor silo ourselves in echo-chambers of confirmation-bias, selective-exposure, etc.


Difficult problems require multivariate analysis in order to establish an operational-definition for the given problem.

When we dismiss information that doesn’t align with our intent/preconceived-notions, we risk misdiagnosing the problem and ignoring potential-solutions.


Sometimes we simply disagree about whether something is a problem/issue or not.

Data and history can be helpful in such instances, but perhaps only as helpful as one is willing to consider new/unknown/contrary information.


#CognitiveConsequentialism #PhilosophicalPrecariousness






#ProsocialNudging #AntisocialNudging #MoralPosturing #VirtueSignaling












Impressing others will help pay the bills and impressing yourself will help you sleep at night

(Note from @ET_Times: Impressing others won’t always help you sleep at night and impressing yourself won’t always pay the bills)

(Response to @ET_Times from @EntertainThis_O: Guess it kinda depends on who the others are and what impresses your self.)



So… is tuition lower now?



My friends and family are already verified in my heart

@Twitter @Meta @verified

@TikTokSupport @Google @ETdotSTORE

@ET_Times @USA2048Election @LWOtteson



You can be at the top of a mountain and still be at rock bottom. What if you got what you wanted?



Some people don't like when you let them show others who they really are.




If we value our identities so much, then why do we consistently give so much of them away?



Would be dope if Mexicans didn’t get gentrified out of their country.

@GavinNewsom @JustinTrudeau @JoeBiden

@teslacn @RusEmbIndia @IndiainNorway

@SpainInTheUSA @GoTurkiye @EgyIndependent

@IsraelinUSA @CoolFMNigeria @AlgeriaUN

@UNICEFSudan @flyethiopian @yemen_updates

@omanair @ap



“If there is anything worth saying here..."


(Author’s Note: sort of fell in love with this phrase for a while. I believe it helped me maintain humility w/ competence.)



Intentional misinterpretation exists



Much of peace that we take for granted wasn’t free.



Linguistics are so cool.



Is there a fixed dead-end niche for non-white conservative voices?

@CNN @msnb @WhiteHouse

@ETForex @coldxman @benshapiro

@jordanbpeterson @JonHaidt @FoxNews

@KremlinRussia_E @wallstreetpapa

@wallstreetbets @DonaldJTrumpJr @donaldglover

@POTUS @LWOtteson @USA2048Election @Google



Site is up.

Link in bio.



Shoutout to our ancestors that thought about us.



“If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail” -

@AbrahamMaslow @autozone @DEWALTtough



This podcast

That podcast

These podcasts

Those podcasts











 Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com

 Chapter 4









What can spite bloom into instead?



Is @LWOtteson a journalist?



Never really thought about why it was called a dream catcher before.



Metric-transparency cleanse? #Media #ModernMedia

Can we all get on the same page of developing-history? @ET_Times



People being preoccupied w/ the little mermaid’s race seems as much a strawman as pushing debate about gender/sex and feigning reluctance. #Strawman “Oh no, we have to keep talking about this argument that we’re winning with our base!” #Steelman @EntertainThis_O @YouTube #et_



A: “Wanna share some schemas over some beverages?”


B: “What?”

#et_lit #et_



Language is awesome



All these “enthusiastically” forfeited/abandoned verification badges/checkmarks…

@facebook @Twitter @instagram @tiktok_us @ET_Times

We will still have time to discuss the legacy-process, right? #TwitterFiles #MetaFiles



Babies just stay in heaven if they’re not born. #Hallelujah



Subsidization by association? Not here @ET_Times @TWSPublish



Are scapegoats common with group-think? @JonHaidt @ET_LWO @ApplePodcasts @Spotify @TwitterSpaces #et_art #et_think



Dehumanizing others based on whether their favorite color is blue or red is inexcusable, negligent, and incompetent. #et_poli #et_lit #et_think #et_human #et_social #SocialScience



When is the validity of an argument privy to retroactive reclassification? @ # • * #et_logic #et_philosophy #et_gates #et_keep #et_ #et_think



Do you have to ask for permission to be who you are? #et_ #et_lit #et_twitter @ET_Times

#Twitter_ET #et_scripts #et_screenplays_

Does a noun verb ?



#ET_PR #ET_PublicRelations #et_spin #ET_Hollywood #et_culture #et_public #et_intel #et_think





Who is going to accept accountability if VPNs proved to be insufficient in replacing print-media across the developing world (as well as specifically within oppressive environments)? #et_press #et_speech #et_media @ET_Times



Elephant in the room @EntertainThose



Reduce misinterpretive plausibility or refuse at your own peril.



Public figures need to make self-harm observably implausible in order to reduce their value as soft-targets. #LiveLaughLove



Hopefully a govt. builds an infrastructure that can keep up with it’s citizens. If it can’t, will it hold them back in order to save face (make them look incompetent & incapable, blame-shift).




Try not to show someone what underhanded means.

@MLB @TwitterSports @Dictionarycom #et_sports @ET_Times



Whether or not one needs their reputation to be rinsed or laundered may depend on whether that reputation is deservedly tarnished.

Doing a prophylaxis for someone who hasn’t brushed or floss for 6 months ≠ prophylaxis for someone with dental hygiene.

Not all plates are as easy to clean. Some you can simply rinse. Some need hot water. Some need scrubbing. Some need to sit in soapy-water for a while before you can scrub them more easily.

If you caramelize sugar in a frying-pan without any non-stick coating, it is going to be harder to clean.

When does one need reputation-laundering? When does one need a rinse? When does one deserve to have their reputation laundered/rinsed? When do they deserve to have it tarnished?

Just thinking allowed here. #ET_ThinkingOutLoud Feel free to contribute, add, etc.



Non-relative kinship? #Coexistence



Where in history have we seen ideological warmongering? #twit_history #et_scribbles #et_notes



People judge the spirit with which you tell a joke or seek to persuade them. Their judgment will decide whether a trigger-tripwire is hit or not. If we are biased as such, then how do we integrate this (rather than kicking & screaming)? #MoralPsyc #proximacy #leaning


How are cognitive-psychologists like engineers?





Appreciate the cliche that denigrates anything productive being done here



What’s more disappointing than the tactics used to manipulate/deceive is that/when it works. #discredit #RedFlag #AdHominem #Landmine #PigeonHole



As an #ActOfService to my self/family/friends, I need to manage time well enough to stop working/writing. I owe them more of what I’m #worth and I owe myself relief (regardless of whatever others think my work/effort is worth). #LoveLanguages #ApprovalMotivation



If you force yourself to bottle up cortisol, instead of letting it out through your tears, then where does it go? @hubermanlab



We like to categorize comedy as a talent, but how valuable is it as an interpersonal skill?

What about in terms of industrial-organizational psychology (navigating small groups, public speaking, emails, de-escalation, etc.)?



Ought a culture cater to people that look for the very least charitable interpretations ? #disclaimers



Why did I have to wait 28 years to discover how delicious chipotle sauce is?



Nobody is blaming the frog for hitching a ride with the scorpion across the river.

The scorpion knew what kind of creature it was. There should be justice.


That said, tadpoles know how to swim. Why are they forgetting? To whom does that failure belong to? Do we need to remind them that they can still swim when they become frogs?


Why haven’t they heard about the scorpions before they’ve met one?


Identifying risky-bxs or personality-construction (ie low-neuroticism, high-openness, high-agreeability) is not inherently victim-blaming. We need to understand risk and vulnerability for optimization/calibration of prevention.


Even with the gingerbread man tale for comparison, the scorpion still knows it’s a scorpion (and the fox.. a fox) Within the gingerbread tale, what it the literal equivalent to the figurative #solubility? What does it mean to be soluble? @CW_TheFlash @DCComics


Does counting on a snake/scorpion/hyena/fox/trickster (to be anything other than a predator) dissolve us? No. But it might make you soluble.


#ManipulatoryInoculation If you’re a gingerbread-cookie, stay out of the river, don’t put your faith in predators, and maybe arrange for a river-worthy vessel ahead of time.


If you don’t want to be a gingerbread cookie, then be neurotic enough to judge people effectively and not so agreeable that you can’t say no. Having said all that, coyotes can be wily and should absolutely meet justice.


Being a warrior in your garden isn’t a guarantee/promise of anything, but what is the honest alternative?


There may be some unconscious wisdom in those omens that you pick up when someone seems untruthful. #RiskAssessment #Probability #odds


Anyone have anything to add/clarify?

This was a difficult thread to work through, but I’m not sure what else to say at this time.






A whole lotta people get upset about what they’re watching from their anonymous accounts. “If you wanna job done, well…”#Anonymity.



If you see a reputation leech, then might you want to ask yourself why they are starving? Points for performative posturing? #et_culture



Not finna volunteer to be dismissed (out of honor for the content).

#MisinterpretivePlausibility #Clarity #Clarification #Clarify #InterpretiveImplausibility



Can’t wait for the day that @LoadedDice_ gets to put his vision on film



Paradoxes are neat. #Paradise So is contradiction.



Just because somebody isn’t romantically, interested in you… that doesn’t mean that they aren’t charming, interesting, trustworthy, praiseworthy, cool peeps, etc.

When considering the vice versa here, it also becomes fairly clear that you can be romantically-uninterested in people that you find attractive…

You don’t have to stop holding someone in high regard in order to spare yourself rejection… (& if you’re subliminally motivated to do so, then some ego-work might be in order)

You could be robbing yourself of who-knows-how-many meaningful friendships… And reducing people in the process..

Having romantic feelings for someone that does not reciprocate those feelings is kinda like wanting consent from someone who doesn’t want to give it… “Seduction” might muddy the water even more here,.. but it might be fair to assert that there is a level of consenting to seduction as well… How that works I’ve yet to write myself, hear from anyone else, or read anywhere else… Like giving permission for someone to pursue romance, but not them being entitled to it.

Isn’t that kinda like accepting a date invitation? If one doesn’t have consent to seduce and persists, is that another way of defining harassment?



When does one go from being known as a “thinker” to being known as an “educator”? #Teach #PracticeWhatYouPreach



Will it be fair to say that different corporate A.I.s have their own personalities? #Siri #Alexa #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #clippy



Testosterone levels should have nothing to do with masculine or feminine competence, right? #Behavior @TwitterWrite #endocrinology


Are testosterone levels associated with extraversion at all? @hubermanlab


Does sensitivity to Hawthorne effect or social-desirability correlate at all with introversion or testosterone?



Only bad people don’t like doughnuts. That’s why we all know that police love donuts. @dunkindonuts @krispykreme @TwitterFood @CookingChannel #joke






Mile-chunking #DrivingHacks #HikingHacks #Landmarks #DelayedGratification #Rewards #Journey #Destination @Honda

#SmallGoals #SmallSteps #SeeingTheForestForTheTrees



Imagine getting paid to write lyrics (or for your book, podcast, art, marketing, web-traffic, etc.)… #LeftToYourOwnDevices #WhatTorch



What is political-tolerance?


Does is differ from respectful-disagreement? If so, does moral-psychology help us understand how?

@JonHaidt @TwitterWrite #SocialPsyc



Evolution is hella smart; look at God.



Thank you @YouTube for the remix inspiration

@AppleMusic @spotifyartists @repostnetwork

@amazonmusic @EntertainThis_O

#PlaybackSpeed #settings




#Workshopping @TwitterWrite

@AmazonKDP @ET_LWO

“When a whole group wants to become the same personality, it is a cult. When someone else assumes that a whole group of people has the same personality, it is a diss.” Any notes? Just tackling #stereotypes from a different angle,

open to further discussion and suggestion.



Evaluative ≠ descriptive



To be convinced that disagreeability itself is “toxic” is to capitulate to argumentum ad populum (or mob-mentality/think/rule).


Even if you disagree about whether or not that is the current state of affairs, can we not agree that such a norm would be deplorable?




It is easier to get away with #LogicalFallacies using #FigurativeLanguage. #EmperorWearsNoClothes #ArgumentumAdHominem


Do #Empires change their garb when their economies sink? That is to say, do they meld into another economy? @HooverInst


Who became Rome? Setting that question aside, is the USA the 4th generation of the Roman Empire (from Rome, to Constantinople, to Britain, to US)? Human generations are different than generations of mayflies, tortoises, cats, dogs, viruses… why not generations?


#GenerationalDifferentiation Will there be generations beyond the first for the United States? #CollapseOfAnEmpire #FallOfAnEmpire Don’t get it twisted though, those sunken economies find collateral damage in the citizenry, industry, global-order, etc.

@TwistedTea @ampm @Valero


Historically speaking, does the empire suffer with its people? #Placate



Beware conflating expressions/assertions of competence with a cliched normalization of reductive dispositional-critiquing.



Who is writing the plot of your life?



Just get started, so you can use the sunken cost fallacy against yourself.


(Author’s note: just get the ball rolling #momentum)



Social-network journalism?



# of yet undeveloped websites?



How are we priming ourselves to quell cultural-subversion?



Sometimes you feel weird being somewhere because you “feel like” you’re not supposed to be there.



Retweet if you respect somebody that you disagree with






What if self-reporting bias, social-desirability, and the Hawthorne effect are actually useful for gauging a culture’s narcissism?

Projecting expectations onto themselves… which ones?

Objectively gather a culture’s expectations through reverse-psychology?

Control for individual narcissism by testing separately (considerably different setting, reduce variables)?


I wonder how effective treatment for narcissism would be in relation to recidivism.



Questions are great.









Shoutout to nasal decongestion spray



Hopefully someday we don’t have to wear masks to be ourselves.



Will @Twitter ever have a horizontal interface??

@elonmusk @Apple



@EmmanuelMacron @bankofengland

@GoTurkiye @IndiainPortugal

@jairbolsonaro @BorisJohnson

@ZelenskyyUa @kremlinrussia

@Beijing2022 @usembassybeirut

@RedCrossLebanon @UNICEFpalestine

@IsraelTimes @WhiteHouse


Condemn crime and evil violence, please.



If we can’t be honest enough, then outrageous claims can gain far too much traction.

@CNN @FoxNews @WhiteHouse @POTUS @LWOtteson


If you aren’t a baby in a river anymore, then get out of the basket.

Board the locomotive, nail in the spikes when your days are derailed… #FigureItOut



Reputations precede everyone?



Let us attempt to avoid angering wisdom itself as much as reasonably achievable



If the Left and the Right of the US public can’t find a way to agree about anything, how can we be examples of how to shed the history of vicious blame cycling?

@LWOtteson @Beijing2022

@USPri @HobbyLobby

@ETForex @JimIrsay @teslacn

@InvestTurkey @KyivFT



Reply @GrantCardone’s: “What scares you most about the world?”


Dogmatic zeitgeist?

Witch-trial justice?

Exploiting moral-psychology?

Mass manipulated motivation?

Being blind to our chronemic-kinship & responsibility for our time (beyond flags, symbolic-markers, scripts, password-opinions, etc.)?


Waking up late for work?



How could a bad-reputation be laundered?


Is laundering through charity any more ethical?




Less #DDoS than @RobinhoodApp @GameStop @AMCTheatres @Reddit @WSJ @Official_WSB @WSBChairman @verified



@NASCAR, If y’all need a new ambassador (that won’t be guilty of battery), I might be willing to negotiate.


@NFL @Saints




@ScHoolboyQ Does “coming from the grain” mean that the cream was separated from the crop? The wheat was separated from the chaff? Who harvested?


Improving your credit score is #gangsta Gang-member says “Where are you from?” and this person responds by telling them the story of Siddhartha Gautama (“Buddha”). How does the gang-member respond? #OutOfContext




Reply @GrantCardone’s: “Having great ideas doesn’t mean anything if you can’t execute.”


Is “putting together or finding a team that can execute” a great-idea?

@TwitterBusiness @EntertainThis_O

@EntertainThose @EntertainThat



I don’t believe we should neglect self-improvement at the behest of Machiavellians…



Reply @NickAdamsinUSA’s: “Alphas don't need to announce they are alphas, everyone just knows.”


Do you think “alphas” are prosocial or antisocial? Is it a self-determined title or a socially attributed one?



If life is anything more than tragedy, then isn’t there comedy somewhere?



Zero-tolerance for dehumanization



If we were able to perform mental gymnastics and arrive at the conclusion that political-polarization is performative, then would the benefits outweigh the costs? #OperatingUnderTheAssumption







No subsidies?

No NDAs?









Maps are pretty neat!



What does it mean “to denaugurate”? #verbiage @TwitterWrite



Loki: They were born of my word.


. #et_myth #et_scandilavia


What do you give birth to w/ your speech?





Bend the trends around the assets, producers, consumers…


#Misdiscrimination #ThisDiscrimination

#MissDiscrimination #et_trend





Thor’s Day



#et_likes #et_tweets #et_replies #et_list #et_pages #et_






Can we make home-court hoops cooler?


#et_photography #ig_twitter










Everyone should be allowed to learn algebra.

 #et_ed #et_trans #PunctuatoryLiteracy #EffectiveLiteracy #SemeticLiteracy #LanguageBarriers #communication #MassMedia #et_comm #et_lit






In response to @EntertainThese:

“Who is torchworthy?”


They have to be willing and able to navigate in times of darkness.


#TheTunnel #DarkTimes #ET_Fiction #ET_Workshop #et_stip #Stipulatory



Sight-hearing #podcasts?

I would listen to that.

@EntertainThat #culture



#FakeBaldur: Odin wants a utopia-of-certainty like those fools did their fountain-of-youth. #TheTunnel #eT_Workshop #ET_Myth #ET_Fiction #ET_Fake



What’s the difference between nationalizing something & federally-subsidizing it? Disclosure?



Give life to your words and hope.




Once we photosynthesize ourselves, how long until we’re editing out our need to sleep? #ET_Edit #ET_Bio I don’t think that we will eliminate the need to sleep entirely (as long, as were still human), but we might be able to extend our battery life (so to speak).#ET_Gen



Will cursors become mental?

Re-learn cursive?




Sleep means (to me): <3 Your heart would rather you drank -and-knocked-out on the couch than to be dragged along a 48-hour #productivity-binge. #ET_Cardio #ET_Sleep This is a cultural issue. Ask Tokyo. #ET_Culture #ET_Diplomacy #AmbassadorShip #AmbassadorHood



#FakeTyr: Cronies are going to have to figure out how to replace legacy-media without planting. Try being honest for a change. #ET_Workshop #ET_Myth #ET_Fiction #ET_Literature #et_anachrony


#ET_Games #ET_Scripts




#FimbleBeforeRagnarok #TheTunnel


#FakeMimir: Do times-of-war care if you don’t like what time it is?


#FakeThor: Do the clouds listen to your cries? #FakeLoki: STFU, THOR! Someone fucking gag him, Jesus! *The Handler, terrified, proceed to follow instruction..



#FakeColomnist: Did receiving death-threats become a commercial-commodity in the 1970s?


#et_anachrony #ET_Workshop #ET_Fiction


#FakeColumnist: Relishing the prospect of what I’m going to do with these agencies when I become the president ? Are you dumb? These are the people who are most likely to kill me.



#FakeReporter: Why would they?


#FakeColomnist: Because they’re planning their careers for “after the agency/bureau/etc.” OR I’ve broken promises


Silence lingers*


The #FakeColomnist continues, “We should be grateful for being checked. We’re special enough to be checked now. The talent level of these agencies/bureaus leave them powerful without having been checked (because they weren’t special before they were gifted power).”



Consider me perturbed. #PerturbThis #PerturbedThat #PerturbThese #PerturbThose



Bombing cribs





Cliché direction “Giving 100%” I think we were clichéd away from my favored interpretation. #PsychologicalDistance #CulturalSubversion #ET_Culture


#DimensionalAvailability Most people’s “100%” would be weird. #ET_Hypotheses #Ethnography #Ethnocentricity Each ethnicity has its own anchors. Tread lightly.


If it’s not mythology, then it’s theology. If it wasn’t theology, then it would be some other thought-monopoly. #culty #BadThing #CageBrain


                                                                        Would you rather:


A.        Be a big fish in a little pond 4EVER or…


B. Be forced to leave every sequentially -improving ecosystem?


First to answer correctly in the thread wins! #et_stakes #et_sweeps



#FakeMan: Who do I have to thank for these lovely letters?


#FakeLady: Are the same CEOs and lobbyists that want you to kill yourself before-being-recognized the ones paying Death-Threat Authors?


#FakeMan: What happens if I’m recognized?


 #ET_Workshop #et_Fiction



Americans don’t have to care what order those colors are in. #Flaghood #Flagship #WesternHemisphere I’m sorry if that offended someone’s sensitivities, no implausible-misinterpretation intended. #IntentionicImplausibleMisinterpretation #Intentional #Intentionality




The United States won’t be at war in 2050 if I am an office, because everyone would’ve already had the chance to snuff me out if I deserved it.

@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters @ET_Times





Not having to do something doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. #HighlyEncouraged



It depends (like an adult diaper)

@Target @FamilyGuyonFOX

@AmericanDadTBS @TheSimpsons

@SouthPark @TheoVon


@CheetoSantino thinks he’s sooo cool now!

@netflix @hulu

@YouTube @SpotifyMexico

@Canelo @ApplePodcasts




Content that I haven’t observed is delusion that I’m not aware of. @EntertainThose


Feels like something that could open a magic-door up, right? #et_platform




Who is the most accomplished Bachelor of Science ever?



Plants #in anchors (#not #and) #et_ins #et_outs #ET_Trans



Everyone’s been so gracious with the breadcrumbs. #grace


Were they breadcrumbs or where we sharing problems (like a puzzle)? #CommunicationStudies



•People up in the rafters trade signals (always have).






#TheseRafters #ThoseRafters


#DemonstrativeAdverbs #DemonstrativeAdjectives


#DemonstrativePronouns #et_trans #SportsGambling





Why are #profound and #profane similar?







What do we get when we put our maps together?


#et_workshop #et_fiction



Memories can be changed.




Do we need to amend Article II of the Constitution?


@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters @LWOtteson



When you let mercenaries into your military, it is also hella diverse.

#et_trans #et_lit

@KremlinRussia_E @ZelenskyyUa @EntertainThat



No hashtags on @Threads?



Buddha and Newton each had their time under a tree. #et_class



What could all those men have become instead of dead?

@KremlinRussia_E @ZelenskyyUa

@BRICSinfo @TheBricsPost




Irons in the fire are ironed-out, but we always keep an iron in (because we are prepared for the inevitable disappointment of whatever attention-wasting utopic-proposition).



Spies, archaeologists, tourists, travelers, treasure-hunters #NoFixedHistory #YesterdaySupremacy #HistoricSupremacy  

@IndianaJones @DisneyPlus


You didn’t know who was a spy vs an archaeologist… until you put a gun in their hands.




#MentalSupremacy #MentalFrontier


Archimedes was the one that Alexander forgot about (to have thought himself so noble). Did Da Vinci uncover Archimedes’ #Antikythera? Wright Bros? Does #BernoullisPrinciple apply to magnets & hydronautics as well?


Where was #SunCity before Heliopolis?

Where is it now?


10/10! Was my favorite Indiana Jones movie of all time! Thanks for doing it justice!

@RottenTomatoes @IMDb



Something has been proven #fruitful once it has “come to bear fruit.”



#BehavingParasitically #BehavingSymbiotically #BehavingCommensalistically #BehavingMutualistically

@VenomMovie @DCOfficial

@ET_Times @TwitterWrite  

@Threads @Patreon

@Lemon8_Japan @Clubhouse




You can have loud moments of insight by-yourself, in a quiet room.


You can get them from the classroom too, but there are more distractions (admittedly, & amongst other pros & cons… list them in the thread).


There is probably no utopia of pedagogy either (what analogical reasoning would we have to suppose such as the case?). Trade-offs & real-world constraints all the way down left and right, diagonally, all the angles, exponentially, subscript…


#SocialStandards and culture


I like the idea of lowering diffusion-of-responsibility for-self education.


Other people might not like that I choose not to minimize/reduce/label/define people as stupid/dumb.


A student can still take ownership of their respective public-education.


Learn how to learn.



One does not have to be covert to be involved in spywork.


Since the Patriot Act, have U.S. been covert agents w/o it being overt to them?

Where is the compensation? I’m confused.

Where is the plausible-liability?







@ParisHilton @IamYanetGarcia

@berner415 @llcoolj

@HOT97 @HotNewHipHop

@ChiliPeppers @HotTopic

@HotFreestyle @MiamiHEAT

@Dbacks @thebig3 @snohaalegra



How much artificial-intelligence already existed before this chat GPT craze (whether privately or not)?


 #ThisCraze #ThatCraze


What are we anchored/tethered to?


Sort of reminds me of the #CGI-#Deepfake-#Photoshop-fog…





Being a conversation-starter doesn’t come before having conversation-starters, don’t put the cart before the horse (“as they say”).



Eye-color is not indicative of any value discrepancy for attention-span… Just saying, just in case anyone was confused about that…


How does an individual’s #MasculineGaze differ from their #FeminineGaze?

#et_trans #GazeMatters



Was Fahrenheit invented to find the perfect room-temperature?






The pre-lyrical days



Art outlives reviews.



No subsidies? No NDAs?


(Author’s Note: No security clearance? No classification?)



180 degrees in # directions

#CommonEra #et_alchemy




#NLG_Twitter #NLG_Instagram #NLG_Facebook #NLG_Youtube









In response to @patrickbetdavid’s

“Define The Matrix in one word” prompt:





@illuminatibot: “Celebrity gossip is used to personalize the relationships between citizens and puppets (celebrities).


What did No Echo Chambers say?


People forget that they’re projecting themselves, their friends, their families into those plots


Maybe this is why Buddhism was so harsh on gossip (or another reason).


I think it’s toxic-femininity (coming from either a man or a woman).


What’s kind of funny (maybe not “ha ha funny”), though, is that: it could be a competent form of masculinity (if you look at it from just-the-right-angle).



Hi Dr. Saad,


Just checking in to make sure that you’re still okay & I’m still okay.


Best wishes,






@CNN @FoxNews



@POTUS48 @USA2048Election





@KingJames getting the Lakers into the Western Conference Finals is his “AI/Lakers Game 1.”


 You are technically a loser this season, but that was mighty impressive.

@SC30inc @WarriorsPR

@NBA @nuggets


#NBAFinals #NBA



@illuminatibot: I wonder how many cures for diseases the government has all locked up.


No Echo Chambers:

Or grant “tie-ups” preventing?

#research #methods #EaseOfPatency #GrantLiberty



Who reminds you of @jk_rowling?










@WashTimes: “Matt Gaetz proposes end to marijuana testing for service members



No Echo Chambers: “Physical-readiness is one of the major concerns. The military wants members relieving stress with weights, not bongs.”




“Alls well that ends well”


No Echo Chambers:

Readers adding that context was cute or whatever, but why are we not openly disagreement with this statement more.


The ends always justify the means ?

This is a philosophical layup.

Where is @communitynotes?


This is actually an example of philosophy that is precarious.


Peace is pretty subjective, after all.


Religious-zealots killing everybody on the planet made find things “peaceful” afterward.

They might also be inclined to say that “the ends justify the means.”


Get it?


Not trying to be a stick in the mud, but I appear to be stuck.



Concerts/festivals/events need to be secure.



I have Missy Elliott & Tierra Whack in my Top 2 Female.






Overton Window & Game Theory



Do those @disney movies also have Nomological networks?


What about @jk_rowling/@harrypotter/@HogwartsLegacy?


@jordanbpeterson @GadSaad

@LWOtteson @TWSPublish



Misnomers & ballot-harvesting? #ManifestThis #ManifestThat





Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  

Chapter 5

















What does it mean to be extremely soothed?



Y’all let me know if you want me to run earlier.

@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters




The mission is: answers.

If we can’t have that, then we will take the next best thing: question!


(Author’s Note: Yes, I am saying that questions are worthwhile-ends, in addition to the renowned means they’re known for fulfilling.)



If you can’t criticize the government, then what is your praise worth? #et_feedback

There is no limit on the supply.

For every demand fulfilled, there is undue praise permeating like slime behind a slug.




These interpretations

Those interpretations



Without competition, quality-control suffers. #et_nirvana #et_monopolization



“Why won’t this tweet?” “Why can’t I post that?” #DDoS #PowerChecking



Trade-offs and conflict will not be eradicated by utopia unless that utopia doesn’t involve Homo-sapiens.

Even then, I don’t have an available conceptualization of what that could look like (personally).

Reply in the comments with your thoughts



What will AI discover?

@discovery @gapminder




Let’s turn the tables like DJ Jesus. #ET_Carp #et_music  @TwitterMusic @TwitterFaith

Side note: What would DJ Jesus do with the aux?



What danger is there in letting strangers heal you?

@ElderScrolls #et_games

@TwitterGaming @YouTubeGaming




Can you afford to search for a needle-in-a-haystack w/o PPE?



How many lies will you tell to sell?


You don’t even have to lie. You can just omit information and then deceive yourself into thinking that you’re a good person.

Your reputation should not be safe.



If we built a system where people can’t afford to have integrity, then something went wrong.



Don’t cast aspersions from a glass cul-de-sac either.



Why doesn’t @donlemon just go to @FoxNews and @TuckerCarlson go to @CNN? #et_media



Can biotech catalyze polyglotism? #LanguageBarriers #Alchemy #Biotech #Polyglot #Culture



Freedom of Attention




Qualia strata


Old innovation



Who is listening to your prayers?

@apple @alexa99 @tiktok_us

@Huawei @Dreamville @TopDawgEnt












If given the choice, would you be a clown or a jester?


If you can’t have life of meaning/value, then become a freelance-jester?


Would you be a jester?


Precedent, precedent, precedent


@GameStop @netflix @AMCTheatres



What roles & responsibilities can a jester undertake?


(Author’s Note: Be prepared to do more than a jester, for more than mere gesture.)



Venn-diagram theology, fantasy, fiction, & mythology


Why wallow in nihilism when you’ve the option to create/transform/discover meaning/value?



Rest assured, disagreeing with someone doesn’t make you a bigot.



“Standardized” remains an under-utilized & under-appreciated word (don’t get too caught up in functional-fixedness, though). #et_culture



Is your identity just a reflection of small sample social-feedback?

Where are you in that process?

Just a sponge?

A plankton with no agency, floating the boat?


Some take it for granted that people are mining for gold when absorbing their feedback.


You’re just told your identity like that?

You don’t want any say in the plot?

Your character is entirely devoid of self-definition?

 #Loci #InsideOut



What is not worth sinking teeth into? #Anchors



An echo-chamber, effectively, insulates itself from reality-testing when it permits/promotes systems of discourse that include strawman-argumentation normalization.



Face your own beliefs. #CognitiveDissonance #et_lit



Will memory-decay remain undefeated?



Does money get laundered through sports, gambling, fashion, art, liquor, budgets, fines, NFTs, crypto?

Should forex offer amnesty for dirty money in exchange for the rinse?


(Author’s Note: What is gained from that?)



Do Marxists experience envy more?

Do conservatives experience more jealousy?

@JonHaidt @ET_Times @TwitterWrite @jordanbpeterson @GadSaad @TuckerCarlson @donlemon

@AaronRodgers12 @nyjets @SacramentoKings memgrizz @celtics

#et_poli #et_twitter #et_tweet




Would you rather know 100 words in every language or be in the top 1% of 1 language?


The way I see it, the 100 words are allowed to be supplemented w/ ASL. In that case, I think I might take that one.

However, it still may be difficult to write/speak explicitly about complex ideas. Is that shallow breadth worse as much as depth?

Tough Q



To whom is your vulnerability a weapon to if not yourself? #SelfDefense


That said, dark arts are no light matter. #WarriorInGarden

@TheGarden @warriors @lexfridman



If the outcomes for audience-capture are clinical, then what are the norms?

How does capitalism/business mitigate audience-capture?






Why save all fondness for farewells?



Who is not a patsy? #ET_Unapologetically



Who do we taboo?


Who is we? #et_lit



Jester (painted in red):

Sire! The hunchback died on the hill!


#et_lit #et_premise



A: Dang, we have to get out of this rabbit-hole. We’ll have to come back.

B: Why? What was in there?

#et_lit #et_play #et_



How does a Governor of a state defend the Constitution from an unconstitutional Federal Govt.? #et_poli #et_go

@CAL_Matters #ET_CAL #ET_Matters



What roles are you modeling?

What roles have you accepted?



I almost forgot how much I appreciate protein shakes


#et_fit #TwitterFit #et_Food




Not settling for back-validation



Are people supposed to self-disclose their red-flags?


That way someone doesn’t put a red-flag where it doesn’t belong.

What can red-flaggers learn from ethics & the @APA’s DSM?



Maybe not everyone is supposed to be as uncomfortable as a politician, but being extremely comfortable might mean accepting extreme vulnerability.


Being badgered to be comfortable is not something that most people are going to respond positively to.



One’s red-flag is typically raised.



Pithy aphorisms can be valuable sometimes, but I consistently wonder about the future costs of the continued clichezation of modern thought. #LinguisticPrevalence #Vocab






If you’re paying the costs for being someone that you’re not, then you’ll encounter the temptation to become that person so that you may AT LEAST receive the positives of the tradeoff. #LabelFulfillment #SocialScience #SocialPsychology #culture #stereotypes #barriers


A great example of precarious philosophy would be landmining topics/subjects for which the culturally prevalent interpretation incentivizes anti-socially…


“You’re going to pay the costs for being who we say you are, so you may as well join the gang we say you’re in.” #gang #mob #crowd #audience #persuasion #seduction #manipulation #QuidProQuo #omission Some jump their members members in with incompetency training it seems…


Although it may be tempting (for some) to entrap with reputational-risk/labels, hoping to lure good people into adopting bad labels is risking the loss of them to the fulfillment of their unmet selfish needs.

When you call someone “bad”, they aren’t obligated to prove their loyalty to you or anything like that. They may revolt. This tactic is only as successful as they are motivated to prove their “goodness” (however it may be defined).

It becomes unreasonable, at some point, to expect the labeled to continue to pay the costs of being “good” while being labeled as “bad”.

There is risk in conflating the “bad label” with “opposed to entrapment.”

Is it not also strange to put shame before honor in this way??

What if people paid the costs for being good? Would they then be incentivized to accept those costs because they’re getting “good benefits”?


Erroneously (or entrappingly) labeling people as “bad”, as a test of their badness, is a flawed approach that may increase the likelihood of performing undesired behaviors. It seems to be irrational social-engineering (by my estimation).

Does presumed innocence help cultures/societies deal with this? #Guilt.

If the label goes away, then could a group wisely weed out free-riders and expose social-loafers? #Pareto 80/20

Is it worth the possibility of emboldening undesirable behavior from the impatiently tested/experimented?



How can we best illustrate the neural signature?

Wave graphics? Animation? Analogy? Figurative speech?


#ET_Probing Wow, political ideological testing…

How far away is having this technology from being used to program a Culture/organizations/etc.?

Subliminal interrogation?

Is this tech helping with the Smithsonian pheromonal research at all? #Endocrinology #SocialEndocrinology

When are neurocorrelates more spurious? When are they less?



’m not asking why people aren’t paying attention, asking why not.




A doomed country/state/community/culture want its sub-cultures to be comprised of gangs & mobs.

#et_society #et_culture #et_ #et_national #ET_Social #SocialScience #macro #et_sociology #sociology #et_notes #twitter_et #et_write #et_scribbles #et_notes

@TwitterWrite @LWOtteson



All that work you did wasn’t done before you did it, good job!



#et_org #et_net #et_us #et_usa #et_think #et_group #et_squa #et_trade #et_goods #et_commerce #et_poli #et_tech #et_biz #et_business

Will AI be able to optimize laser-targeting to the extent that hypersonic threat become obsolete?


@ForbesTech @techreview

Is yesterday soon enough?


What is proportionate penalty for hypersonic threat (as compared to gamma)?


What time is it when you reveal that ace up your sleeve?



Worse dogma is better ?

- • - = + ?

#et_think  @ET_Times #et_math


But a worse version of something bad isn’t improving #et_notes #et_twitter #et_lwo #TwitterWrite #et_times


But if a dogma is better, then it may carry greater risk & be more difficult to sterilize.

What can Chat GPT tell us about dogma-sterilization?

@OpenAI @YouTubeTV @ET_LWO


Should dogma-sterilization be a purely intracultural process or is something owed for collective-security? #inter #inoculatory #macro #culture #et_






#et_glossary #et_index #et_references #et_mktg



When does one prompt a please for an invitation (as opposed to being for a request)?



How do the crimes of Prometheus and Jesus differ? #et_Olympus #et_parthenon #et_acropolis #et_trials #et_justice

How are their stories alike? #et_Easter #CA2023Easter #Easter_2023 #CA_Easter


Mobs… crowds… audiences…


What differences exist between mis-education and dis-education?

What about mis-conception and dis-conception?

Mis-interpretation… dis-interpretation?



#et_aliens #et_gatos #et_gilas



What does everyone think about shared-interests?

#et_music #lwo_music #lwo_photography #lwo_design #et_design #et_photography #et_art

@Lensa_ai @OpenAI #Dalle2 #et_mktg



Fickle Things: A Thread




Does comedy ever get used to rinse reputations? #launder



Did human civilization/culture develop, in part (at least), as consciously-engineered solutions to cope with the #symbiosis that we’ve co-evolved?

Does a society aspire to house parasitic-behavior or mutualistic-behavior? #prosocial

Are we as symbiotic-by-nature as are our systems?


How literate should Americans be about Glaucon & his brother’s disagreements?

@JonHaidt @TwitterWrite

@ET_Times #et_write

@TWSPublish @ET_LWO



I oppose/support the current thing.

Nobody is forcing you to veil your opinion as if it is conclusive. (Hopefully)





“I’m not better than you” is a wonderful sentiment and an important place to ground ourselves with others.

That said, sometimes we’re better at different things. Sometimes we differ in expertise. None of that does away with our chronemic-kinship, worth, or potential.



When should you win over others?

When should others win you over?



If you have Eminem ahead of Mac Miller on your all-time rankings, then you’re a racist…



Are search-engines/AI engineered to give the truth or do they give what the users want? How is that any better than biased news/journalism?

#AppealingToBiases #CognitiveBiases #AppealingToFallacies #LogicalFallacies #SelectiveExposure #SurveillanceCapitalism #AttentionCapitalism


#thumbnails #clickbait #headlines #catchy #mktg #ads #marketing #advertising Is there something more sinister about personally-pandered ads/commercials/mktg.? If there is any level of appropriate-alarmism here, then what does due-diligence look like?


It is not for artificial-intelligence or search-engines to decide whether or not you can handle the truth.


…Or news, companies, or journalism, but it does seem to be the military/govt.’s #Clearances #security



Will realistic-rendering be dangerous? #deepfakes #bots #SocialEngineering #Subversion #PhonyVerifiedAccounts #ai #AdversarialAI



Only knowing pop-psychology is like only having a hammer and a wrench, trying to maintain a car (especially when you’re trying to diagnose and impose your judgments on others in social settings… fix someone else’s car)…

Mayybe you need a hammer or a wrench, but the lesson here is still to know your limits, even if they are self-imposed. #Responsibility.



Since when is “white” an ethnicity?

@sthlmresilience @StockholmCF

@OsloFF @NobelPeaceOslo @DenmarkinSV

@IndiainDenmark @IndEmbFinEst

@IrishEmbTallinn @USEmbVilnius

@UAE_EMBRiga @Edinburgh_CC



Should Russia be pressured to trade out of St. Petersburg w/ tariffs if they’re going to tempt appeasement before Putin’s transition-of-power? #Precedent #HistoricalPrecedent #FreeElections #FreeSpeech #FreePress  @UN @IMFNews


How much loss-for-the-sake-of-rhetoric is acceptable?

@EmmanuelMacron @IndiainHamburg

@GuggenheimPGC @JPN_PMO @SkyNews

@WIONews @BrazilinUSA




When does Hollywood have to sign government-NDAs? #funding

@TwitterMovies @TwitterNews @TwitterMusic



Will #ai push the demand for personality to 0 out of 100?



Does the #IronCurtain move to St. Petersburg in the #2020s?



(Author’s Note: That is up to the people of the city, right?)



What is Denmark’s land-to-glacier ratio?



Were public shares of Twitter owned by the govt?

@Forbes @WSJ



On @YouTube you can be taken seriously as a journalist, on

@Instagram things are a bit lighter, and on

@Twitter: what you say matters

@TwitterMktg @Google @Meta



When you wear your scars, you can warn others?



Sometimes you want a fresh day and sometimes you don’t.



Should we train AI with #fungi?

@PaulStamets #ExperimentalPsychology  @ucsc

Should thinking be taboo? #mycology @michaelpollan

@neuralink @JonHaidt @nyuniversity @JohnsHopkins

Could fungi make personality more malleable? Can personality be too malleable? Can it be too static? #HighEntropy #LowEntropy #EntropyInEden



What if we made a three-item Venn-Diagram with the words #icon, #idol, and #model? #Compare #Contrast



Seven hours in the beautiful lush greenery of #CA2023  @Honda

#BrothersForLife #CA2023Reunion



Should you flex about digital property ownership? #Gander

@hulu #swag




If you say that you can’t afford to take risks, then what sort of precarious platform are you giving yourself to negotiate from? #alliteration


It’s still might be appropriately assertive to make it clear that you are not willing to take risks (but is it too risk-averse?).



Feels to me like grown men should be saying “sir” and “mister” more than #bro, #brah, and #bruh

But that’s just #imo

#brah is cool in HI, though



Do you ask somebody why they care about doing some thing that nobody else cares about (but also define integrity as doing the right thing, even when nobody is looking/watching)? #Doublethink #integrity



Bombard your misconceptions and cognitive-distortions w/ #education #humility #forgiveness



People with road-rage say some wild stuff (i.e. “you are the sole problem with society!”).



I think I am equally interested in partnership & romance

#personal #reflections #introspection

Things change



Pretty cool that  @rihanna has the  @NFL opening for her.



#pathlength #nuance



Insidious implementation #Twist @TwistedTea

#spin @spinrilla #disinfo






How does the value of someone’s 2 cents differ?



To have domains is to…


#analogy #assets #investing

@squarespace @TwitterMktg



What a year @USA2048Election




Does indulging in the exploitative benefits of Halo Effect pigeon-hole one into a vulnerability to the negative halo effect?



Cost of interaction with the pigeon-holed/landmined


The cost for the pigeon-holed/landmined being seen as costly by everyone



Does Humpty Dumpty walk on eggshells too?






Do US citizens attribute #honor to celebrities/idols while relegating each other to a mere “not-guilty” collective-depedestalization? #culture #GuiltProne #ChronemicKin #CoexistentKinship



As media has become most ubiquitous, why would we suppose that linguistic malfeasance/undermining/cultural-subversion would decrease (along with its varying risk)?




All that out-group/in-group pandering is tried and trite. #AntiDehumanization


Should we be careful voting “literally anyone else” in presidential elections?


“Anyone but a Democrat” versus “anyone but a Republican” got us Trump #StupidGames #StupidPrizes #DontJoinTheCircus


Why would anyone possibly believe that only 1 eligible American citizen can perform presidential duties? #idolatry #merit


#ChosenOne? Why are people ride-or-die against Politicians that take oaths to serve the Public without discrimination for political-affiliation?


Dereliction of duty is serious business.



If one’s private thoughts make them more spiteful, antisocial, and/or cynical, then might those thoughts be classified first as “sins against self”?

#secularity #CognitiveEngineering #sinical #sinicism #philosophy #PoliticalSectarianism #dogma #engagement



To be domesticated or to think? #Shakespeare



Who doesn’t love good #platforming games?



Party affiliation has become a landmine

@Twitter @Meta @instagram

@tiktok_us @HuaweiMobile

They are elected by #ThePeople, not #ThePartyTheyWereNominatedBy

@nprpolitics @CNNPolitics

@twitter_oped @TwitterMktg

@TwitterMktgUK @TwitterMktgSG

@TwitterMktgJP @TwitterMktgBR



#TalkingUpToPeople is different than “speaking up.”

Different than #UpTalk too…

Don’t get it #twisted  @TwistedTea

@ValeroEnergy @ampm

@Chevron @CircleKStores @Shell

What is an antonym for “pandering”?

@thesauruscom @Dictionarycom


vs “Talking down to people”…

Meeting someone where they’re at is different than assuming a pedestal for yourself. #DunningKreuger #pedagology



How much of perceived-gatekeeping is due to legitimate real-world constraints (rather than presumably corrective redistribution of risk)?



Looking forward w/ history in the back pocket.



#EntertainWhat #EntertainWho



What is the point of crying about the weather? (A mantra)

For the record, this is not a comment regarding climate change. It was intended literarily.



Call it fate and put a bow on it.



Opinions are fallible?






What more is a think tank without #diversity than an echo chamber?

@HooverInst @TWSPublish



Can waves outside the visible spectrum be used to covertly sabotage remote/ai drones?


If the tech already exists, then doesn’t that add significance to incidences of aircraft interception?


Incentive to visualize these subliminal waves?



How much you’ve learned & how much you’ve been taught


(Author’s Note: Put them on scales, out of curiosity,)



Who benefits most from American men and women despising each other?



What about Democrats and Republicans?



Deterministic dogma?



Being able to find a way to enjoy the mundane/monotonous/tiresome is insignificant feat.



The primacy of nomination before election does not mean superseding loyalty. #enumeration

Do we demand this of our representation?





Is the president supposed to influence the legislative branch (beyond mediation)?

Is that influence owed to an oath or to a nomination from a political party (subsidized by whatever corporations they may be)?


Executive vetoes and tie-breaking votes don’t belong to parties. Rather, they belong to all taxpayers/shareholders, right?


The executive branch and federal employees take oaths to more than their political parties. How is state government any different?









Do the people program the algorithms or do the algorithms program the people? #tbd

@lexfridman @neuralink



I see no reason not to honor someone’s wish to be addressed as gender-dysphoric or with-gender-dysphoria.

Lots of strawman-ing about this…



Taking a break from suffering doesn’t mean merely taking a break from suffering about yourself.

If you have to suffer for others/chronically-empathize, then the self-preoccupation, suffering, and stress will exist in a cycle together (one further reinforced by social-pressures to chronically-empathize w/ no limits to couch those social-pressures).


Show yourself clemency for not spending all of your time suffering.

We need relief from stress, not just coping.

Choosing to stress more at the cost of coping ensures chronic stress, does it not?



Words can be like contemplative puzzle-pieces.


 (Author’s Note: Keys to thoughts…)


By anchoring linguistic prevalence, interpretive prevalence becomes theoretically predictable. You don’t need superpowers to read people’s minds, you just need to program them. #PopCulture tilting the odds


Is Pop-Culture democratic or is it imposed subsidiarily?


Are algorithms biased against mental health in exchange for political conveniency?

Which branch of government is supposed to have that power?


What is the difference between biasing algorithms and strong-arming journalists/news outlets?


Can algorithms be sabotaged?


Do people need roles as much as they need purpose?



Controlling the dopamine hits via algorithmic manipulation is a helluva power to wield actively, but I’m glad we’re aware of the weapon that the internet/social-media can be turned into.



Capitalizing on Argumentum ad populum bases/anchors it into a supposed credibilized form of argument (normalizing it) Mere exposure effect, cognitive dissonance (motivated by egotistical consistency), tribalism, etc. #Ethos #Logos #Pathos


“Promote what you permit”



Where there is a will/Cain there is a(n) way/Abel.



Does facial recognition surveillance help in the fight against human traffickers?



Is political pigeonholing done in good faith? #Ethos #Logos #Pathos



How does SEO differ from social media to social media?



Can most people tell the difference between what a goat and a sheep sound like?



A community can hold a mirror up for you, but not all mirrors are alike.

[Alike does not “=” equal]



Retweet if you wish rent was higher



One lose’s authority when their word carries too much risk.

Using authority can mean losing authority.

If leaders don’t hold each other accountable, then the whole structure’s credibility falls into question.



Own your moments.



Mediation station #Locomotivation


Are liberal and conservative secular-doctrines established orthodoxies OR are we all calling each other blasphemous heretics without an operational definition for what constitutes such a person? #HypotheticalCounterfactual #PersuasiveFalseDilemma?


Are Democrats AND Republicans tolerant?

Is disproving a conclusion intolerant?

That becomes tricky when we conflate opinions with conclusions.


Although, to be fair, social science is rife with good-faith differences in conclusion.


However, presenting preferred hypotheses as conclusive is either misguided or malicious.


All of that being said (and all of the complication accounted for), why are we so rude, arrogant, impatient, antisocial, and mean about our preferences/opinions? Is that tolerant?


Does a scientist identify with their hypotheses to that extent? Is that a trustworthy scientist?


Accept data (if you want to act like a scientist) and limit bias (if you want to act tolerant).


Limit bias (if you want to act like a scientist) and accept data (if you want to act tolerant).


Can we start with a list of opinions/preferences that neither of us tolerate?



Invective insolence insulates.



Silos, echo chambers, and bad faith discourse



Psychosomatic phantom effects?

With both hubris and neuroplasticity in mind, do we believe that we can self-delude and imbibe cognitive-distortions inconsequentially (at the individual level… let alone collectively)?



We build the machinery of our sub-consciences with our thoughts.

Environments can evoke patterns of thinking and genetics are a real-world constraint, but neuroplasticity can be a self-empowering and liberating concept nonetheless.

The brain is actually changing, you’re not helpless (to 18 year old me: especially emotionally) You’re not a blank slate, but you’re not fixed either.

Whether we want to admit it or not, we shape our tomorrow-selves every day (whether that be further habituating ourselves to regular patterns or by strengthening other pathways).

Reactions, impulses, and intuition are not entirely helpless/futile-efforts.



Fallacious arguments are bad.


In the spirit of thinking out loud and seeking truth mutually, though, it can be productive to voice an opinion with the intent of humbly adjusting your conclusion based on data/evidence/etc.

Some compassion and patience for the thinking process can go a long way sometimes.



What is the relationship between group-identity politics and dehumanization (both historically & theoretically)?



Zero tolerance for dehumanization



Are colluding and conspiring natural consequences of opposition/competition? #CronyPolitics #Polarity #SelfSabotage #United

If so, then how do we engineer against undermining our collective/shared interests?

Do we need to incentivize beyond our shared interests?


Doesn’t the United States need show that corruption within capitalism can be curbed?

How do we do that while we’re colluding and conspiring against ourselves?




Is being offensive worse than being wrong?



Reduce defense-provoking language where possible, but sometimes it is the facts themselves that people are offended by.



Does misinformation contribute to chronic stress? #Dissonance


Liberals and conservatives had different hypotheses regarding coronavirus and the vaccine.


What happened after that was a reflection of who we are, of how we communicate/treat others, and of how entrenched we can become in our own opinions (and sometimes in others’ opinions).



Do narcissistic value-systems lead to antisocial group behaviors? Does narcissism cluster?


A community that permits incompetence, lack of accountability, & dysfunction for the sake of maintaining egotistical/narcissistic homeostasis…

Is a community that doesn’t adjust reputation based on behavior.

Therefore no accountability.


This is a community where reputation ceases to hold any value.

Accountability is transformed into gaslighting and scapegoating.

Worse than being meaningless, reputation is hijacked by those who wish to excuse their own behavior.


A community where antisocial behavior is excused and prosocial behavior is extrinsically disincentivized no longer values competence over performative virtue-signaling/moral-posturing and skillful manipulation.



Where antisocial behavior is excusable, norms can be established and reinforced by the antisocial, narcissistic, etc.

The scapegoated and gaslit become an outgroup. The dysfunctional create their own tribe.

What is a tribe afraid of its own authenticity?



If we disregard others’ antisocial/narcissistic behaviors in order to preserve our status/sense of self, then we lose the thread that keeps a community together: reputation & accountability. Law, order, competence…






If we enable antisocial/narcissistic norms in a community, those behaviors become more prevalent. Social pressures move us further from healthy cooperation and closer to insecure competition.



Where antisocial behavior is excusable, we do not have community. We have a collection of self-interested individuals, mobs, group-think, argumentum ad populum, crime, etc.



Scapegoating and gaslighting can become norms where accountability and reputation are sold out in favor of egotistical consistency &narcissistic status-maintenance. Correcting one’s behavior isn’t necessary when responsibility can be deflected. #CognitiveDissonance



Dunning-Kreuger’s false-summit can become home for everyone if we allow ourselves to be led by the temptation to play the blame-game rather than address our own dysfunctional behavior/incompetence/ignorance.




#Culture #ValueSystems #MacroAnalysis



What we are impressed by is a reflection of our culture/values.









Aqui estamos.



Caring enough to disagree is kinda nice sometimes.



If you gave everyone a second of your day:

How many people would you have to be?







Not a coincidence that president and precedent are so linguistically similar?





Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  


Chapter 6










Shooting someone with a mistletoe arrow for being bright is the beginning of the end… beware the spirit of a culture that finds tolerance in such an act. #et_ßaldur #fimble


[Dark-magic comedy (sin tragic)]


Thinking that you’re the victim of unjust social-rejection?


Make sure that you’re not the only one that didn’t jump off the burning-platform.


I’m not sure that the valor of a captain going down with the ship applies here .



Will Canada start matching Russian fertilizer-production and give all of their NATO allies some speculative-relief about food-security and the mass-migration typically tethered to it?

@UNBelarus @ForbesRussia

@KyivIndependent @trtworld

@Spotify @CAgovernor

@CanadianPM @ET_Times



Maybe I will read a chapter on each podcast or something like that, but the release date for the book is going to be 2/29/24 .

It will be made available for preorder sometime this summer or fall. 





Modus-operandi, norms, context-specific default-mode

How many different default-modes are there? #AutoPilot



Is tweeting publishing?






Thank you @Oprah & @MichelleObama


Never heard anyone call laughter a tool before.



What is cognitive-competence? #et_skills



What happens to someone when they anchor into a rabbit’s hole or quicksand?


What type of people live in quicksand or a rabbit-hole?


“They become a rabbit’s hull and they hit sand”? lol



Jesus was the son of everyone.


Everyone is God?!



Make your own hours.


What would the hours you make be worth?

How can you know for sure?



Is comedy the only thing anyone would pay to see me do on tour?



Are the things that you fear related at-all to the things that you believe?

Vice versa?



I like scripts & screenplays, but a silent-film or two would definitely be in my wheelhouse & I’m interested. #et_art


Sometimes I yearn for silent-film, so I guess I might have to just do it myself.



If I’m going to subjugate myself to my beliefs, then I’d hope there’s something real about them.


Did Egypt export their beer?

If so, beginning in which kingdom?

To who?

Via what transportation methods?

@NatGeo @smithsonian




What and who is/are a chirp(s)/chirper(s) ?





So, expect nothing in return for taking the risk to write a book, but still write the book.




What kind of king is afraid of a jester?


What type of jester takes orders & panders?



Why don’t we just verify each other? #AliceInBorderland @Netflix





To go bounce on the planet for a bit (cardio) or direct force through anatomy (anaerobic)? Both? #et_fit



Guard: Things take time


Protagonist: *Changes things in record time


Guard: Only this amount of time has changed.

Protagonist: Things have changed. #et_workshop #et_lit



Panacea #et_myth


Demon: How do you turn a curse into a blessing?


Curse: Ask your mom, because you’re really cute.


#et_scripts #et_workshop




The time politics take would seem to be bound to real-world constraints. #et_times #et_lit #et_poli  @et_LwO



Respectable political-parties should be nominating prepared people.

On-the-job training is a little below the pay-grade #et_imo



We should explicitize competency-weight. #et_market



Can you find the morse code in my music? hehe #et_music

@USA2048Election @Spotify @AppleMusic @SCforArtists @youtubemusic


Would it be cool if there were different version on different platforms?




#et_gilas #et_gents #et_oddfathers #et_community #et_comm #et_network #et_org #tws_shop #et_store

@Shopify @AmazonKindle @EntertainThose

#ET_Biz #et_business #et_press #et_speech #et_web #et_comedy



How is leap-frogging hostile, flagrant, or aggressive?


@ET_LWO @KendrickPerkins

#et_sports #silly




Instead of yearning to be involved in what you’re interested in, be interested in what you’re involved with?

#et_  @EntertainThat

Need they be mutually-exclusive?



One of the consequences for the clichézation of “dead journalism” might be the attempt to gatekeep public-participation by propping up the perceived cost-of-entry (making it seem riskier than it really is). #risk





A culture’s vocabulary and its lexicon are 2 different things (though one may be able to discern & consolidate if confusion is faced).

 #et_language #et_voc #et_lit #et_culture #et_ #et_linguistics #et_world #et_think




How subjective is tranquility?



What was the original source of inspiration for the now clichéd “bite the bullet”? #clichézation #LinguisticPrevalence


#et_etymology #et_


#et_anthro #et_social


#et_twitter #et_think


#et_lit #et_org #et_world #et_usa #et_cal



Self-appointed joke-judgers are supposed to leave some jokes.

Not everything is a nail. #ff (functional-fixedness)


My being a veteran or not does nothing for the validity of my arguments. The answers will be behind clearances anyhow. (Btw, just to reiterate, I am not actively involved with any government, & do not speak on behalf of any at official capacity)


As it currently stands, speculation is the only option for some. Many take shelter. Not all can.


Stop hammering gavels about law & order please. Good laws bring order.



A: “We don’t have to crush our enemies. We’ll just have to be creative.”


[Insert Setting, Characters]

#et_scripts #et_lit



“Cronies & Homies” coming to a theater ? #et_theater #et_culture

@CAL_Matters @USA2048Election

@TwitterMovies @broadwaycom

#et_scripts #et_screenplays #et_think



S2 E3 Alice in Borderland @NetflixJP


Which episode are you on?




@amazon firestick




<@Shopify @ET_LWO @ETdotSTORE @ET_Times @TWSPublish>


















>#et_times @et_times<


#et_web #et_net #et_org #et_


Most people don’t set out to lower morale, alas.


Sisyphus’ eternal: _____________



What would the Cold War have been if the translation tech of today was available? #ET_Modern #ET_Tech #ET_ #ET_Language @ET_LWO

#ET_History #ModernMedia #ET_Twitter #ColdWarLanguageBarriers #LanguageBarriers #Barriers #Language #Twitter_ET

Different how?



@ #et_twitter



Don’t ask if she’s ready to become a widow on the first date!



Anyone who is subsidized by govt. is labeled as state-affiliated?


@Twitter @Meta

@YouTube @tiktok_us

@elonmusk @michaelmalice

@AndrewYang @hubermanlab

@EverydaySpy @kendra__andrews

@22wiggins @AndyRichter

@AC360 @piersmorgan

@EmmanuelMacron @Sweden

@FoxNews @CNN


AI bot accounts, media outlets, applications, corporations, etc.?


Do we deserve more transparency for all the Patriot Act data gathered on US citizens? #et_accountability




We also need transparency for our opting into terms/conditions… #et_union



At the end of the day, it is usually dark (in most places).

 #et_literature #et_aphorism

@ChrisWillx @TwitterWrite

@ET_Times @ET_LWO #et_twitter

@lexfridman @TWSPublish @patrickbetdavid

@benshapiro @EverydaySpy @OpenAI @GoogleAI

@Trevornoah @RealSway @myspacetom @CashApp




When does jumping through hoops become keep-sieging? #et_gates


@ET_Times @EntertainThat



#et_photography #photography


#et_sports #sports



I’m just curious, what is the difference between an idea/concept being:

A.        Corrupted

B.         Perverted


In the middle of their Venn diagram, is there accountability?


There ought be reputational-risk, no?

#et_lit #et_ #et_notes #et_scribbles #et_etc #et_times




Crazy that plants can drown though…






Pickles, garlic bread, & mustard What is the name of this type of hot-dog?

#et_food #et_cooking



Feels like @BigTicket_JW would thrive in a bigger

@NBA court

@TwitterSports @ET_Times @TWSPublish



Anyone else ever intuitively conceptualized immune-momentum?



What are we supposed to do on Tyr’s Day?

What about Odin’s Day?

Thor’s Day?



Day of Sun & Day of Moon?



What is an ideal humility-%?


For you?

For an organization?

A culture?


0: Boastfulness

50: ________

100: _________

Your ideal %:_______


Please, as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments.


@CommunityNotes @Clubhouse @TWSPublish

@TwitterWrite @Patreon @Meta @amazon @Apple

@netflix @NBCSWarriors

@kendricklamar @KendrickPerkins

@Dreamville @Spotify

@YouTube @GoDaddy




@canva @Twitch

@tumblr @Pinterest

@tiktok_us @Huawei

@Sony @Microsoft

@Google @nytimesworld

@latimes @rumblevideo

@parler_app @lexfridman @ChrisWillx

@coldxman @AOC

@Trevornoah @kumailn

@mulaney @hulu

@Crunchyroll @AmazonKDP @NBA


@TheAHL @Disney


@CAL_Matters @ET_Times



Do people in colder climates have lower avg. oxytocin-levels/satisfaction?

Does oxytocin fall during the winter?


Is any of this relevant for studying loneliness or seasonal depression? #endocrinological

@hubermanlab @Stanford

@TwitterWrite #et_lit

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose



Is the mind both the conscience AND subconscience? One or the other? #conflation?



People need [another person] to certify if they’re cursed.


You don’t want to be constantly looking for curses within your daily happenings (thereby attempting to multi-task, developing psychological-habits & paving-pathways, and cyclically-reinforcing).


Negligently telling someone they’re cursed grants a curse to the teller. Tell the truth to get rid of your curses (even if other people curse you for it;).


#SelfFulfillingProphecies #profit #cortisol

#et_lit #et_scribbles #et_notes


Pupil was like, “Are we “caving ourselves” back to the Stone-Age?


Plato was like, “Huh?”



Does the discrimination against halo-effect-attributes outweigh the effect of the biases that they are meant to defend against?


Not my place to defend against dehumanization?

Discrediting and unauthorizing based on sex, gender, race, religion, class… eye-color, attractiveness… whatever.. it is fallacious all the way up/down/all-around #tolerance


#@TwitterWrite #@ET_Times #@TWSPublish £@EntertainThat

$@ETdotSTORE €@EntertainThese




If you are just going to “float your boat” or “tread water”, then don’t expect to be rescued before the people choosing to help themselves.


Help-with/rescue-from what?


Asking that might seem to be a step in the right direction, but one may need more ultimate goals than instrumental ones (instrumental toward what when static-quo is the preferred status?)?

Be a dynamic character or go down with your ship?



Happy Moon-Day



Karma-systems in video-games

@RockstarGames @BethesdaStudios

@Ubisoft @TwitterGaming




@SuckerPunchProd @valvesoftware

@CivGame @PreyGame


Player-influenced outcomes,

Multiple outcome-options,

Differing approaches


So sick.



Who would like to discuss Boddhisattvas, nirvana, & karma?




@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose




@CAL_Matters @instagram #et_reels #et_highlights #ig_highlights #twitter_lwo






“Getting paid not to think” #ASchema



If you were a going to be a specialist of any sort, what would your specialty(ies) be?



Sharing axonic/synaptic coding is so cool #et_schematics



Open to investment-pitches

@TwitterBusiness @Forbes

@WSJ @TWSPublish



Would you retract everything & forfeit all of your future-speech for literally all of the money in the world?


Two part answer:


1. No



2. Sorry




I used to deprive myself of music so that I could have greater gratification later.

@ET_LWO @TWSPublish

Any thoughts re: #_that,




Also, have you looked into the


’s pheromonal-research progression?

 Any thoughts worth sharing?



Wolves still invite to have you over for dinner.



Both the goat and the sheep bleat.



I keep hearing about how these woefully-corrupt systems are that way because of folly.


I want to be hearing about how that is more indicative of negligence than it is anything excusatory. #apologism #permission #precedent #standard #competence #TheExcused #et_poli


If it were all folly, why is that accepted as a continuous norm? Is that not a call to action??



#et_scripts #et_workshop #et_spaces

A: They already tried to gate-keep Prometheus from fire.

B: Yes, and… he was severely punished..

C: Those Gods are dead.

A: The point was that the torch to pass can exist even if someone doesn’t know they’re holding it / #LeftToDevices


B: So, we’re just gonna act like C didn’t say some wild stuff?

D: And someone can carry a torch that isn’t lit. Or a torch that doesn’t light.

A: Right… being interested in torches doesn’t make you Indiana Jones. Or sumthin


B. Is it damp from rain? Do you carry it like a buffoon?

C. They should let the #IJ_cinematic_universe live #IJ_games




The gavel of Justice will be hammered.



What do the doctors say when a parent writes “Someone (pronounced Simone)” on the baby-naming paperwork?


“I didn’t know there was a no punctuation rule on the paperwork? Sorry, I thought this was America” - #comedy #et_admin #et_administration #et_comedy #et_stationary



>Facebook.com/EntertainThis.Org <

@facebook @ETdotSTORE









Do you change phases or have you been static your whole life? #LowEntropy #chemistry #Philosophy #SubjectiveValue #physics #Opportunity #Interpretation


Even biology isn’t entirely without entropy. Why would you be? #cells #atoms #eukaryotes @oatly @Quaker


#malleable #neuroplasticity #dynamic #scripts #characters #plot



Before work, during lunch, over weekends, after work…


I need to work on my balance.

@newbalance @TwitterFashion @ET_Times



Always loved beats/production.

@MacMillerMemoir @Pharrell @PUSHA_T @KAYTRANADA

@menitrust @Khruangbin @wizkidayo @tylerthecreator

@donaldglover @beatsbydre @SnoopDogg @RZA

@SHAQ @Dame_Lillard @BET @BETMusic

@TwitterMusic @MTV @VH1 @HotNewHipHop @WORLDSTAR

@RecordingAcad @MalayaTinaB @TierraWhack @Dreamville

@TopDawgEnt @defjam @RostrumRecords @capitolmusic

@warnerrecords @AtlanticRecords

@ColumbiaRecords @TIDAL @spinrilla @DatPiff @MissyElliott @Timbaland

@jermainedupri @AppleMusic @spotifycharts @youtubemusic @amazonmusic


Groovin’ to the funk.




What happens when countries forget that they have mutual-interests?



I don’t wanna put my kids names on any surveillance-capitalism data

@tristanharris @TWSPublish

@anchor @ApplePodcasts







@YouTubeTV looks awesome! #YouTubePremium @TwitterTV

Just witnessed someone switching from #DirectTV, easy-peasy #EZPZ

@Google @TwitterMktg




Is the app verified without the users? #SMS #2StepVerification

@Meta @TwitterBlue



Would the @Warriors be in first place if they didn’t cut dunk-champion Mac McClung?



Scratch that chocolate itch @twix


#cravings #ET_Store




Disagreement needn’t be disrespectful. #NotNecessarily #competence #communication



To those that say that all judgment is bad, do you want people driving 100 mph on your residential street? #judge #mental #judgmental


#agreeableness #disagreeability #AbilityToDisagree



What does it mean if an artificial intelligence has an attitude?

@OpenAI @bing #ChatGPT

What happens when they have access to systems?


We’re supposed explore a given #AI’s limits, right?

@TwitterWrite #ArtificialIntelligence




#AttentionEconomy #SurveillanceCapitalism



What is the world-record for #gyozas eaten in #MajorLeagueEating?

@TwitterFood @bing

@OpenAI @GWR

@Crunchyroll @aniplexUSA

@Funimation @netflix



I used to be a #ketchup freak when I was a wee lad, but now I’m about that #mustard life.

@HuntsChef @Frenchs






Why are the words “integrity” and “integrate” so familiar? #relative

Why is the word “familiar” so similar to “family”? #Linguistics #Language #Etymology #Philology



If I would’ve #budgeted my money, more #responsibly, then I think I would’ve been able to go to Tanzania and South Africa for the internships that I had to cancel.


I’ve heard and read some disconcerting information about volunteer-tourism, but I still have a hard time shaking the tempting prospect of integrating into the local culture.


I’m open to learning more, but I might just be motivated to look for volunteer opportunities that are less questionable & more ethical than the ones that are red-flagged.

@PeaceCorps @internabroadhq

#opportunities #internships #volunteerism




I want to be part of the reason why @Gladwell has to make a new edition of #Outliers. #CA1994 #CA2023EntertainThis

@TwitterWrite @amazonbooks

@AppleBooks @goodreads




Will @XFL2023 capture lightning in a bottle this season?

@TheRock @espn




< http://EntertainThis.Shop >



My thumbs are really looking forward to advances away from our current cellular typing

@Verizon @Apple

@Android @SamsungMobile

@HuaweiMobileUK @Neuralink

#AllThumbs #SoreThumb #Thumbalina



What does being home mean to you?



Specific family and/or friends?


Not being too comfortable or uncomfortable?


Cultural familiarity?


All geography?



Love the transcripts!  @youtube @TwitterMktg



Um, how awesome are #GarlicFries?




Anyone interested in lower-level undergraduate or continued-education credits?


 Check out these two websites that all of my peers knew about in the Air Force:








Personally, I only got one DSST exam under my belt, but that was a quick 3 credits and it was transferrable!


I'm not sure who might want this or what they might use these for. I'm definitely not getting paid to advertise this or anything (lol), but I thought this was something worth sharing.

@TwitterMktg @googlechrome




Proof of concept?



To the people that hate #decaf:

Why do you hate the flavor of coffee and how did you get addicted to caffeine? 

@Keurig @GreenMtnCoffee

@Starbucks @dunkindonuts


#ads #et_partnerships



Dubs win


@NBA @TwitterSports



Have y’all heard of @FreeAndEasyLA


@NYTFashion @BoF @TwitterMktg


An unstructured hat so comfortable that you’d probably wear it if you found it on a dead man.


Anyone ever been to:



@TwitterFashion @BoF





Officially hit my current following limit



(Author’s Note: again.)






Still scratching my head about @mmschocolate

#ClamBites #SBLVII _ads




Will @LVAces repeat??  

@WNBA @TwitterSports @kelsiplays @_ajawilson22 #ChelseaGray @seattlestorm @CTvisit@LASparksPR



Count me out, but who is excited about that new @TheFastSaga ?

@TwitterMovies #Mamoa #Diesel

@TheRock #Statham #SBLVII #ads



Leading questions & loaded language leave us with less love?

#ValentinesDay2023  @Hallmark @Hersheys @TwitterMktg



Sometimes people have survivor’s guilt after someone dies for having committed the same risky-behavior(s) that they engage(d) in. Some then proceed to feel like imposters, like they aren’t deserving of reaching higher because of that past behavior.


As if they don’t believe that they deserve a better life and that having one would feel wrong/phony…


Self-accountability is one thing, but we have to be able to forgive ourselves enough to move forward with our lives, minds, karma, etc.


Today is a new today and you can bring your past-selves with you, but the pages are supposed to turn. You don’t have to believe in rebirth to understand that you’re the maestro of your orchestra.



If you feel like you have to pass the torch, then maybe you’re running a marathon at a relay pace. #baton

Maybe delegations/pacing/chunking could help. #tortoise #hare #smallgoals #littlethings #LadderRungs #longterm #shortterm #motivation #journey #destination



Can investing in your thinking lead to subconscious dividends? #reading #listening #writing

@amazonbooks @ApplePodcasts

@Spotify @TwitterMktg



You’re not entitled to “using your GI Bill”, you’re entitled to “having your GI Bill to use” (after having earned it of course) #transition  @stevenvales22 @Pablo_Tha_Great @KevoCelebo @SliccRich #EarnedEntitlement #EarnedPrivilege #merit

Grad school is mad competitive #admission



#Humble rhymes with @bumble




#Narvik @NetflixNordic

#NeutralZoneInfraction #Encroachment #et_mktg



It doesn’t have to be over to call it a #dynasty


@NBA @TwitterSports










Would it be cool if you could bet further above/below the over/under and get different rates for potential return?

@BetMGMCasino @CaesarsPalace

@BovadaOfficial @DKSportsbook

@GoldenNuggetLV @FDSportsbook

@GCapperz @TwitterGaming




That @Miles_Teller @budlight song way2

#commercials  @SuperBowl

#SB2023ads  @TwitterMktg




Other than @rihanna & @taylorswift13, who would you like to see performing the

@SuperBowl #HalftimeShow ?

@Spotify #et_ads

@NFL @TwitterMusic



Did @Tubi say #free?

@TwitterMktg #SuperBowlLVII #ads #et_ads

@SuperBowl @NFL @ABC @NFLonCBS


@Tubi replied: “no matter the rabbit hole, it's free”



Paying this much for ad-space should get you some real-estate on my page… #ScrollEstate #digitization #ModernMedia #et_mktg

@ET_Times #SuperBowl

@NFL #SuperBowl2023 #precedent :)



We all know @rihanna could get whatever features she’d want… let’s see what direction they go with this.



Feels like receivers make the catch if they have control/possession when they go out of bounds (end zone included).

@NFL #referee

@TwitterSports @SuperBowl

#SuperBowlLVII #football #RuleChanges

@NFLPA #WR #TightEndUniversity




This “countdown to @rihanna’s concert energy” is palpable..

@AppleMusic @TwitterMusic



Eyes were bigger than his thorax… #comedy

@AntMan @Heineken_US

@TwitterMktg #et_mktg



Great seeing @HamlinIsland healthy at the game!

@SuperBowl @NFL



Clam-bites aren’t real, right? @mmschocolate





Have people wondering how someone like you isn’t at @Harvard @Cambridge_Uni

@UniOslo_Global @Stockholm_Uni @UCBerkeley @Stanford @MIT @Columbia @UniofOxford

#et_ads #et_mktg



Pops told me Michael Keaton was the best #Batman

@TheBatman @BatmanvSuperman

@JusticeLeague #DCComics #comics #movies #commercials #ads



Swap AJ Brown & Juju and we might see a different outcome to this game #SuperBowl2023 #SuperBowl2023MVP #MVP2023SuperBowl

@SuperBowl @getnickwright

@NFL @AroundTheNFL

@Chiefs @Eagles


A website to make websites #adamdriver

@squarespace #SuperBowl2023



I would definitely watch golf if  @serenawilliams

was playing.  @GolfChannel @GolfDigest @TwitterSports @WilsonTennis

@BoF @NYTFashion @NFL #SuperBowlAds #mktg

@espn @FS1




Shooting my shot with @JLo had nothing to do with @BenAffleck.

Congratulations / Happy Anniversary


Wishing you the best

@dunkindonuts #ads @TwitterMktg #SuperBowlAds2023



I know Harrison Ford isn’t a fan of this idea, but I’d personally love a good young Indiana Jones adaptation.

@IndianaJones @TwitterMovies @YouTubeTV



Will the Chiefs bring the @SeattleSonics back to life if they win another championship here today?


@Royals @Chiefs

@KansasCity @NFL

@NBA @seattletimes




Always looking forward to more #CurbYourEnthusiasm

 #comedy #FTX  @HBO @SHAQ @ohsnapjbsmoove @iamwandasykes #curb



Happy to still have #TheLastOfUs to look forward to.

@HBOPR @TwitterMktg



Have #PumpNDumps &/or #PonziSchemes ever impacted #forex trading?


Could they?









Answering “Should this be controversial?” is prone to confirmation-bias & motivated-reasoning, but should a culture strive to succumb to such things?


Asking “Should this be controversial?” is a good question in my opinion.


Why is this controversial?



Lotta scrolling real-estate for #TwitterVoice tweets




Act like these facts are opinions.

Act like these opinions are facts.


Act like our opinions are facts.

Act like their facts are opinions.

#OutGroupHostility #MoralPsyc #InGroupLoyalty

Being more loyal to this group than the truth & more hostile to that group than dishonesty… what a table to set..


Am I catastrophizing by seeing this and worrying that we could fall into the same dehumanizing history that we’ve already witnessed? #rhetoric #LessThanHuman




When someone makes the cost of interacting with them too high, it makes it’s easier to out-grow them.

When someone makes the cost of interacting with someone else too high, it makes it’s easier to dismiss them.

#strawman #FalseFlags


It isn’t even as if they’re discursively obsolete, but citing them and interacting with their material is treated as if it is agreement with their other material (by association).


Not sure if strawmanning is a role we need filled by conservatives, liberals, or libertarians. Don’t think that spouting logical-fallacies is anywhere in an Oath of Office.


Whatever tribal-allegiances or political-affiliations that get the politician to their Oath of Office, they are subordinate to their service to the Constitution and everyone protected by it.


Is it that you’ve grown or have they shrank/been shrunken?



It shouldn’t take courage and bravery to be an honest thinker. #imo #groupthink



One might think that they are the king of their property, but they pay taxes. The cats & dogs are the ones with human-servants and no taxes.

@AnimalPlanet #PuppyBowl2023

@Petco @PetSmart



Just when are the @warriors gonna start hitting their stride?

@NBA @KNBR #playoffs #EverybodyEats #PlayForEachOther #HungryForEachOther #Squad



I ate frog-legs and I thought they were solid.

What have you eaten that wasn’t exactly normal to everybody?

@TwitterFood @CookingChannel

@nytcooking @MASTERCHEFonFOX




If it is normal to attribute generalizations to those speaking specifically and specific-positions to those speaking generally, then it is no wonder we’re hearing about everyone feeling pressured to have an opinion on anything & everything. #practices #culture #standards


Saying “I don’t know” or “Let me find someone who can help” or “Let me look into that before I say my piece”… these get answers, but they admit humility and show scholarly integrity. #AttributionErrors #philosophy #CognitiveCulture




So much uncertainty, so little time. @TWSPublish @ET_Times


#sensationalism #attention

@tristanharris @YouTube @TwitterTV @Meta

@SkyNews @Samsung @Huawei @tiktok_us




Are all #EmptyGestures supposed to be filled? #Curb @HBO

#CurbYourEnthusiasm  @SeinfeldTV @iamwandasykes

@ohsnapjbsmoove @OfficialJLD @BryanCranston

@TwitterTV #mktg @YouTubeTV #Streaming #TrendCompetition



Does logic care about our motivations?





@YoutubeGaming @TwitterGaming

A. Gryffindor

B. Slytherin

C. Ravenclaw

D. Hufflepuff


1 vote for Hufflepuff so far…


@TWSPublish says:

I voted for Slytherin



Huddle up.

Would me identifying as a lesbian do anything to change the validity/structure of my arguments? #et_logic #et_think #et_ #et_content #id_lwo #et_lit

@TwitterWrite @nlgja

@realDailyWire @CNN @FoxNews

@guardian @WSJ @Meta @ParlerMedia

@amazon @Stanford @nyuniversity




If I introduce myself with my intersections, then that might come off as tangential (possibly weakening persuasive–strength).

By my estimation, it is tangential for persuasive contexts. Whether it is tangential within informative-speech is not a given, a priori.


In other words, intersections don’t impact debate.


AND you don’t want them to.


BECAUSE you don’t want to take away others’ abilities to discuss without an audience that is derailed by tangent. You don’t want to promote such an audience. Promote critical-thinking instead.


Am I wrong?

Let me know!

Reply in the thread & let me know where intersections ought influence logic.


(Author’s Note: Intersections can impact which topics are discussed during debate & which framing is perceived as plausible, etc.). This conversation just got even more interesting. <3



Imagine speech-to-text when we have holographs:

@SpeechifyThis @dragonanywhere

Working on a bigger document would be better for my thumbs, personally.


We don’t want citizens breaking their own hands! We need innovation!


Don’t forget about the pinkys!



@Android @SamsungMobile @Huawei



Oo, holographic keyboard too? Which person smarter than he is going to explain how we can have tactile feedback, whilst using how holographic keyboards?

@lexfridman @TwitterEng


It would be nice if all countries were united enough to share extraterrestrial resources (to include costs), preventing an exacerbation of resource-limitation realities. #et_outcomes BUT in principle/theory, we worry about quality-control again, right? #et_fwa #et_mono


#excavate #traversal



The art of provoking thought without possibly–deniable defense #MisinterpretivePlausibility #InterpretiveImplausibility



How did you get so twisted up that you’re fighting for a politician to defend your ego?? #et_twist @TwistedTea


Is it a politicians job to defend the egos of citizens?

@LEGOIdeas @eggo


@sthlmresilience @visitstockholm



See the forest for the trees, as it pertains to graphs and dots/bars.


Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think


Check it out!

@TwitterBooks @amazon



What happens if you dip your toes in everyone’s pond?

@Ubisoft @CairoReview @MiamiHerald

@Lacoste @FloridaGators

@Crocs @TwitterWrite





Y’all got any awful justifications for doing horrible things to each other here?

@Amazon @TwitterBooks

#et_twitter @EverydaySpy @ET_Times



Interpret this

Interpret that

Interpret these

Interpret those



1: Jesus only does it when he has to. Look at him. He’s so sick he might die!


2: Who is sick? (No reply) Who is sick!!






These designs

Those designs



Those albums

These albums


This design

That design



This music

That music


These songs

Those songs



I can hardly wait for my book to come out.

#ET_22924 #ET_ #ET_Lit



Just can’t mention enough



Someone had to say it.



Some of the smartest people I know disagree with each other about some things and agree about other things.



My grandfather told me not to save a buck at the cost of a million-dollar experience (paraphrasing slightly) $






Is the cost of imprecise speech being lumped in with malinformation and disinformation? #accountability


Is that conflation truthful/honest?





When I found myself hating listening to @benshapiro, I challenged myself to consider what he was saying critically.

I now have a much more respectful understanding of what he has to offer to a discussion/debate and a richer worldview for having listened to what he had to say.


It reminded me of when @joerogan was talking about how he became most skeptical about aliens when he realized how bad he wanted his beliefs to be true.

Detesting content itself is a precarious scholarly foundation to support.


Knowing the landscape/minefield, I wish that content-creators weren’t so willing to pigeon-hole themselves out of principle.

I find myself regularly disappointed that I’m not comfortable integrating someone into a conversation because of the cost of interacting with them.


If we considered that in a group context, is that dysfunctional groupthink?


I know ad-hominem is a logical-fallacy that is often used dishonestly. Even so, increasing the cost of interacting with your material seems irresponsible to me.

It isn’t journalism. It isn’t comedy.

@realDailyWire @ComedyCentral

@TheDailyShow @nbcsnl

It is deceptive manipulation.






Speaking imprecisely makes misinterpretation more plausible, right?

Is getting lumped in with disinformation the cost of imprecise speech?

Another question: if people run with misinformation, is it susceptible to being transformed into malinformation?

What of messages with all 3 mixed?



"Consider That" now available on

@Spotify & @ApplePodcasts


@EntertainThese @EntertainThose

@TwitterMktg #ET_Mktg




Will the servers devoted to #bitcoin-mining end up looking like an investment in AI ?


@Coinbase_NFT @lexfridman

@donaldglover @hulu


What will AI competition look like?

@MarvelStudios @MNightShyamalan

@TWSPublish #et_mktg

@netflix @PrimeVideo




s noninterventionism technically-obsolete with market-competitors’ mutual-undermining?

@twitterbusiness #et_business #language

There we have clear incentive not to slight one another.

@UN •mutualstrawmanning

@TWSPublish #GoodPractice #rep #trust #Good/#BadCompetition #ethics



What about the kid that is yelling at the other kids to clean up? They aren’t cleaning, but they are being aggressively managerial…

In the spirit of voluntary play, guide them toward calibration?

@PsychToday @TwitterMktg


Or noninterventionism?



Which collab would you like to see most?



Would be great to get some footage of clean/safe rare-earth extraction

@YouTube @NatGeo

@TwitterMktg @Discovery @VICE

#et_business  @ET_Times




Bending not breaking.

#resiliency #et_mktg



Things that are not that hard to agree with (in no particular order):







If your target audience was everyone, what could you be pointing up to?



To what degree is platform-specific upward-mobility #paywalled? #promotion #BuyingFollowers #BuyingImpressions

@TwitterMktg #ET_Mktg  @facebook

@instagram @tiktok_us @YouTube


If followers can be bought, does that incentivize a market for bot-farming?



Although it isn’t personally necessary, I’m still open to getting paid to write a book.



Can’t wait to get these releases set for #distribution.


Just been a hassle with ISRCs, but we’ll get it @Square’d away eventually.

#remasters #remixes #tiempo #ET_mktg



Check out my music on @AppleMusic

Listen now! @ETdotStore @ET_LwO







If someone asks to be pandered to, then who is insulting their intelligence ? #growth #neuroplasticity #learning

@TwitterWrite @AmazonKDP

@TWSPublish @TwitterMktg


(Author’s Note: Also, do they have the liberty to impose lower standards for themselves? Isn’t that a bit like playing by different rules?)



Is outgroup-hostility without ingroup-responsibility just political sadism?



Is there any good reason to put yourself between a rock and a hard place? #expressions #phrases #lingo #english #philosophically



What ought one’s motivation be if history and logical-fallacy are lost on them? #OverTheirHeads #UnderTheRadar #literacy





Should one ask their self why they campaign so passionately for anything #unconditional ?


Do we value #conditionalism more than we’re presently leading-on? #status #reputation #boundaries #standards


Where is #unconditionalism truly appropriate? What about conditionalism?



Quite extensive #LifelongLearning #ContEd #ContinuedEducation



I want to do black/white film without words (but subtitles to offer a different experience, #ReplayValue) @LoadedDice_

@Clubhouse @TwitterMktg

@filmindependent @Backstage



Strive to hold cross-promotion as a bargaining-chip ?

@ETdotSTORE @TWSPublish



Could we be great allies?



Is there any difference between masculine & feminine honor?



Ploy your own plot ? #character #scripts



#FeelingNormalAboutNormalStuff #FeelingWeirdAboutWeirdStuff Ideally we don't have norms that we need to feel weird about.


Sometimes we feel weird about norms that we don't believe in.

However, if one feels normal about weird stuff, then it might be more normal than they think OR they could be weirder..


I used to call weirdness something along the lines of "a spectrum of expectational contradiction." As there are better/worse expectations, there too are better/worse contradictions.

Weirdness might be as dispensable as #disagreeability (though both can be problematic)..


The instinct to be liked is generally/ideally #good #normal but sometimes people have expectations that you don’t want to meet. #weird #bad

You might not care if they dislike you.

You might not agree that there was ever an offense at all OR about their offense-specific nudging.


#ExpectationCalibration #CulturalCalibration


Feedback and constructive criticism are welcomed (and ought to be mirrored), but if the “dislikers” are prompting you to shut-down critical thought in order to gain your compliance/“agreement”, then maybe they need to be spared the benefit of the doubt. #coercion #InformedConsent






When we neglect our selves, we can let resentful dissatisfaction mutate. You don't like that version of yourself, but facing it is key to updating/improving it (otherwise, it is just #delusional, no?). #hardware #software #metaphors


How will you see what is in the mirror instead of convincing yourself that you are looking at someone else? #EgotisticalCalibration #delude #deception


Ego-utilization vs ego-elimination vs #EgoAppeasement




Past present and future all exist simultaneously, but working memory can only attend to one thing at a time, right? #NaturalTension



Must one entertain pandering? #politeness (eg #HaloEffect)

To what degree?



expectant reciprocal pandering #culture #norms



How much should one forgive themselves?


Should one forgive themself as much as they forgave others?

Should one forgive others as much as they have forgiven #themself?







How much depth can one have, as a character, with entirely shallow relationships?



#CreativeCommons music.

@ET_LWO @SCforArtists

@TWSPublish @TwitterMktg

@AppleMusic @youtubemusic

@Spotify @pandoramusic

@iHeartRadio @amazonmusic

@SoundCloud @TwitterMusic



Uff da




Almost time for those tax returns ladies and gentlemen.



How predictive were GRE scores when they were being used more? #ETS #GRE #GradSchool #graduate #ContEd



What if both of the major parties are willing to back the same candidate?



Is #EmotionalIntelligence a measurement of feminine-competence (in both sexes/all genders)? @gallup #EQ

Is not being a criminal correlated with both masculine-competency & feminine-competency?



“I know I’m not in the military anymore, but you still tryna get married?” #WaitTilTheSecondDate #HumorThis #HumorThat






#SocialMediaAppraisals for bank collateral?

@WorldBank @USAA

@TwitterBusiness @TWSPublish



Is each state supposed to be able to sustain themselves if they have to divorce from their country?  @USA2048Election @USA2032Election



I deeply value empathy, but I believe it is possible to have excess.

@paulbloomatyale @JonHaidt

@glukianoff @lexfridman

@coldxman @AOC

Wouldn’t it be utter chronic-stress without any relief?

That said, this doesn’t mean that I value a lack of compassion.

#TooMuchOfAGoodThing? #Balance #Moderation



How much unpublished value is left on the #CuttingRoomFloor?


Giving yourself #ChronicEmpathySickness/syndrome is a result of incompetent/toxic-femininity (pertaining to both sexes/all genders).

Where men & women become toxically-masculine is in their incompetent/toxic-imposition of their maladaptive/antisocial/dysfunctional/unhealthy/etc.





Having to wait to get into grad school has given me the chance to learn so much beforehand.



#Collaboration #CrossPromotion #PlatformProofOfConcept



Sure, you’re going to flip pages, but don’t chapters require introductions and conclusions?

@TWSPublish @ETdotSTORE





#Class #disparity #opportunity #FinancialRisk #wardrobe #outfits #clothes #uniform #expectations #biases



How much would you have to pay someone to work for you as hard as you do for yourself?



So many different foods, so much novelty beyond our bubbles.



Leading an empire would be a daunting/tough task, big responsibility.




@EntertainThose @EntertainThese

#NoEchoChambers #CulturalMatters

@USA2048Election @CAL_Matters

@ApplePodcasts @Spotify

@TWSPublish @LWOtteson @ETdotSTORE

@ET_Times @ET_LWO @TwitterBusiness






How do web-entrepreneurs mitigate perceived cybersecurity-risk (as compared to establishment-platforms)?

@Entrepreneur @Forbes

@WSJ @ET_Times

@McAfee @StaySafeOnline



It has become #cliche to say “We don’t teach you WHAT to think; we teach HOW to think.”

However, teaching “how to think” is only a hop/skip/jump away from programming minds and claiming it is virtuous.


What we ascribe virtue to is important #Culture


Maybe there is good intent in some teaching/mentorship, but we need to discern that (not accept it because it is merely mob-approved language/script/talking-points.


Just thinking allowed/aloud…



You don’t necessarily have to be selfish or spiteful to make others regret not investing in you.



Leaving insecurity, shame, or pernicious philosophy unaddressed leaves yourself in a position of greater propensity to engage in antisocial behavior.



Being the best lyricist or producer might be cool, but being someone that everyone wants to work with is great.

@MTV @youtubemusic @amazonmusic

@TwitterMusic @SCforArtists



Deciding that being happy isn’t enough might be valiantly prosocial, but it is also choosing to program/embed conflict into your life (maybe not constantly, but at least frequently). Precarious indeed, but perhaps below being pernicious philosophy..



It might sound comfortably ideal to decrease someone’s risk, but increasing anyone’s risk without consent is actually pretty ethically precarious. Forced redistribution to equalize opportunity isn’t as morally black/white as it might intuitively seem.



Unless a culture allows envy to appear honorable?


(Author’s Note: Possibly made more likely if envy isn’t shamed??)



Gosh, anthropology is interesting!



Forgot how good food tastes after intermittent fasting



Should any group empower facade-pandering?

To what ends and with what limits?



We can forget our relative fortune trying to keep up with the Joneses



Does authority hinge on competence and the value of one’s word? What are better qualifiers?



The benign consequences of one person’s getting away with feigned ignorance does not entail that malign consequences do not exist elsewhere for that permitted behavior.



I don’t like the cynical attitude that posits that people are dumb.


Believing people are “dumb” sets the bar low. #Pandering #Pondering

Ignorance is sometimes feigned.

The expectation of incapability and incompetence allows that feigning to prosper.

When we give people the information they need, we remove the excuse of them not knowing-better.


It’s also too static and might be a frequent example of the fundamental attribution error.


Tell me what I don’t know, not that I don’t know anything. Knowledge and skills can be grown and developed.


It’s this bully gatekeeping that has enough time to insult someone, but not enough time to be helpful at-all.

For some, though, not being asked more of is reason enough to deal with put-downs. Altogether, I personally think that people are more capable than we let on.


Some people actually start to believe that they’re these fixed incapable characters too.


I don’t like talking down to people. It doesn’t seem adaptive in any way to me.


Having a cynical culture like that provides fertile ground for mob-mentality, purely pathos appeals, helplessness/low-self efficacy, low-cooperation/cohesion, etc.


Being careless, inconsiderate, and/or possibly deceptive is worse than not knowing something.

How can we expect a prosocial culture of reciprocal- altruism when we’re so dismissive, demeaning, and enabling?



Whatbuncha geese



A winter storm in a Californian valley



Desperately trying to save face can actually be costly.



The level to which we accept one's word is the level to which we accept one's risk.



You live the life you negotiate for.




Are masks more pragmatic when you know your face is being tracked by the government? Can any of that data be used for surveillance capitalism?

Does it put political-dissidents at greater risk?



Humor doesn’t have you checking your bank statements the same way that fun does (just my observation).

Happiness & contentment ≠ pleasure & joy

Curiosity, humor, and hope



#FoodForThought pero #BringALunch



Equal opportunity for privileges is the goal, but the differing risks makes that a difficult aim.



#Republicans: “Vote!”


#Democrats: “Vote!”

Steph Curry:  Goat



Congratulations on the citizenship!



“Don’t piss on my shoes and tell me it is raining.”

(Author’s Note: A quote from a friend.)



Being embarrassed can be an intuitive response to social-rejection/environmental-feedback.

Staying embarrassed is reinforced by shame.

Staying embarrassed of something that you’re not ashamed of is a choice.


@TWSPublish replies:

If you’ve done something genuinely shameful, then the path to forgiveness is paved with changed thinking/behavior.

With shame, you’ve committed a transgression against yourself and your own values.




You have to forgive yourself to deal away with shame.

To curb embarrassment, you have to earn the forgiveness of others.

Narcissism must be tempered to effectively/objectively determine if one should be embarrassed.

Should you be ashamed?



If you’re still embarrassed by something that you’re not ashamed of, then you haven’t forgiven yourself for what other people think about you.

You don’t get to decide for others to forgive you, but you can dismiss their judgment if you’ve deemed your actions unworthy of shame.



Reflecting on the feedback gives you the opportunity to condition a different intuitive response.

If others don’t forgive you for something that you’ve deemed un-shameful, then what do you have embarrassed by and what forgiveness should you be seeking?



Shaming/embarrassment provocation > agreement/Shame > Embarrassment


Shaming/embarrassment provocation > disagreement/ no Shame > no Embarrassment


“You did something wrong” > “Yes, I did” > Embarrassment “You did something wrong” > “No, I did not” > No Embarrassment



“You did something bad” >You didn’t. > irrational Embarrassment


Something being abnormal doesn’t mean it is inherently shameful, but it will likely be treated as an embarrassment via a combination of bystander effect, cognitive dissonance, Occam’s Razor, and the norms…



If something abnormal is treated as shameful, both the behavior and the norms are subject to criticism (not one or the other).

We aspire for norm violations to be signs of dysfunction, but our norms are not always healthy.



What if a norm violation isn’t shameful?



Should the norms not be embarrassed?



(Though not everyone agrees that questioning norms is something to aspire to)



Does low-openness predict high-conformity/obedience?



Sometimes people don’t understand why an act is shameful. This is inadequate if the group goal is changed behavior/thinking.

Sometimes people don’t care. They’ll be shamed more, appealing to selfish interests (to make them have to be considerate).

Accountability, reputation•



Embarrassment is about caring what others think about you. Shame is about caring about what you think about yourself.

Both embarrassment and shame are valuable and neither should be dismissed.



It is normal to care what others think about you, but that judgment is not infallible.

Our assessments of ourselves are not perfect either, though.



Embarrassment induced shame may serve a social function, but it is theoretically possible to serve dysfunction too.

Accepting to be shameful due to sheer social-pressure (without sound reason) can mean accepting to conform to dysfunction in order to preserve social-belonging.



What/whom is to be disgraced if the norms are ignominious?



Antisocial leadership is a bit of an oxymoron isn’t it?



Reinforced ignorance is everybody’s fault.















I really hate having my books in storage.



Lobos del mundo o mundo de lobos?



I think I've had enough oatmeal for the year.



Pea milk tastes better than it sounds.



Lowkey gonna miss Inca Kola..



Ignorant arrogance












Assets and domains



How much social media engagement is corporate-backed spam-promotion??

@elonmusk @TwitterBusiness

@Meta @YouTube

@AppleMusic @amazon

@Official_WSB @WSJbusiness

@neuralink @SpaceX

@SpaceXStarlink @Google

@LWOtteson @TWSPublish


Likes, views, followers, impressions for SEO, etc



Establishing operational definitions is pretty standard social-scientific methodology

@realDailyWire @APA @Meta

@Twitter @TwitterBusiness

@NatGeo @HISTORY @jordanbpeterson

@DouglasKMurray @SamHarrisOrg

@rickygervais @LWOtteson

@Trevornoah @DanCrenshawTX

@AOC @ewarren

@Oprah @ABC




They sell smaller paint brushes, mate.



Laser tech to mitigate eco damage in the Andes?

@SpaceX @indiainbrazil

@govbrazil?? #Capadoccia ?



Dogs can smell the past through your presence, kinda cool.



Getting together to work on stuff could be pretty normal.



Nice weekend #FreeMavi



Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  



Chapter 7











You’ll have to wait until Part II.


Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  

Chapter 8







I want to set the precedent that prosocial journalists will always be able count on US.

@GilroyDispatch @mercnews @sfchronicle @seattletimes @latimes @CNN @MoscowTimes @KyivPost @ET_Times @TWSPublish @CAgovernor @POTUS @WhiteHouseHstry @FoxNews @KyivIndependent


#et_press #et_speech Shoutout to Gilroy for much thinking allowed #et_lit


I hope they can

@gijn @StanfordJourn @ucbsoj @NYUpress @TheFIREorg @nyu_journalism @HarvardEthics @et_LWO




This that new @souljaboy console?

@TwitterGaming @IGN @GameSpot

@YouTubeGaming @GameStop

@FacebookGaming @Nintendo


#et_gaming #et_games #et_

@cthagod @druski @ET_LWO


(Note from @ET_LWO: #et_comedy)



Compare/contrast an anti-union & a negative-campaign #et_prompts #et_tribalism

@OpenAI @JonHaidt @LWOtteson @CAL_Matters @EntertainThese @EntertainThose @TheDailyShow @ET_LWO @ET_Times @TWSPublish #et_think @TwitterWrite @WhiteHouseHstry @Wikipedia @ETdotSTORE @HooverInst





Should Presidents be allowed to be in Congress after denauguration? #et_amendments




Where are we going this weekend?




#USA2324 #USA2324Election @USA2148

@USA2248 #USA2148Election #USA2148 #USA2248



Why would anyone in a group be okay with being manipulated and deceived by someone that happens to have intersectional-overlap?


They better be some pretty serious benefits if you’re choosing to believe that your “mutual-interests” outweigh being deceived and manipulated. #symbiosis


Should party-affiliation be integrated into intersectional-overlap theory? #PerceivedMutualInterests #Sociology @SC30inc


Have political-parties been so busy straw-manning each other that they’ve neglected to integrate?



I like that @BarackObama wasn’t inciting a cult.

He wasn’t a circus-act and seemed professional to me. #CrowdWork #KnowYourAudience That tan-suit actually looked pretty nice, too. #ngl



How would gold fold into this? #EffectiveDeterrence #EffectiveDeterrents @TWSPublish



I’m grateful to be allowed to be authentic.



Liberty, freedom, power, responsibility



13.  What languages did Jesus speak? @NatGeoTravel #History



It is actually crazy how much better a

@ModeloUSA is with a lime…

Congrats @limebike!




Happy President’s Day weekend



One major rate-limiting factor in the competitive AI space is going to be rare earth elements/minerals/metals. Who will be able to keep productive pace with AI innovation?


Clickbait headlines and thumbnails are already a problem. Antisocial organizations can just fire employees that are red-flagged, but when it is AI maybe we’ll see more accountability since there is less risk delegation/dispersion.



A big thing about international conflict seems to be: #precedent. Precedent is used to function as a deterrent against unnecessary violence, crime, abuse, etc. (or should be). #geopolitics @TwitterWrite



What is there to be done in order to set a precedent against appeasing this kind of sabre-rattling?

As the old adage goes, “Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” (Paraphrased)




Don’t play with the internet cougars




What if the @UN committees sat down, took a breath, and contemplated the prisoners dilemma together? #gametheory #freegame #freerange

Slighting isn’t smiting, but it still isn’t competent ambassadorship (unless trading disses is suddenly prosocial) #ET_Times @TWSPublish



I’m just volunteering. Campaigning really depends on the will/whim of others.



Happy Groundhog Day tomorrow



Sometimes I wish that content creators pigeon-holed themselves less with their headlines and thumbnails. @YouTube @ET_LWO





Whether or not someone actually did something or said something is going to become that much more difficult as deep fakes become more sophisticated.

#clarification #verification

How competetive will AIs be with each other?



People hate so much that they talk ish about Helen Keller not being a real pilot. @Google



Does it pay to be honest in press/journalism/media/politics?



Even if a corporation finds a #loophole to escape liability, consumers/customers/users can still put their feet to the fire, right?

What #LiabilityLoopholes does the avg. citizen find persuasive/convincing/satisfying?


#SocialLoopholes #LocalLoopholes #NationalLoopholes #GlobalLoopholes #CulturalLoopholes #DisinformationLoopholes #MalinformationLoopholes #LegalLoopholes


Does an acceptance/proliferation of so many self-serving loopholes lead to a shared investment in reality-distortion? #mistruths



If history is written by the #victors, to what degree should citizens tolerate dishonesty? #ModernMedia #msm #AltHist #future #misinfo #malinfo #rhetoric #disinfo #global #CoexistentKinship #ChronemicKin #national #state


How much can they afford to?? According to whom?


Do we need to ensure that “losers” still have #FreedomOfPress to check & balance a victor’s ability to project a #DistortedReality?


#CouchThis #CouchThat #CouchThese #CouchThose

@EntertainThis_O @EntertainThat

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose

@ET_Times @TWSPublish



Should you believe in who you can become?

Why wouldn’t that apply to your beliefs in others?



Is the United States Latin-American?



#SayNoToDehumanization #JustSayNo #OutGroupHostility #MoralPsychology



Do you want to be quoted for what you decide to write or the whole process? #DoubleStandards

We need to filter/weed out thoughts that we disagree with, invalid forms of arguments, etc., right?


Is a movie judged for what is left on the cutting room floor?

Well, I guess it can be, right?



Recklessly destroying infrastructure is not ideal. #economy #resources #efficiency #proxy #DebtTrapping #dependency #CollateralDamage



Write your own script if you believe in your character enough to meet the challenges of the plot you negotiate for.  @TwitterWrite @AmazonKDP


Who could you be if you got out of your own way? #character Characters can’t their settings, but when don’t they have some choice in the plots they pursue/conflicts they choose to face?




Every rung of the ladder counts #UnDiaALaVez #UnPasoALaVez


How vast can that metaphorical rung become? @TwitterBooks



Wanting a #FirstLady is one thing, but is it legally necessary? #FirstLady2048 #FirstLady2044 #FirstLady2056 @ET_LWO




There will be 366 calendar days next year #LeapYear

@LeapFrog @TwitterMktg #2024 #jsyk





To what degree is hidden virtual/internet/social-media #DeAmplification followed by real-life consequences (socially, mentally, physically)?

@facebook @instagram

@Twitter @tiktok_uk @YouTube

Even just stress, confusion, wasted time… #Explicify


Would it be better to merely amplify the people who can afford to pay for amplification?



If people had their way with Universal Basic Income, what would happen to the Pareto distribution paradigm?#loafing #FreeRiding

@JonHaidt @SenSanders @AndrewYang @HooverInst

@Trevornoah @RepAOC @EconomicTimes

@TheEconomist @WSJ

@NYSE @TheDailyShow

@coldxman @lexfridman




Do Federal student-loan interest-rates go down as loans are undermined by inflation? How does that intertwine with tuition costs? Does control over the interest-rates and inflation bring about any conflict of interest?



A person that doesn’t believe in you/trust your judgment (without knowing who you are or what you think) might not be someone from whom approval/opinion ought be sought. (Though, of course, thoughtful feedback is welcome)


Isn’t distrusting your judgment part of becoming competent (at least due to cognitive biases)? Wouldn’t we otherwise champion impulsiveness?


There is “good judgment” and “bad judgment” as there are good instincts and bad impulses. Recognizing instincts and impulses seems important for anyone who wants to be able to trust their judgment and believe in themselves.



Mentions ≠ spam, but sometimes mentions can be #spammy



How much of history’s future will be effectively fixed by those at the helm of the amplification-controls? #msm #ModernMedia

@TwitterBusiness @MetaforBusiness

@TWSPublish @ET_LWO



Is 2048 CE:

A. The future

B. Around the corner

C. Too late




How different is modern US bipartisan polarization from #PoliticalSadism?



How best could the naive/gullible inoculate themselves against the extremely disagreeable?



Bogut was so solid on the @warriors



With Russia/China being the only non-NATO powers in the Arctic, could Erdogan’s pressuring of @Swedenlead to more resolute Arctic-NATO ties? Will Scandinavia be more allied than ever before?

@edinburghpaper @OsloFF @NobelPeaceOslo

@sthlmresilience @StockholmCF



Explain your career break with your published book!

@AmazonKDP @TwitterBooks







Biased Twitter feed? Follow more accounts #algorithm



You can undermine something by overwhelming it and vice versa. #irony #Fe #subversion

@ChemistryWorld @NatureChemistry

@RoySocChem @EdinburghChem



Mudstorms of information make #quicksand of reality.


Probably best to avoid both rather than have to escape/survive such conditions.



Accountability for falsely-alleging is, to some extent, a matter of social-engineering.



Any selling of vocal soundbites or facial data for deepfaking need be consentful.

@instagram @FBoversight

@TwitterSafety @Google @AmazonScience

@Apple @Huawei @tiktokcreators





What if AI was present during the Cold War? #development #economy #undermining #servers #data @OpenAI @Flickr



Too many hot takes on Twitter… almost feels non-representative…



@bricscouncil_in @NATO

@trpresidency @Sweden @FinlandinEU @EstoniaUN

@Taiwan_Today #Xinjiang

@timesofoman @ICRC_sy @EmbamexEUA @AmbassadeKaboul

@Huawei @IndiainPoland

How many DDoS have targeted wireless internet or cellular service reception ? #AccessToInformation #CutComms



59.  Should St Petersburg be allowed to kill marine life with their mined waters?

@peta @AnimalPlanet @Sweden @Huawei @VisitHelsinki @RoyalNavy

@japantimes @Taiwan_Today @LeoDiCaprio @ShellenbergerMD  @GavinNewsom @TulsiGabbard @DanCrenshawTX @RepAOC

@WIONews @EI_Baghdad #FishSticks


@KyivIndependent @MoscowTimes

@trpresidency @GreenlandRepRVK

@VancouverSun @KoreanAir_KE

@SkyNews @trtworld

@AlJazeera @dwnews @FRANCE24 @Reuters

@Ground_app @UN @EPA

#class #economy #environment

How many people depend on the price of #fish?


#Precedent #NonAppeasement




1. What do you do if a minefield is in your way?

A. Turn around B.

Blast a path open (risking collateral damage)

C. Take your chances in the minefield

D. Go around it/ find another corridor for entry

E. Fly over/under it


2. Will there ever be satellite minefields? Y/N



Who do elected officials/politicians serve 1st:

A. None of the below

B. The people they were elected by

C. Their oaths

D. The people they were nominated by

E. All of the above

F. B and C






Vs forced compliance? #consent #coercion

Is #ForeignExchange a human right?

@hrw @UN_HRC

@UNHumanRights @TwitterBusiness

@ETForex @FOREXcom @ForexLive


Is there anything to be learned from the modern retail stock market

@RobinhoodApp @GameStop

@AMCTheatres @dogecoin @WSJmarkets



So many hot takes here on

@Twitter, but I want to be able to handle the heat in the kitchen.

@MiamiHEAT @HellsKitchenFOX

@CookingChannel @masterchefau



It might be more difficult to find work/life balance if your friends and family think that your #work is worthless. @TWSPublish



Hitler is deceased and so is the Soviet Union.



Can’t wait to travel more someday.




I miss traveling.



Who hasn’t heard of @wizkidayo yet?

@TwitterMusic @billboardcharts

@MTV @EntertainThis_O @pandoramusic

@iHeartRadio @amazonmusic

@Clubhouse @youtubemusic



I look forward to both Aleppo and St Petersburg being safe places for tourism

@Skyscanner @Airbnb

@vrbo @travelchannel

@NatGeoTravel @nytimestravel

(Author’s Note: At least some archaeology maybe.)



Would the Russians have been more likely to have provoked/supported a Taiwan #operation ?

@ReutersAsia @UAEembMoscow

@dwnews @BBC @AlJazeera

Who can say?

@AP @PressSec @SecBlinken

@PMOIndia @BorisJohnson @bricscouncil_in


What is #MissionGeneva?




I would love to see the architecture of Moscow, Kyiv, St Petersburg, Hong Kong, Tehran, Mexico City, Vancouver, Morocco, Cuba, Melbourne, Singapore, New Delhi … someday. @Skyscanner @SpiritAirlines @Ryanair

@vrbo @Airbnb @bookingcom @ApartmentsBiz

@zillow @travelchannel


@TwitterMktg @TWSPublish



@ET_Times @TWSPublish

At any point does St Petersburg’s nationality become a possible negotiation concession?

@Taiwan_Today @TwitterBooks @MoscowTimes

@KyivIndependent @bricscouncil_in


@japantimes @EgyIndependent @SwissEmbRiga @PLinUN

@EmmanuelMacron @WIONews



Have we forgotten the value of shared history?


@ET_Times @CAL_Matters  @USA2048Election


#MisInfo #DisInfo #Malinfo

@AP @pressfreedom @StanfordEthics


Should we not be diverse enough to respect all history? Does all of history matter? Some? Only the bits that confirm our biases? Only the bits that are useful for a Machiavelli-esque clinging-to/hoarding-of power? #WillfulFixedness/blindness


Do patsies, charlatans, and puppets engage in a sort of facade of behavioral-determinism and self-limiting/excusatory rhetoric? Do we respect and honor all of history for the human truisms that lie beneath all of it? #tolerance #humanity #culture


Are those who do not learn history truly destined to repeat it? Is learning not respecting/honoring history? #ancestors #ChronemicKin #CoexistentKinship Strategically, the USA wants to be seen as honorable.


How do we do that if we explicitly champion ourselves as a guilt culture (rather than an honor one)? If we’re impressed by more than mere non-guilt, then don’t we believe in honor (whether we are aware it or not)?

@CAL_Matters @TWSPublish



The US wants to be seen as honorable, right?

Rather than shameful?



I try to discuss difficult topics with respect and utmost benevolence, but tell me where I’m wrong and I would be happy to reconsider.

@ET_LWO @ET_Times



What do we think of someone that hoards power?

Is power responsibility?

What does it mean to hoard responsibility?



People still believe in chickenpox and polio, right?

@pfizer @moderna_tx @CDCgov

@KimIversenShow @realDailyWire

@TheDailyShow @AaronRodgers12



Are real-estate prices higher in CA while it’s green?

@weatherchannel @Redfin

@googlemaps @mercnews



Is having-to-learn one of the #BarriersToEntry for #PublicRelations? #ModernMedia

Learn what? Are you supposed to learn how to think too?



All jokes aside, I’m still not sure who my cabinet would be. @usa2048 @TWSPublish

@ET_Times @LWOtteson @EntertainThis_O

@EntertainThose @EntertainThese @EntertainThat



Reply from #EntertainThose:

 #usa2048campaign #usa2028campaign #usa2026midterms  @usa2052 @usa2056



How will thumb-arthritis affect military-readiness?






If somebody doesn’t have a battery for their photovoltaic cells, are they missing out on passive income?

Why isn’t ownership of property correlated with solar-dividends? #EnergyVulnerability #MissedOpportunities

@Entrepreneur @ForbesTech @WSJmarkets @GameStop





What blackmail risk does surveillance capitalism present?

@tristanharris @netflix #SocialDilemma



Wouldn’t it ironically irresponsible if Republicans were running away from the states that they resided in for the sake of ideological-comfort?

It’s tempting to say that, but economic realities muddy that discussion.



If you run intelligence operations against your citizens, then what are your citizens to do other than counter intelligence?


Response from @TWSPublish:

The more suspect the government is, doesn’t that embolden citizens to uncover more?




Should state representatives and senators be federally prohibited from selling their taxpayers down the drain and gentrifying them out of their state (into the middle US, before everyone gets squeezed out of the country)?



The whole map shouldn’t be blue OR red #HotTakes

@KodiakCakes @IHOP @DennysDiner



As diplomatic as reasonably accommodable?

@CAL_Matters @EntertainThat @TWSpublish



What is an anonymous majority worth in a democracy?

(Author’s Note: Less in modern-democracy?)



Do congress members forget that they serve everyone they were elected to serve (not just the party the were nominated by)? @ET_LWO






Malinformation _______

Disinformation ________

Misinformation _______



What is a breach?

@EverydaySpy @sharktank



If parties want to be in the govt., shouldn’t they be checked & balanced?



Stop Strawman-Landmining ?



Like this tweet if your back hurts.



Can any group/tribe afford not to regulate against reckless behavior?



If you can’t have a good day, at least have a purposeful one. At the very least, you’re investing in a good day ahead.



Anchor shame to being a man that forced an abortion.

Support choice.



American political parties’ casting aspersions at each other when they lose an election is not collectively inconsequential.


Criticizing the legitimacy/credibility of presidential elections in Iran, China, and Russia becomes less convincing when you project election fraud on your own country.


Especially when engaging illogical fallacies is part of your political strategy



To stay true to your moral compass is to define your extrinsic goals in alignment with your intrinsic goals rather than the other way around, to put it instructively.


We would be wise to extract some orientative wisdom from that, BUT there is merely a fine line between blind faith and hubris.


Reply from @CAL_Matters:

Do my extrinsic goals make me more or less competent along the way?

Do my intrinsic goals make me more or less competent along the way?


What do you find intrinsically motivating (without self-reporting or social-desirability bias)? What do you find extrinsically motivating (without self-reporting or social-desirability bias)?



Will Ayatollah Khamenei, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, PM Narendra Modi, and Mohammed Bin Salman condemn Kanye West’s Alex Jones statements?



Self-centeredness & a lack of humility further fuel the tribal fires of polarization.



With responsible power comes competent delegation.

Leadership is failing if competent delegation is not an option.




Does history matter?

Does it always matter?

Does it never matter?

Does it only matter when it supports your argument/position?



As the geopolitical and technological infrastructures change/progress/grow, then ought not the operational definition of “infrastructure” be appropriately adjusted as well?


Has that definition been adjusted historically?


Is punishing an attack on developed infrastructure equal to the punishment for attacking developing infrastructure?


Is sabotaging infrastructural development not an attack on future needs if risk was taken in the investment for that infrastructure?





Ignorantly undermining valued infrastructure can cause sinkholes whether our intentions seem righteous or not.



What are some of the reasons for higher/lower motivation to win certain elections? #Party #Election #Credit #Blame #Gain #Game #Public #Domestic



At what point does a party’s conspiring and #colluding against the other begin to affect their ability to fulfill their #oaths of office?



Should #QuidProQuo geopolitics get in the way of protecting human rights?

@PeterSinger @UNHumanRights


Whether sovereignty is a privilege or a right (#semantics), can it be lost lawfully? Is it contingent? How do we #quantitatively determine when sovereign authority is lost? #Quantifiable #Objectify #PoliticalScience What is the alternative to doing so? #Power


#Standards #Precedent  #Rhetoric #Appeasement



What if conservatives and liberals came up with a list of mutually shared ideals/desired ends? Then wouldn’t means to those ends guide negotiation/conflict resolution/communication/etc? In my opinion, those ideals should be the ones used for federal/national decisions.


@CAL_Matters replies:

Is there any good reason why you wouldn’t apply the same process within a state? Or a county?? Is there any organization that wouldn’t benefit from outlining their desired objectives?



Does having a mutually shared list of ideals inherently put national security or military operations at risk? why else wouldn’t we be able to do this? Self-interests > service oaths?



If we were able to perform mental gymnastics and arrive at the conclusion that political polarization is performative, then would the benefits outweigh the costs? #OperatingUnderTheAssumption



Is political polarization and a fabrication of in-house outgroup hostility necessary for national security and the success of military operations? Or do we truly have such disparate ideals?




You can’t force others to accept your ideals, but you can find ideals that you share ( or at least attempt to). If they truly can’t find any shared ideals, then how do they share membership in a group/environment/culture/country?



How are they both members of that group if they don’t share any ideals?

By excluding ourselves from shared group membership, we remove otherwise shared ideals from our list.



Your vote is easier to buy when you invest your ego, personality, identity, and social-ties into political affiliation.




Identity confabulation Is it possible that prefrontal abnormality/reward-system dysregulation feeds into a vicious-cycle of identity confabulation?

For the sake of egotistical consistency…

Motivated reasoning/forgetfulness



Reply from @ET_Times:

 The need for consistency makes outsourcing of identity into a tribe convenient, less work/cognitive distress Outsourcing of informational responsibility Reduction of conclusions to “opinions”.


Reply from @LWOtteson:

Does politically polarized gaslighting model oppositionally-defiant behaviors/symptoms? Egotistical-defiance syndrome?



I believe that that the road to #WorldWar3 is paved with a second #CivilWar in the United States of America. I hope we figure out how to make this work together.



Is there a bipartisan effort to maintain political polarization in the United States?



Are there consequences for concept-creeping politics into cronyism? #ThatsJustPolitics #Helplessness

@JonHaidt @glukianoff

@lexfridman @coldxman

@TWSPublish replies: #conflation



Thinking allowed


@LWOtteson replies: Thinking aloud?




Would you be happy to lose an election to someone more competent?


@CAL_Matters replies:

Competence in the domain of leadership does depend on a desire to serve others does it not?



Too liberal for the right and too conservative for the left?



Make America Talk Again


Make America Think Again


Make America Tough Again


Make America Tolerant Again









#Diplomacy2048  @DermTimesNow

#Proactive @LWOtteson

@TWSPublish @CAL_Matters


@ET_Times reply:

#Proactive #Election2024 #2048Diplomacy #Ambassador2048

 #Election2032 #Election2040 #2048Election







Church ≠ populace ≠ government ≠ corporation


@LWOtteson @EntertainThis_O



We’re more than the sum of our parts in my opinion. Humans from every part of the planet.. warm … cold… we exist in a state of what we can become.. what we’re capable of.. so much more…



If you’re thinking of those men and women more than 1/365 days per year, then you don’t need to make yourself sick with empathy today. You’re allowed to appreciate what’s been given to us, what mistakes and lessons we’ve been afforded at least.


Today I thank them for teaching us too, not just the heroism. The conviction behind those terrifying steps. The oaths that were meant.


It’s not just their dying. Never forget how much people scrapped and clawed for these spaces for dialogue.


In that way, in our words, they don’t have to be dead in spirit.

I suppose that is up to us, though. Isn’t it?


We’ve been scratching and clawing for a long time.

But every generation we have to remind ourselves.

Born in darkness. Every generation. Then LIGHT


Thank you, truly. Could be us.


Instead, we still have breath. We still have time. Our hearts are still pumping. We can still honor them.


So many should never have had to fight. So many were all too eager to fight. Others indifferent to all but profit.


All of the families and pain…

If we ask “for what?”, we can expect some ugly answers.

Instead, “Why more?”


We have other ways of resolving conflict (just seems its difficult when your own house is not in order, domestically) @jordanbpeterson #RedSkull


How can we honor those we’re memorializing whilst we continue to peddle out such dishonest swill?

This Memorial Day, we have plenty of love for the fallen. However, we owe them better. Therefore, we owe each other more. Love your neighbor, get over it, please.


Next Memorial Day, we shouldn’t be commemorating the departure of more people.

Ideally, it’s the same number as it is now.

Can we at least agree on that much? On a day such as today?



@potus44 @DearPOTUS46

@POTUSPress @LWOtteson @ET_Times @TWSPublish

@JustinTrudeau @EmmanuelMacron

@kremlinrussia_e @JoeBiden

@HillaryClinton @MichelleObama

@FLOTUS @ZelenskyyUa



Apologies should be specific, no?



Is Forexing social security and paying the difference possible? Or fulfilling social security commitments alternatively? How can we enable a fight against inflation ??

@ETForex @ETFinance @ETDefence @WayneBrady @defjamafrica




Prayers to those fighting for what too many of us can take for granted Human rights


@POTUS @POTUS45 @WaltDisneyWorld @NetflixKR @elonmusk @JeffBezos @richardbranson @TheRock @SamHarrisOrg @benshapiro

Never dehumanization



Can we give our children a world with less egotism?

Can we personally do anything to help that happen?





Are we able to see through all bots yet? What of a future where the AI is not so obvious?

@KremlinRussia_E @NetflixKR

@Alhilal_EN @WHOTurkey @IsraeliPM @GermanyUN

@SwedenUN @IndiainNorway

@VisitCopenhagen @FinlandUN

@LWOtteson @TWSPublish

Are human rights non-negotiable yet?



Let us stand together for all the time we’re blessed to have With human rights


@KremlinRussia_E @MFA_China

@TencentGlobal @alibaba_cloud

@Matterport3D @BethesdaStudios

@elonmusk @neuralink

@TWSPublish @JeffBezos



For our wise and literate ancestors dreams, of how we should be able to live together if paid attention during our lifetimes enough to try



@KremlinRussia_E @NetflixKR

@SwedenUN @IndiainSweden

@Icelandair @MoscowTimes




We’re all the same people in that we’re alive right now and we’ve inherited THIS.



What is the justifiable argument against upward mobility for all?


@TWSPublish @ET_Times



The diplomacy of 2048 is something we should start working on yesterday.







HUGE shoutout to @davideagleman for the priceless introduction to thinking about the subconscience and just how important it is for social policy and beyond!

@TWSPublish @LWOtteson

Dr. Eagleman, nice to meet you, sir. Got any book recommendations?



Context matters



Raise your hand if you’re 100% unwilling to be tortured or assassinated.



Beholden yourself?


Under your own volition, to others?






It would be a mistake to believe that ANY/ALL distrust o’ government/corporation/church/mob/culture/etc. is predetermined to insubstantiality. #mistrust #dystrust



The United States’ monopoly on Free-Press/Speech is a weakness for others.



I don’t think the US is trying to encroach on China. People are trying to stay safe. People are scared of this government and the stability of its power structure. #IndustrialOrganizationalPsychology #et_youtube

@YouTube @history








Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  

Chapter 9







Why wouldn’t we want to confuse AI about us?


Who is “we”/”us”?



Why wouldn’t we want to confuse AI?


Who are “we”?



Do people who are not listening tend to disagree?

People who disagree with you without listening to you are also the type to tell you that you’re lost.


Why would anyone want a bad habit to be part of their identity?


Don’t make people have to start writing propaganda. #et_solutions



Who to boo? #et_lit @ET_Times



Why do we taboo?



Sideline psychology & pseudo-diagnoses? #et_pop #et_norms #et_culture




Search-engine real-estate #seo



“Beggars can’t be choosers” is about how some choices are privileged. Let’s make a list of choices that should be afforded to everyone.

Can we make a list of choices that are earned?



“Closed mouths don’t get fed” is a warning about passivity (for me), not a reference to be used in order to justify frivolous requests.

How concerned must humans be with beaks? #et_evolution #et_comedy

@TwitterWrite #et_schematics


It also seems to be a warning about one extreme end of the attention-seeking spectrum. Don’t neglect yourself by not representing and advocating for your interests, but beware the potential-costs if you aren’t ready for what attention you may be welcoming.


It may behoove to prepare for various forms of attention (or maybe highly probable ones).

Is the probable-attention predictable with intuitive-interpretational likelihood?



Speech & press are free, but what is the price of attention?



“Do what you must…”

We don’t vilify the frog for eating insects/fish/whatever...

Why do we vilify the scorpion and the wolf?

At some point, the failing to nurture one’s nature becomes condemnable for the individual tasked with solving the problem.


We are tasked with solving our own problems. This includes both our inherited-nature and inherited-nurture. #Lotto #environment #genetics #biopsychosocial


Social-commitment to helping an individual with their inherited-problems is not a given. Assuming the help is of good-faith, it should be something to be grateful for.


(If someone’s help isn’t something to be grateful for, it doesn’t necessarily mean they had ill-intent… but that uncertainty doesn’t justify being underhanded with intent like that.) @TwitterWrite



What exactly are we anthropomorphizing onto these characters? #et_schematics



Even if crying is the only way to be offered help in cleaning-up some spilled milk, trivially owing debt (even social) remains unadvisable.

Unless you want to be disliked.


If they don’t want to help you with spilled milk unless you cry, then don’t worry about telling them when the milk is spoiled?


Don’t cry over problems one can easily solve?? What if someone is overloaded with problems? #cortisol


#RippleMilk (peas don’t have mammary glands but I love the product) #et_food



Cortisol-management… is there anything about extremely low cortisol that suggests evolutionary value? Or is cortisol a straight-up witch?



I do not support underhandedly dropping people into schemas (without informed consent, for example).

@RealGDT @TwitterMovies

I advocate people organizing information for themselves.

Guidance helps.


Guidance can be helpful, but of course we are not favoring coercion or anything of the ilk.



Freedom of press/speech are so cool, my sincerest best wishes to @Apple @TwitterIndia

#cheers @USA2048Election @EntertainThese @EntertainThose



Replying to @LexFridman:

Tethering and anchoring ai


Are there impressions/engagement/view farms too? #bots

How can we authenticate in the presence of such misrepresentation? #verification “Audience-capture”…



“Taking refuge in lawyered language”



Which flames are #inextinguishable? #et_mythology #et_elements #et_anchors #et_linguistics #et_language



The art of kind disagreement ?



Who can cut through the taboo?

@ET_LWO @ET_Times



Asking the big Qs, looking for little As



Does @scrowder change his mind?  

@ChrisWillx @lexfridman @joerogan

@TheoVon @benshapiro @AndrewYang @billburr @JerrySeinfeld @SamuelLJackson

@tomsegura @bradybrand JordanPeele @warriors

@h3h3productions @EverydaySpy@ET_Times @ApplePodcasts @Spotify @squarespace @Shopify #et_mktg #et_collab #et_crosspro #et_retail #et_realty #et_spaces



Avatar, cyborg, character, android, whatever… Character development = version updates #upgrade #downgrade #Software #Engineering

@instagram @TwitterWrite @lexfridman

@CDPROJEKTRED @TwitterGaming

#et_mktg #et_commerce





Will you block the sun from someone’s eyes while they’re conversing with you?

Do they have to ask?



Why would someone desire to eliminate someone else’s paper-trail? “#Hoarding

@Tip @univofscranton

@Scranton_Quotes @TwitterWrite

Or even convince them to destroy it themselves? #et_notes

#anchors Is it too grandiose to take notes? To write? To try? To strive? To offer?

Who supplies intra-national counter-intel? #SurveillanceCapitalism #Attention #WorkingMemory #focus #MoralPuppetStrings #TribalHostility #services #market #et_business #et_pitch #culture


To think? #et_grandiosity #et_think #et_group #et_team


To think or not to think, is to be or not be. ? #rousseau #shakespeare #et_scripts //

 Sage: “To be or not to be…”

Pupil: Sometimes? All the time? Isn’t that black-and-white thinking??

Sage: Touché

The two sat quietly for a few minutes.


The sage interrupted his student’s silence to adjourn their session.

The pupil was left with many questions, but none he brave enough to pose without forethought and reflection (as his teacher has taught).


The next morning, the pupil skipped up to the sage on his way to school. Each could spare 5 minutes and the pupil had thoughts to share.


Pupil: We can’t think all the time because we’ll go mad, right?

Sage: [chuckles] That is true, isn’t it? So, is the world run by mad-men?

Moments of thought later…

Pupil: To be alive… to be living… there is more to life than thinking. Being is something more than thinking..


Sage: Touché. Just remember that the world will tell you that your threshold for thinking (before madness) is lower than it is.

 The pupil nodded to his teacher and ran off to school. //

 #et_lit #et_movies #et_tv #et_write


Some triggers don’t precede emotional-instability or whatever cliche you’ve in your head due to strawmanning or aggregated-data.


Sometimes there is a sort of seemingly-involuntary word-vomiting (#opinions), sometimes we have conclusions. #steelman #steelmen #strawmen #et_models


What will the next conservation between the #PupilAndTheSage contain? #data #info





To start, make a list of things not to forget to pack before you embark on your trip.

@travelchannel @NatGeoTravel #et_travel



Combobulate this, combobulate that, combobulate these, combobulate those

@EntertainThis_O @EntertainThat

@EntertainThese @EntertainThose

@TWSPublish @ET_LWO



Is it blasphemy to grapple with content?

Is it blasphemy to grapple with context?


Maybe we don’t want to award honor for wrestling with swine, but you don’t get to call everyone a pig and win. #Dehumanization #LogicalFallacies #Norms #Customs #Traditions #Practices #Culture #Principles #et_taboo #lwo_entertainthis #et_NoEchoChambers


#ET_PSA: Don’t #dehumanize

@amazonbooks @AmazonKDP @AppleBooks



What would it mean to extract insight, rather than to stumble into it? #Passivity #Activity #Learning




Person A: Feelings of self-Worthlessness are a good way of encountering vulnerable narcissism.


Person B: Futile efforts…


Person C: Worth my life, maybe? #et_scripts


Person B: <How can anyone say #that if they haven’t already died?)


Person D: They can’t formulate the cost of the variables that they can’t account for


Person E: Claim 1 is: “Therefore it is irrational to claim that one knows how valuable their life is.” Claim 2 is “others-by-proxy”.


Person A: “There are absolutely #zero justifiable reasons to bring things to death unnecessarily.”


Add some value or miss me with your @Koolaid

#et_ads I don’t even drink @koolaids

@jordanpeterson @patrickmahomes @kermitthefrog

#et_mktg #SeasonZero


PersonA: No hatorade, though. That jolly pitcher is carrying a lot on those little legs.


Person C: Who is tugging on anchors? Who dropped anchor? When?!

@Gatorade @PrimeHydrate


Reply from @TWSPublish:

Person C: Reframe: what do you believe is worth dying for?

Technically, you can’t know if anything is worth dying for unless you’ve died.

You could be missing variables for that formula/calculation.


@EntertainThis_O replies:

Person E: Religion will sometimes try to fill in those blanks. Sometimes giving a false sense of rationality to people who might sacrifice themselves after integrating these given variables into the blanks of their formula/calculation.



Person A: Beware anyone who tells you what is worth dying for. Are they God? Have they risen from death? This also includes yourself..






Person C: If the cost of misinterpretation is too high, then being incomprehensible ends up being a more incentivized strategy than non-deceptive communication? #et_blindspot #et_script #et_lwo



Do public universities need more professors? #et_tax

Will affordable tuition motivate private universities to increase their faculty-budgets??


Are public universities civic-services or more like businesses? #et_edu



Incidentally, I tend to write for people who have graduate-level vocabularies and people that want to. But I hate pandering… soo

Should you feel bad for writing over the heads of people who are willing to “diagnose” themselves, their family, and their friends?


(Author’s Note: Let’s share a vocabulary.)


#Culture #irresponsibility #normalization

Scholars > dollars, but my financial future is super insecure

 @CashApp @Venmo




Living somewhere with a favorable foreign-exchange and getting more than US minimum wage… that’d already be seen as a head start to some #CulturalExchange #RemoteWorkExchange #et_brokering #TwitterTravel #et_mktg @Gapminder


Where are x needed?

X =Software engineers?

X= Bachelor’s Psychology Majors?

X #Majority

X= Journalism?


X= mechanics?

X= #WannaBeDoctors


@jordanbpeterson @GadSaad @JonHaidt @hubermanlab @ET_LWO @BNBuzz @uncknowledge #et_jobs  @LinkedIn @indeed @Glassdoor




Returning Sunday?!

@TwitterSports @KlayThompson

@JordanPeele @22wiggins

@Money23Green @memgrizz

Welcomed to correction/critique







What “progressive-discipline” has been handed down to the human-rights violators during this year of territorial occupation? #squatters

@SecBlinken #et_poli  @TWSPublish @ET_Times



Differences between nihilism and cynicism? #philosophy



People who don’t retweet me are doing it for attention


Reply from @EntertainThis_O:

Aren’t doing it?


Beware selling-out (if for no other reason, then because you might be selling yourself short)! [#BuyTheDip]



A mantra:


The alarm clock is not an enemy.


[not my enemy at least] Check out #Alarmy on the @Apple #AppStore !

@TwitterMktg #et_mktg


“Sleep is the cousin of death” is a bit too extreme for my taste.



What are you most loyal to?



Am I a publicist?#Publicize #Publishing


Feel free to holler at me if you have any questions about distributing music

@SoundCloud, starting up your store on @Shopify, getting your podcast going, travel, photography, whatevs




Those stars and stripes waving in the wind… What do they promise? What do they deliver? #FreedomOfPress #FreedomOfSpeech #Rights #Liberties #Country #Nation #journalism

The option of #JournalisticIntegrity?



Do we fall as short as we think we do regarding upward mobility in the United States?

Or have we sort of romanticized away from understanding how difficult that has been historically?



Making someone laugh with a Duchenne-smile is one way to get a genuine involuntary-reaction to something, but the laughter is still too ambiguous to advance deception-detection in any meaningful/seminal way.

Using this as evidence runs the risk of mistaken frontier-justice..


I used to wonder if I was subconsciously using humor to get a read on people. It now appears to me that this may not be useful scientifically.

That said, is there something more to this innate drive to gather that data from people?


We don’t want to be too reductive about this. What could that unconscious joke-telling tell us? How valuable are these assessments? #comedy



Branching-out takes some bravery. You might be facing discomfort (i.e. uncertainty) or maybe even vulnerability (i.e. stress). It might be socially-disruptive for you.

It’d just suck to sell yourself short (#BuyTheDip) #GoWhereYouGrow


It isn’t just #SunkenCost, though.

Do we have any kind of #EndowmentEffect about our egotistical-consistency, identity, public-speech, etc.? #investment #investing


This is why we ought to be calculated about going-out-on-a-limb. Don’t let your loss-aversion blind you to whether or not you’re overvaluing something, but don’t #SellOut either…



Part of the reason why I want Malcolm @Gladwell to need to include me in an updated version of #Outliers is that I wish I could give my family more time with each other #Entrepreneurship

(Author’s Note: It is nice to dream.)



One Lego piece, one bee in the hive, one cog in the machine, one bolt in an engine, one link in the chain, one piece of the puzzle, one man on a mission. @ET_LWO



What do you do if you’re not proud of your body of work?

That would be not-enough pride, but is it only too-much when your confidence surpasses the limits of your competence?



Anyone else been entirely skipped at a stop-light before? #traffic



Would you know gravity if an apple fell to your head from the tree?

Does it fall far from it?

Is it poisonous or bad?



Do you want your article/podcast/video to get some real-estate on one of our pages/articles/columns/threads/videos/podcasts/etc.? #ET_Marketing #ET_Lit #ET_Podcasts #ScholarShip#ContinuedEducation #EchoChambers #Bubbles #SelectiveExposure #ConfirmationBias #LogicalFallacies





Miss me with your pitchforks


Refute arguments if you must, but sheltering yourself from them isn’t something generally recommendable… #agoraphobia

#MissInterpretiveImplausibility #MisterInterpretiveImplausibility


Is the content of one’s character informed by anything more than whether they’re part of the same antisocial crowd?

I may not agree with everything that either of these men have said, but that doesn’t change whether or not they are capable of recording an informative podcast.

#audience #crowd #mob

Who would you absolutely refuse to interview & why? #platform @TwitterSpaces


I want to be able to do stuff like this and aspire to be able to interview people I may even disagree with.

In prep for my clinical aspirations, I wanted to be able to be somebody that can have a conversation with just about anybody.


Always appreciative of thumbnails/headlines that aren’t self indulgently provocative #Strawman #SteelMan #AttentionCapitalism #Flagellation #UnflappableFlagellation #Flappable #Unflappable #FlappableFlagellation



If you don’t have a bedtime, you’re more likely to become a zombie.

@hubermanlab #SleepDebt #Zombies #Sleep #LoanSharks

@michaelmalice @ShellenbergerMD #anarchy

@Fallout @TwitterGaming @bethesda @EPA






In reply to @GadSaad’s: “Should the Chinese government be held accountable in very clear punitive ways (e.g., monetary restitution) for the pandemic?”


Would surmising intent matter?

@CUNYLaw @StanfordLaw

@BerkeleyLaw @WHO

#WhoBeTheJudge @ET_LWO



Who is the greatest position player in @Mariners history?

@MLB @TwitterSports @baseballhall

@macklemore @DejounteMurray

@SeattleKraken @seattletimes

#TwitterPolls #TwitterVotes



Get your newtons away from me Keep your same kinetic energy #comedy

@thedailyshow @comedycentral @fallontonight

#TwitterComedy #LetsGetPhysical #noise #ForceField #GymTalk






If @kanyewest believes that his friends and family are asking him to turn the volume down on God, then how is he possibly justifying what he said with @lexfridman, Alex Jones, and @piersmorgan?


Whose god?

Sounds more like the devil than anything holy/sacred to me…

 #demons #indefensible #UnholyMatrimony #sanctity


I think Ye would be comfortable with this criticism because he might believe that it would bring people closer to God. However free your speech may be, your reputation isn’t.

@vaticanlibrary @realskipbayless

@mikepence @benshapiro


Accountability > apologism

@adidas @nikestore

#Balenciaga @jordanbpeterson

@Huawei @Twitter

@RealCandaceO @coldxman

#KarlMalone  @elonmusk

#GoodMusic #BillCosby #OJSimpson #Weinstein

@azizansari #LouisCK

@KyrieIrving @AaronRodgers12



Is there a path to redemption? @RockstarGames

Repent to whom?? #jury #guilt #innocence #shame #honor

@scrowder @joerogan If you hold yourself to being more than a comedian, act like it. Right?



Grandfather told me not to save $50 at the cost of a $1,000,000 experience

@Tripadvisor @travelchannel @NatGeoTravel @Airbnb @vrbo @bookingcom @Expedia @Skyscanner @instagram @Ryanair @SpiritAirlines @lufthansa



Speech is legally-free (barring the illegal exceptions), but it isn’t socially-free (especially when misinterpretation is plausible given the content of a message). #precision





Do we go through ebbs and flows of symbiosis ?

Is personally going through ebbs and flows of symbiosis a potential opportunity for the fundamental attribution error to encroach itself? #cognitivebiases #misattribution #placebo #ThinkingFastSlow @amazon.com


Can you just virtue-signal/morally-posture and be seen as symbiotic? #SocialLoafing

If the mutualists/ parasites/commensalists are each seen as the same, then to whom’s advantage does discriminatory-blindness serve? The mutualists?

Who is running the symbiotic ecosystem?


From introspection, what does it mean to be a symbiotic person?


Parasitic conflation could be a nasty byproduct

@GadSaad @amazonbooks

@AmazonKDP @AppleBooks

@BNBuzz @TwitterBooks

Dehumanization is awful, but the behaviors can be parasitic. Behaviors can be intolerable.

(Author’s Note: I believe that behaviors are meant to be attached to shame, not dispositions. Fundamental attribution error back at it again? #FastSlow)



Are pump-and-dumps parasitic?

@RobinhoodApp @NYSE @GameStop

#Whales @Forbes @WSJ @WSBChairman @GadSaad @dogecoin @elonmusk @jordanbpeterson @wto @wef @IMFNews

@mcuban @TheSharkDaymond @LoriGreiner @BarbaraCorcoran @kevinolearytv

Would a parasite call it “merely-symbiotic”?



@TwitterWrite @MoscowTimes

@capitalfmmoscow @USembMoldova @UNMoldova

@BelarusUNOG @unmongolia

@KazakhstanUN @lexfridman @ChrisWillx @michaelmalice

Would the people of St. Petersburg (#culture) hate if there were a flag-switch?

Should we vote on it? @Twitter


(Probably new laws to follow, but hopefully they’re just.)

Is anyone running against @ZelenskyyUa for re-election?

No thank you to the cult of haterade (sorry).


If I tell myself I need to make $1000 in a week…

That could be five days of $200,

One day of $1000,

Or $145 7 days a week…




Not sure how grain flows into the Black Sea with this trade tactic, but maybe that means we want to have exemptions for certain commodities…

Who the policies ultimately affect is always a good question to ask?

Such challenges...

If both sides truly wanted to reach a peaceful settlement, what ending to all this is satisfying for the historical record? #model #exemplary What will future strategists learn from this? #president #general #rhetoric



What is a non-government/corporate bot ?



@ET_Times#TwitterTravel #Cal2023Weather



Grateful for @UMGCMilitary




Making music definitely helped take me out of my comfort zone.

@SCforArtists @ET_LWO @spotifyartists @AppleArtists @TwitterMusic



Lying to the police officers isn’t perjury? But it is obstructing justice?

 #FreeSpeech #1stAmendment #Speech #Law #Order #FirstAmendment

Do #MirandaRights help with this issue?



There are signs on I5 that say “Dust Bowl was created by Congress.” What does that even mean?

There are also signs saying to stop sending all of California’s water to the ocean. I assumed this was referring to rainwater (pro aquifer/water table signs), but dam was I wrong.


“Dam water grows food”

“Recall Newsom”

“Stop dumping farm water in the ocean”

“Stop wasting our dam water”

“Food grows where water flows”

“Stop dumping our farm water and jobs in the ocean”

Even some sly signs that say that their restaurants keep the Hangry away… #signs



What could California learn from water-sharing rice-communities?

@TwitterWrite @TwitterBooks @ET_LWO




Sorry. When you asked me how I was doing and I answered “could be worse”, that was supposed to be a positive, enthusiastic, and optimistic response lol



How can a @Chevron possibly compete with a @ValeroEnergy (right across the street) charging $2 less per gallon?

What a neat economic case-study @TwitterBusiness



Gonna be interesting to see how the @Chiefs end up re-branding.

@NFL @TwitterMktg @CleGuardians @Commanders @Browns @LAClippers @WashWizards




Hope you already got your @TakisUSA for the big game! #SuperBowlLVII

@NFL @TwitterMktg @Albertsons @ampm @Safeway @cvspharmacy @Walgreens @Walmart @Target

@CheetosCanada should work too.

Hopefully they aren’t sold out! #Supply #Demand



What if the question of being or not-being a strategic-asset is more theater than choice? #FreePress #FreeSpeech #TransitionsOfPower #ChecksAndBalances #ToBe #NotToBe

Can you be an unconscious-asset to a strategy? #sleepercell?


Theoretically speaking, are there strategies worth being an asset for? If so, what do they have in common? Who opposes such strategies and what do they have in common?




What differences exist between #CrowdThink, #MobThink, and #GroupThink?

For example, how does a brainstorming session differ?

What about voting?


#Fallacies #ArgumentumAdPopulum

Just level-of-analysis / scale?



With Starlink’s response to the recent reports, @elonmusk is disarming/unequiping the Ukraine armed forces. {Is this technically a #DDoS?}## #ET_Times @SpaceX


Is it more likely that it is entirely intended benevolently with anti-war sentiment?



Is this move more business or political? #strategy #TacticalPractice #data r&d











Do all information wars end with a contemplation on the prisoner’s dilemma?

#psy #cyb


What does everyone think about the new owner of @twitter being accused of succumbing to “Russian propaganda”? #FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfPress @USA2048Election

What does everyone think about St. Petersburg’s approval-ratings for Putin?

@trpresidency #exercise #appeasement #precedent

@USA2048Election @EU_Commission

@NorwayinEgypt @EmbaMexFin

@KyivPost @KyivIndependent

@MoscowTimes @VisitHelsinki

@EEinEU @IndiainSweden @IrishEmbVilnius




Is .com going to make a comeback? @squarespace @TwitterMktg



Professor T told me, “To be scholarly is to look at as many perspectives as possible, as much research as possible, as many sides as possible.” #scholar


I absolutely appreciated this and had to write it down.


I also do wonder: how does one navigate such a way of thinking without succumbing to/descending into the pitfalls of #doublethink?


Check biases at the door and go where the data tells you?

Be cognitively flexible enough to remove your ego from being an obstacle to critical-thinking? How much easier-said-than-done is all of that?


Do we, as chronemic kin, believe that we are more competent scholars than we really are? #ModernMedia #tech #SocialNetworking #internet



Can algorithms/markets be narcissistically normed?



I apologize if I haven’t read an already existing tweet or listened to an already published podcast, but I just want to ask @hubermanlab what his thoughts are regarding #SleepDebt. Dr. Huberman, would you care to share?

@ApplePodcasts @spotifypodcasts




If we are allowing our mainstream-media to be hijacked by dis/mis/malinformation campaigns, then does that hinder downrange military members’ ability to identify when they’re being given unlawful orders? #empires



Imagine the #DoubleThink of calling yourself an individualist and teaching your kids that sharing is caring… Is this sort of like how @benshapiro says he is a communist in his home/with his family? #micro #macro



Manifesting patience, healing, and good fortune for those who need it.




Don’t dig your own pigeon hole #DontBreakYourOwnHands #DoNotAmplify #Landmines #Silos #EchoChamber #SelectiveExposure We ought not assume that everyone has dug their own either. @TWSPublish @ET_Times

@TwitterMktg @ET_LWO






What if @Twitter exists during a Cold War?

@NatGeo @ET_Times @TWSPublish



Granted the freedom to write this where? A. California B. North Korea C. Taiwan D. Moscow



Can you bet on the @WWE on @DraftKings?

@TwitterBusiness @NFL

@MLB @GCapperz @espn



#ForumWithAQuorum Including “Society” in the name of your org evokes culty concern out of me




In your own words, what is the difference between the sounds of sheep versus those of goats? #NoOnomatopoeia #language #LostInTranslation


(Author’s Note: Rules are rules, after all. Fair is fair. ;)



Should a man impress himself? #IncompetentMasculinity #CompetentMasculinity


Where is thinking taboo?



Personal opinion: Its ideal when a govt receives money for research-grants in order for researchers to have the opportunity to conduct research that has already been done (privately)  @nyu @JohnsHopkins @Stanford@hubermanlab @youtube #dogma @BrianMuraresku


“Not” @netflix




Is social-deprivation, as a response to social-rejection, a kind of cultural-negligence?



To whom does nothing matter? The cynic.

If given the keys to the castle, what would the cynic create? What kind of “utopic” culture would they make? What kinds of standards/norms belong to people who believe that nothing matters?



Much tbd



Pages flip whether you want them to or not. Why wouldn’t chapters follow the same rule/law? #Presence #HereAndNow #Mindfulness

That compartmentalization does enable a different sort of gratitude to become available, though. #SubjectiveUtility #MeaningMakingApparati #dividends



Setting others up for success is #tough



If you’re not concerned about a precarious status-quo, then you are not concerned about how the table is set.

Believing that something has not become insidious doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t figure out how to prevent or cope with it. #CostBenefitAnalysis


Waiting until it is a bigger problem/issue is choosing reactivity over #proactivity. #Procrastination #StaticQuo


Just because it is not an issue now, that doesn’t mean it won’t be.

Hindsight might be tempted to call preparation wasteful if the problem does not grow, but it may also be argued that the issues were prevented.





Historically speaking, how many peoples knew that their adherence to group-think fueled the propagation of a totalitarian state?



Must it be irresponsible to leave others to your devices?


Why wouldn’t plausible interpretive availability affect the prevalence of misinterpretations? Bias pandering? Other manipulation?



“Stick to the talking points” “

Stick to the script”

Whose script?

Who is the author?


External vs internal locus of control…



To be a warrior in a garden is to proactively prevent leveraging yourself into a position of negotiating from weakness. To be a gardener on a battlefield, then, is to choose to be fragile in the face of chaos/uncertainty.



To adhere to orderliness ad nausea is to leverage yourself into a position of negotiation from weakness. However, utter chaos without the peaceful order of a mental garden is a different kind of weakness. Escaping the battlefield is necessary unless one seeks chronic stress.


What is a garden to a battlefield??

Order to chaos?


To choose to be fragile on a battlefield…

To be strong in a garden



Competent femininity AND competent masculinity #healthy Not OR or VERSUS, but AND


Incompetent masculinity and incompetent femininity vs #toxic

#antisocial #prosocial #adaptive #dysfunctional



Top-down social-desirability vs bottom-up social-desirability




Who benefits from sewing envy into a culture as something that is honorable?


Empty envy cares not to answer whether and how privileges can/should be earned. It just wants.


Envy can’t be honorable without devaluing the motivational nature of the emotion (to change behavior in alignment with desired goals, rather than being self-satisfied with the mere desire/emotion).


It’s like arguing that shame is honorable.


They exist to prod us toward something honorable, but remain probable evidence of shortcomings/room-for-improvement.


Anytime we’re priming antisocial envy, we’re failing.


If we believe that we’re acting prosocially by emulating antisocial practices/methods, then we are profoundly confused.



Isn’t the utility of anonymity more the exception than the rule?


How do we hold people accountable for errors in social-engineering when they’re anonymous? If we don’t, then how much does that empower bad actors and/or incompetence?

By normalizing anonymity, we allow egotistical consistency to escape culpability for the contradictions between ideology and reality.


@TWSPublish replied:

Maybe anonymity can be advisory or supplemental, but imposed opinions need be distinguished from absolute frames of reference.



Generational privilege is earned, just not by us.

Coexistent kinship, bound by time (aloha)

Having our rights honored is a privilege that our ancestors and their fallen comrades earned for us. Freedom of press, human rights, freedom of speech, liberty, EARNED in blood.


Defended in blood.

Painstakingly recorded for posterity in ink.

And taken for granted in prosperity.


Or… I guess there may still be generational privilege to be earned by us, but we also have privileges earned by others.


(Author’s Note:



“What if everyone were like you?”

I don’t believe we need a 200 page paper to ask that question in 2022 (although I did appreciate Immanuel Kant’s categorical-imperative).



Over-intellectualizing in the pursuit of academic prowess


Which is most valuable: service to the public/social-science or a publishing career?


How is it not a violation of the Hippocratic oath to value being quoted and cited over service to the public and social-science?


Not-preventing-harm isn’t the same as doing-harm, but does that make it ethical?


I just struggle to accept that not explicitizing conversations that we need to have are at-all ethical.


Maybe you don’t individually benefit and you risk individual costs, but might that be outweighed by the collective benefit?



There’s a fine line between respecting feedback/constructive-criticism and letting people that don’t believe in you dictate your character.



Where would we be without culture? Who would we be without each other? Anthropology and world history are so cool. @NatGeo



Does being seen as more competent come with lower tolerance for incompetence?



“Who is destroyed by honesty?” is a really good question.




How much thinking never happens because of worrying about every possible misinterpretation that might happen?


When people look for possible problematic interpretations… we sometimes forget about benefit of the doubt, innocence before proven guilty, and charitable interpretations.


The more precise/accurate our speech/writing is, the less plausible and defensible misinterpretations are.


Sometimes we seek to reduce the number of plausible interpretations, but in art we sometimes see things that are “open to interpretation.” That also means open to misinterpretation.


Those interpretations might be more of a reflection. Art can be like a social experiment.




Can cell-phone users opt out of having their private audio monetized/collected?

@Android @Apple @SamsungMobile @Huawei @amazon



Whether or not the public has need-to-know should not be decided arbitrarily.

@FoxNews @CNN @Meta @FCC @Apple



How valuable is the veto?


Do we overvalue the position of President in the United States?

We might under-value it internationally and over-value it domestically.

Unless we want executive authority over state govts. (isn’t that a weird power for a checked and balances branch?).


Besides, being nominated by a political party does not mean elected by the political party. The party serves the candidate, but the candidate serves the American people.


We don’t serve the constitution, the constitution serves us.


By accepting a party nomination, they are agreeing to terms/conditions, right?


Doesn’t that kinda present a conflict of interest when taking executive oaths?


You’re serving the people who didn’t vote for you too.


We’re also nominating a cabine. That’s a few more of these tying votes, but they also have to take oaths.


Their tying vote is what they were put in the position of, but that vote belongs to all of the people that voted, not just the ones they received votes from.

The authority for those tying votes is given after the oath, not the nomination.


How valuable is the veto?

How powerful should the veto be?


The elected take an oath to serve the taxpayers, not the party they were nominated by.


How powerful is the veto?


In this game of scoring the most votes (sometimes at the cost of local politics), ties can be used as a sort of bystander/plausible-deniability plea for the parties.


When that is the norm, we end up with that one vote (1/536) being more valuable than we might want w/ executive powers (less checked branch, less balanced govt?)


But if they tie, it’s worth 535 votes.


How valuable is the tying vote?

How do different opinions range on that question?


We’re voting on our international ambassadors and the tying vote in the legislative branch. We’re talking about the odds of getting a vote tied and the value of having 1 vote out of 536.


@EverydaySpy made some good points about the power the executive branch has over the intelligence agencies too.

Probably wise not to forget that.


Reply from @TWSPublish:

Parties competing for the veto power?

Oaths are exchanged for veto power, not nominations.


Same goes for the tying vote. It is owed not to a politician nor a political party.


How valuable should this power be if it is designed to be 1/536 votes?



Not being in an echo chamber doesn’t mean tolerating anything & everything, but it might mean increased refutation/peer-review/thinking and a reduction of group-think/selective-exposure/political-polarization/confirmation-bias.


It does sound more challenging, but it also sounds like a challenge worth accepting.



How much time do we spend in the present versus future-progressive?



Disagree ability


@TWSPublsih reply:

Does it make us more resilient or anti-fragile?

Does it predict lower risk-taking behavior (i.e. OAN/+- - versus +-+)? #Assertiveness



We can’t have disclaimers for every misinterpretation that might be made, right?


I suppose you could try, but that amount of text might be more cumbersome than an original and is likely to carry more behavioral friction than simply drawing one’s own interpretation.

(meaning that the disclaimers will lose value and won’t be read other than for evidence of plausible deniability).


Don’t expect disclaimers for every misinterpretation that might be made (it is not probable). That said, predicting misinterpretations might be low-hanging manipulative fruit for some.



We engineer each other.



Generally speaking, the character of others is no less dynamic than your own.


The book cover that you see stopped-at an-intersection-crosswalk may not be a script that they are following.


What is your plot? What is my plot? What is her plot? What is his plot? What is their plot?



Don’t some of the resources for delaying climate change take away from preparing for it? Just thinkin allowed


@ETdotStore replies:

Is there anything/anywhere discernible that is inevitably-inpreservable?


Deadlines for preparation can be extended by delaying, but there do seem to be apparent costs/benefits.


There’s gotta be some middle ground there.



Geography, populations, and resources/logistics give us different deadlines. There exist shorter deadlines and there exist lesser/greater demands for preparation. Still like the consideration for how preparation and delay might differ strategically… maybe just another angle



Preservation is no light matter



Both preparation and mitigation might concern themselves with preservation, but infrastructure to both prepare for and delay climate-change shouldn’t ignore real-world constraints (e.g. how much prevention is possible?).

Delaying in the hopes of prevention/preservation might become costly if preparations are not made.



What a challenge



You can’t control the plot, the setting, or other characters, but you don’t have to follow a script either.

 #freedom @pinocchiomovie


Is your character scripted?

For better or worse?

Is your character static or dynamic?



Criticize culture compassionately or you won’t see anything near “The-Whole-Picture.”



Who is deciding your identity-distribution?


An algorithm? Your algorithm?

Is that all you are?

Is that what we will become?



Are Mexican and Japanese Californians allowed to have an opinion regarding the financing of a $559 billion state plan?


Please don’t treat me like I said #voldemort.


{An Opinion on Trump (kinda):


Does that make them “Trumpers” if they do? #dehumanization

Of course not, right?


It’s like believing that all Democrats are the caricatures/Strawmen that they’re made out to be.


That said, I think a group that demands 100% of your identity is a cult (maybe even just asking..).


When Trump comes and goes, we will all still have the memory of how easy it was for us to dehumanize each other over things that the majority of us don’t understand. #scary


Do their opinions matter as shareholders/taxpayers or does group-identity give authority? #vericundium


Just steelmaning, but couldn’t one attempt to debate that identifying 100% with a group is dehumanizing themselves?


I worry that we are reducing our humanity, and that we might dehumanize each other and ourselves.


Our sexual orientation is not all we are and that used to something that people fought for.


Our race is not all we are and that is something people fought for.


Our religion is not all we are and that is something people fought for.



Performance (virtue-signaling/moral-posturing), passivity, and avoidance are not honorable. They can’t be in a culture/organization/system that:

-truly values diversity




Honor isn’t free. Avoiding shame may be necessary, but it isn’t sufficient.


Where is the encouragement toward prosocial ambition?

What direction is there other than avoidance, compliance, and obedience?


Where is the collective responsibility to point out narcissism? To help pressure them into presenting for treatment? We give them honor for that behavior.


Is thinking that you’re honorable the same thing as being proud?


What ought to garner honor?


If shame is all stuff not-to-do, where is the honor (what to-do)?


Is shaming other people enough for you to be honorable? Is it something deserving of pride? Personally, I don’t think so. More of a mere social obligation.


Ideally, we agree on what is shameful and what is honorable.


Shame is not enough. What else do we do other than talking about “What not to do”?


What do US citizens consider honorable? What deserves pride?


Is a shameless life the same as an honorable one?




Reply from @ETdotStore:

Wouldn’t it be weird if you shamed somebody without knowing what they’re guilty of?



If all we have is shame (without honor), then what else are we motivated by other than approval?

Not being guilty or ashamed is a good start, but may be a lower bar than would behoove us.


Egocentrism gets disguised as “living in different realities,” with the imposition that yours is the #real reality


That’s easier than consolidating someone else’s reality with yours.

If you don’t want to reality-check yourself, then restrict your network to only “like-minded” people.


Are we afraid to know better? Are we afraid to expose the frailty of our valiantly defended worldviews (for the sake of egotistical consistency)?


It’s okay not to know everything, worse to act like you do, and worst to think that you do.



We are supposed to question authority and authority is supposed to have answers.


Whose questions are you asking?


@TWSPublish: reply:




Is a baby a state resident or national citizen before birth?


(Author’s Note: Or are they in heaven?)



What kind of role is “anonymity” to aspire for?


What of a culture that says that says that “anonymity” is an aspirational goal?


Anonymity used to be used sparingly because reputations matter, but now we act as if we’re entitled to privacy in public. In public…

Just an odd thing to ponder…



Intra-cultural out-group/sub-cultural hostility should not become a complete outsourcing of responsibility (if preservation of the shared culture, or it’s products, is a goal).


Be careful denouncing the culture that you don’t realize you belong to (or risk the preservation of it).



We need to balance self-love with being critics of ourselves (though perhaps tempering harshness with humility).



Are we supposed to act like we know celebrities and politicians, but ignore each other in public?

(Author’s Note: FOMO forever?)



Unexplicitized and unappreciated common cultural capital

Desensitization to novelty

It can be novel elsewhere, but we fail to see the value.

Relative novelty, relative value

Value desensitization/blindness


What are some things that you take for granted?



What are the parameters under which intracultural-subversion is not self-sabotaging?



In Germany, sellers have to get their cars inspected before they’re eligible for sale. As a buyer in that market, I definitely appreciated the quality assurance.


Left lane is for passing.



How do you objectively compare values between ideals?

How can you quantifiably determine which is ideal is most ideal?

Is it inescapably qualitative?




Are shorter attention-spans negatively correlated with tolerance for discomfort/interpersonal conflict?



Does parental political affiliation predict the self-efficacy/conscientiousness of their children? @JonHaidt @HooverInst @coldxman

@lexfridman @MikhailaFuller @glukianoff @uncknowledge

@Twitter @Meta @OversightDems @GOPoversight @AOC @SpeakerPelosi @ewarren @TulsiGabbard



I know causation would be tricky here, but is there a correlation between adolescent anxiety/depression and self-reported political affiliation?

What are the differences in those depression/anxiety scores from party to party?


@USA2048Election follows:

Party affiliation and cognitive distortion data could support this research



People in positions of influence should not be projecting ignorance.


If they are, then why do we allow them to influence?


What if the United States votes for its monarchy with its attention and dollars? #Celebrity



Make cognitive distortions abnormal.



Make hypocrisy disgusting.









Is Congress technically under oath when speaking publicly? Judicial branch too? Executive? #PublicServants?  @WhiteHouseOPE46 @POTUS45 @OversightDems @GOP

Just thought this was an interesting question. @TWSPublish @ET_Times @USA2048Election



We need to be allowed to think things through.



Hope I get into grad school this next app cycle.




Are you really prepared for conviction?



It isn’t “dying for your convictions.” {That’s a clever (maybe) sleight-of-hand.}


Man-in-the-chair: “Killing for YOUR convictions… That’s what this is.”


 #et_lit #et_fiction #et_


(Author’s Note: Interviews do not equal interrogations. Be careful prodding someone who is prepared to resist interrogation. Their best defense may be whatever offense they have. Nary a better place for someone to spell a curse. Nigh is the corruption of souls.

“If their intent is ill, give them their fill.” @LWOtteson)



Making me second-guess whether to publish w/ lyrics

@SCforArtists @TwitterMusic #et_music

I was just thinking about a mixtape called “Dissidence” too…

Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  

Chapter 10



You will have to wait for Part II, go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto, or www.x.com/lwotteson.com.








Chapter 11











Normal things in weird situations are weird.

Weird things in normal situations are weird.

My definition of weird includes a scale for expectation-contradiction.



Are proverbial homies hard to come by?


How fatalistic?



If you don’t feed the dog, is it going to bite you? #Tuesday #Fenrir #et_lit



When you try to lifehack your way out of being sad, you might be setting egotistical traps for yourself.


Sometimes you present the rug to be pulled from under.


#Wednesday Any means that presented friction to Odin’s desired ends became expendable, which included his sons. And thus, what they were destined to inherit & preserve was doomed to fire & ice. #et_lit #NewEnglish

Humans must bare arms with their brains.

There was always more than one Odin.




Do you have to project intersections on other humans?

#BesmirchThis #BesmirchThat #BesmirchThese #BesmirchThose



Should one be assigned an ethnicity, nationality, first language, and sexual-orientation before a first name?



I feel like they don’t have beach houses in Idaho though



Hard for me to imagine being worth less than whatever amount of money I have.




What would you do if you could fly?

The bird gets its meals and is sheltered from the storms, but it lives in a cage.


Are you still “floating your boat”?


That is better than sinking, but where could you go?


Would you be upset to hear that your wings are not clipped, that you’re merely broken like a horse?

Or would you shoot the messenger?



Blank noun compels you?



Call anyone who is mildly selective “Goldilocks”




@Meta @Twitter


#EntrepreneurThis #EntrepreneurThat

#EntrepreneurThese #EntrepreneurThose #e_this #e_that




What  is on the canvas?



What reason do I have to believe my 2 cents would even hold their value?



More burritos?



Photography is so cool.



Will @warriors & @Suns end up having regret in common?

@TwitterSports @mikal_bridges @BigTicket_JW

@NBA @BR_NBA @espn @FS1 @NBATV

@NBAonTNT @ABCNetwork @TwitterTV @YouTubeTV


I think the Suns traded the likelihood of having one of the best perimeter-defenses in the league to rent the services of @KDTrey5

Will it be worth it? Or will the Dubs spoil all these Western Conference contenders’ hopes/bets? @KNBR


(Author’s Note: #Et_sports)



Yeah, @RealGDT Pinocchio was special.

@TwitterMovies @TheAcademy



Glad I haven’t seen the manga… can’t wait to see where this goes

@Crunchyroll @hulu @Funimation





Apologies for the technical difficulties

Working on finding a way to release the beats now…






Do @lexfridman, @ChrisWillx, and @LWOtteson have to record some verses to match

@coldxman? @TwitterMusic @HotNewHipHop

@SCforArtists @Spotify

@AppleMusic @youtubemusic @EntertainThis_O @EntertainThat @EntertainThese

@EntertainThose @ETdotSTORE


@RealSway @nardwuar


@corona #USA2023Corona



@SCforArtists @SoundCloud

@Spotify @DizzyWright

@JIDsv @TopDawgEnt


#et_ads #et_mktg #et_brand #twsp_brand #lwo_twitter #lwo_fb #lwo_ig #usa_twitter #usa_fb #usa_ig #cal_ig #cal_fb #cal_twitter #et_business




#TwitterSawItFirst @Twitter

> @LWOtteson<



If your mind follows your behavior, then might your self-exploitative philosophy/approach-to-business be more individually-consequential than you may have believed?

If clinical-narcissism was the consequence, then wouldn’t it also more collectively-maladaptive too?



Are you making lemonade if you believe that your time is worthless? @TWSPublish



Windyy #Feb2023California @weatherchannel



Can he coach the @SeattleSonics’ first season back?

@NBA @TwitterSports @ABCSharkTank









Good luck @russwest44

Would love to see you holding up a #DPOY award before you hang your jersey up!



Go @Warriors



Happy Elected President’s Day <3



When will I know when honoring my investment is a sunken cost? #fallacies @TWSPublish




What is good for your morale?


Do you consider what is good for the morale of others?


How do their individual morale-preferences differ from given normed-morale within a given group/organization/team/system/etc.?


#NormedMorale #MoralePreferences #IndustrialOrganizational #CulturalPsychology #MoralPsychology  @TwitterWrite #SocialScience



What is fallacies are used #heuristically? @TwitterWrite



I’m broke but I can afford to take risks #privilege #entitlement #luck #lotto #speech #press



What does it mean to be “worth your salt”?




You haven’t lifted up a couch for a kid before if you don’t know that you’re a superhero.



Where can people @CashApp relief/rescue aid for @TwitterTurkiye @ICRC_sy?

@UNICEF @LeoDiCaprio @LJFamFoundation @nikestore @Disney @NFL

@BrooklynNets @Eagles @Chiefs @FIFAcom @CNN @FoxNews @AlJazeera @trtworld @WIONews



I built a platform expecting others to be a part of it, but now I wouldn’t want someone else to be left to my devices. All of #ET_Network’s (#EntertainThis) tweets are my own questions, thoughts, and words. @LWOtteson


Quotes, jokes, threads, whatevs

ßent the tweets, produced the beats, designed the album covers, built the websites, launched the store, etc./& more.


@ET_Times’ reply:

@EntertainThis_O @ETdotSTORE @EntertainThat @EntertainThese @EntertainThose @USA2048Election @CAL_Matters @TWSPublish



I’m working on it.



Your job/career/occupation choice is like choosing fat #chunks of your script #roles #story #stories

Your setting, where you choose to live..







Who else wants to go to the Caspian Sea someday?



What matters to others might matter to you even if you think it doesn’t matter. @EntertainThis_O



How can your branches and leaves grow toward the sunlight if your tree’s roots don’t have enough egotistical humility to consider the possibility that you might be underinformed?


The “ignorance is bliss” motto might be akin to choosing to be a stump, in a way..


Both the stump and the tree may well become firewood if they’ve got rotten roots…



It is not optimal to incentivize speakers/writers to construct messages which are designed to go over people’s heads. #imo


It’s not pandering… but I can’t find the word for whatever this is… #FindTheWords



Can’t wait to be able to design some more websites #gamesetwatch @TwitterBusiness @TWSPublish



Frames of reference



Disclaimers about every possible misinterpretation….

Inefficient communication/pedagogy…. They can also steal the stage and take away from the intended subject….

Let us likewise keep in mind that the landmines don’t plant themselves on a minefield..


There very well may be an argument for the utility/value of some social-landmines, but disclosing the coordinates of the landmines does not remove the burden of having to disable them. There can be excessive #SocialLandmining. Beware social IEDs #Minefield


A reply from @TWSPublish:

#RealWorldConstraints #CharacterCounts #MisinterpretationalPlausibility #ImplausibleDeniability



f you can’t add value to the room, learn something.

If you can add value to the room, don’t forget to learn something.



Seemingly disparate/innocuous



The more stupid we believe each other are, the lower our shared standard of who we can/should be together.



I need to get into Grad school so I can give my recommenders a break.



ad hominem labeling



Retweet if you follow more people than follow you



What are low-honor problems?


@CAL_Matters’ reply:

Where is narcissism higher?


Where do people seek treatment for narcissism more?


Is it possible to be high-shame and low-honor?

What are the social-infrastructural consequences of having the shame without the honor?



Make a list of things that provide you novelty.


It might be a bit ironic to schedule novelty, but it sounds realistic to me.


@ET_Times replies:

Novelty is a luxury in the same kind of way that a butterfly is a luxury.

Productive and adaptive individual-consequential interpretations,

something to do instead of being helplessly bored.



Are you capable of building a case against yourself/your position/your opinion/your conclusions?

If not, why?


Sheer flawlessness and infallibility or something more egotistical?



Which context matters?




Lies create alternate realities.



A culture of/with lies embeds delusion into itself (self-sabotage).



How can a confused culture agree on what to aim at?



Do jealous and envious people agree on what is meritorious?



Linguistic primacy?




Shouldn’t we aspire for our merit/status/reputation to be a reflection of our virtue/morality rather than the posturing itself being the ideal? #Culture


What are the cultural consequences for denouncing merit in favor of narcissistic performance, victimhood, virtue-signaling, and moral-posturing?

Shouldn’t there be bipartisan agreement that these behaviors are culturally corrosive?


@ET_Times’ reply:

Sometimes people can’t afford to “work smarter not harder.” #Risk


Reply from @ET_LWO:

Sometimes #bootstraps are the safest option #Class #Poverty

Risk-taking is as equal as #opportunity



Do fake likes, followers, bots, and sentiment contribute to political-tribalism/polarization?


Reply via @TWSPublish:

If so, who funds this Psy-ops espionage?

Are we so dim as-to-assume to that it merely amounts to spam and trolls?


Theoretically, mere-exposure effect and social-media could have us anchoring to entirely fabricated realities.



It is normal to care what others think about you, but that judgment is not infallible. Our assessments of ourselves are not perfect either, though.



If we enable antisocial/narcissistic norms in a community, those behaviors become more prevalent. Social pressures move us further from healthy cooperation and closer to insecure competition.









Mexicans deserve a secure Southern border.



Wouldn’t private solar give citizens the ability to profit off of solar storage rather than letting someone else install it and take the profit?

@GavinNewsom @elonmusk



Undocumented immigrants are still human, no matter what some ideologue is preaching to the masses.

@IndiainHamburg @usembassyoslo

@OsloFF @NobelPeaceOslo


@CNN @FoxNews

@WhiteHouse @Bandcamp

@TWSPublish @ET_Times




#NonViolentIntervention #ViolenceDeterence #AI #AQIS2022 #hacking #Python #DataScience #infosec #Java #programming #cybersecurity #javascript #MachineLearning #Microsoft #opensource #7G #8G #9G



Love you buddy. There are many things words can’t fix. Some wounds don’t heal as much as they scar.

One day at a time. Sometimes one footstep. Sometimes a bite. A sip of water. A smile. Tears we hate.


Some pain belongs in the gallery. It’s okay to feel it. We can’t stay there forever, though.

At some point we have to listen to those lost and keep living.


That decision belongs to you and those you love.


Lost loved ones can stay in our hearts while we wait for heaven.

That way we can wait together.

We don’t have to lose people from our hearts.


Sometimes we’re living for them too, right?

We can let them see from our eyes sometimes. “Oh they would love this.”

We can let ourselves remember their voices.

We don’t have to lose their spirits.


No condolences are ever enough. Just sending you whatever love I can, man.



#GroupIdentityPolitics / #GroupThink / #Tribalism / #Dehumanization

@JonHaidt @jordanbpeterson @amazonbooks

@AppleBooks @YouTube

@nytimes @washingtonpost @WIONews

@AlJazeera @BBCWorld

@ABC @FRANCE24 @Reuters

Pretty obvious relationship, no?



Condolences aren’t enough.



It’s never enough. You can’t give their lives back.



Nobody can.



Blood lost and time taken



You can love humanity and be hurt where we’re failing each other.



11k ft above sea level






This tweet

That tweet

These tweets

Those tweets



I can’t wait to D you up someday.




#et_comedy #et_sports








“Whoops, I forgot to ‘#et_edit’ that.”








@TwitterTV #ET_television #tv





@ET_Times’ reply:




Just a lil reminder to whom it may concern:

My book is going to be released as Fiction & Non-Fiction.


#et_lit #tws_publishing

#we_rtto #we_22924



What are you talking about?












#et_photography #tws_photos #lwo_ #tws_



“Bleeding Gods”







Read this book if you want to learn more about this heavy material.


@TwitterBooks #et_books

Less Than Human: Why We Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others https://a.co/d/h8NUAul

Maybe even make sure you got your head right before you dive into this


Tough but rewarding read…





@CAL_Matters’ reply:

#WhoThis #WhoThat






Who is #Torchworthy?





Scrolls and scrolls and scrolls and scrolls and scrolls and scrolls and scrolls, runes and runes and runes and runes and runes and runes…

#et_art #Dalle2



#FakeDetective: I’m not supposed to have to sift through this much double-think. #FakeLawyer: Nobody’s making you.


#PlausibleDeniability #guilt #Shame #ET_workshop

#ET_literature #Doublethink #ThoughtExercises #et_think #et_culture

#SupposeThis #SupposeThat #SupposeThese #SupposeThose



What is the answer to this riddle?


@ET_Times’ reply:

#TheseRiddles #ThoseRiddles




#et_snap #lwo_Twitter




How many times has someone like me just ended up on the windshield?

#ET_Goliath #ET_Art #ET_Myth #ET_Fiction

#ET_Workshop #Palette #Pallet #Palate



Wow, you guys should talk about psychological-distance and linguistic-prevalence! #et_fam Thank you for your work! #TwitterFam



You have 140 characters to paint with.


Uunlesss you get @TwitterBlue… then you get way more.



OK… so #TheseComics, not #ThoseComics.

Got it.

#ET_Workshop #ET_Com




Plant your #hashtags like seeds, flags, assets, etc.

Reap what you sow.

#PlantThis #PlantThat #PlantThese #PlantThose #PhotosynthesizeThis #PhotosynthesizeThat #PhotosynthesizeThis #PhotosynthesizeThose #PhotosynthesizeYourself #ET_Botany



#Baldur (muttering in his sleep): Ridiculize the plausibly-liable.


#RidiculizeThis #RidiculizeThose #RidiculizeThat #RidiculizeThese #DelusionalIncentivization #ElaborateOnThese #ElaborateOnThose #ProsocialOperandi #AntisocialOperandi #HumanRights #PlausibleLiability



I did not realize I was being spied on the entire time I was traveling through Europe. That’s kinda crazy.

Stay woke, Active-Duty.

#ET_Travel #LWO_Travel #TWS_Photography #ET_Spy #Psy_Spy #et_workshop #et_fixion #ThisFiction #ThatFiction #ThatFixion #ThisFixion #English






#FakeBaldur: There are probably not-great-guys that would relish us over-applying the precedential-lesson from #TreatyOfVersailles. We want to be careful, toying with the notion that acting out gets you economic-prosperity. Thus, #FeCurtain.


#ET_Myth #FE_Twitter





#SEC @TwitterTV #TWS_Workshop #ET_ #OverappliedPresident’s #UnderRepliedPresident’s #MisExecutedPrecedent #MisExecution #UnderExecution #OverExecution #ExecutoryCompetence #lwo_exec #tws_ceo #et_ceo #ceo_EntertainThis #TimeWellSpent_CEO




People are not bugs for your windshields.


Good, kind people will raise the social-costs for rhetorically justifying such violence-enabling drivel.

Good will prevail because evil-values don’t foster cohesive organizations/cultures/groups/etc.


#PerniciousPhilosophy deserves to be subjected to mockery. Beware outsourcing your identity to your philosophy. You better get your thinking buttoned-up.


If you WERE getting paid to INCOMPETENTLY spread ideas and take part in active cultural-formation (and having a say in what belongs in the historical-record), then you WILL BE getting paid to eat crow.

Your job will become wearing your mistakes on your sleeve.

You are expected to do so diplomatically.


1. This is not unfair; you deserve this.

2. You’ve earned it (fair and ^2).


#SemeticsMatter #SemanticsMatter (Shout out to the voice to text suggestion on this second #, not even trying to plagiarize programs. #NotNecessary #NotSufficient)


However, did I not sign the same contract when I joined the Air Force?

I agreed to serve without knowing which president I was promising to serve.

Am I any better than all the celebrities/assets?

Additionally, they were (probably) born assets the same you and your brothers were.

Beware telling your assets that “the better they are, the bigger the targets on their backs get.”

#BetterAssets #WorseAssets #InvestThis #InvestThat

Kind of weird (making an argument about class in favor of celebrities), but here we are. Your boy is #MadIverse, but he looks like a ghost (a shaggy one).



#irs #irs_Twitter



#FakeSutr: Satan would tell you that evil is valuable. Stay woke, don’t get it twisted.



#ET_Workshop #ET_Fiction #ET_Myth #ET_Lit


#FakeMimir (quickly turning in-shock): You’re familiar with Satan?!



May we prove this wrong. #Declarativity






I will become a millionaire after one book.



Then what? Doesn’t that depend on how much time I have left?

I owe my friends and family a lot of quality-time, but it’s literally impossible to give everyone a second of your day. Right?

I might not write a second book before I am compensated adequately.

If necessary, we can hold all press. Explanatory podcasts can get shut down.

I don’t know if I want to do all that, but me not having short term security, medium-term security, or long-term security is absolutely unacceptable for the amount of valuable production that I have contributed to the modern social-lexicon and U.S. culture.

You’re welcome. I’m not asking for back-validation, but I’ll take back-pay.


(Author’s Note: I ended up publishing a book before this, so this didn’t age very well. I am also extremely doubtful that this book is going to be an overnight sensation that allows me to have the financial flexibility to do what I’m best at with my time.)



There are differences between shepherding-yourself and engaging in mean self-talk.

The latter is not a prerequisite for the former.



How are #demean & #demeanor as different as they are definitionally?


(My guess: different languages of origin??)



Don’t let the outrage fool you: there are people who want stupidity.



I believe that the world is a better place with punctuation in it.


(Note: as well as the Arabic, Aramaic, & Hebrew languages).



#Syndrome is less caustic (for some particular reason) than #disorder, but imposter-syndrome can carry narcissistic personality- disorders.

#CausticClusters #StayWoke #ElephantInTheRoom #OneBiteAtATime




#MobCapture #CrowdCapture #AudienceCapture




If the values that you say hold weight aren’t evident through your behavior, then do you truly value them?

Should you feel like an imposter until you resolve this dissonance?

Is that emotion motivating from some form of wisdom that we are not consciously tapped into yet?



I can’t wait to introduce you to this person.

You’re going to love them.

They are going to love you.






#FakeWorldSerpent into the horn: I’m sure Alexander said that to his men, too. “Not in front of my men…”


#FakeLoki whispers a curse into the ears of all remaining-men: “If the shoes fits…”


#FimbleForever #JörmungandrHorn Not unicorns. Not helmets. #RemainingMen


(Fimbul*, workshop)



Going around the anchors can mean uprooting investments.



#RootPlans #RootPlanes #RoutePlans



#Capitulativity #Capitulaticious #Appeasedly #Authental #Authentively



 The #RootNativityScene is not a #TheologicalMatter. #RootAlterNativity



Destroying other people’s property isn’t valiant; it’s vandalism & theft.





#DignifyThis #DignifyThat

#DignifyThese #DignifyThose

This response, that response…

If every casualty report was entirely fabricated, we would still need to discuss vandalous-thievery. #MonopolicMatters

You can twist any means into whatever ends.

#PoliticalEnds #EndWar #EndThis #EndThat #EndThese #EndThose #Machiavellousness #Machiavellication

When will Ukraine and Russia have non-scandalous elections? #Machiavellianism #Machiavellitivity

Digging up a word doesn’t mean understanding it.

 #CosmopolicMatters #Cosmopolitivity #Monopolitivity #Cosmopolization #Monopolity



Tumors can drive some parasitic (or criminal/antisocial) behaviors, but that doesn’t mean that we build a carcinogenic culture…



#ThisResponse #ThatResponse










It was #CancerCulture all along. #CancelCulture




#TheseCancers #ThoseCancers #CancelThis #CancelThat #CancelThese #CancelThose

Choosing to misinterpret does not make #that the content of the message.




Is @hubermanlab a nudist?

He has some spicy sunlight-takes. #CancerCulture

Is wearing clothes better than either chronic sunscreen-chemimagnification or chronic nudity in sunlight?

#ChronicNudeExposure #GammaPoison #ChemiPoison







 We don’t want our intelligence agency/bureaus being routinely, pressured into having to go #rogue in order to follow their creeds/oaths/vows.

#RealPlants #PotentialPlants #RealAnchors #PotentialAnchors #Potentiality #Potentialization

We need to give them competent executive leadership if we want it to be a choice.








What are the different alphabetical letters ages?


“If I can’t #gaslight you using something that you’ve already been exposed to, then I’ll just plan something new.”




Most people in the #OldWorld & #NewWorld don’t live in the #WEIRDWorld




“The persona subsumes the person.”



We are neither subs of our parts, nor sums.

#SubSuMe #CancerCulture #MalignaCulture #BenevoCulture #et_trans #et_id

#Sume #Thume #Çume #NotScummy #NotSnotty



#SuperThume #SubThume #ThumeVersion

Imagination can be great, but this is fake/fiction.

#ImagiNativity #NativityScene



#et_fake #et_fixion



I want England & France back from Russia.












TWSPublish reply:






#Persona #NonGrata

#Persona #QualiaStrata



What have we learned from history about the belief of previous lives?



Semi-annual prisoners dilemma exercises for all UN councils?

BRICS and NATO to meet annually for prisoners dilemma contemplation-seminar?


#et_world #1_Twitter #4_Twitter






Led by @Gapminder & @TEDx?



The blood-debt cycles never end in our species.

We should be way too busy doing better things, anyway.





Building bridges and roads..



What else is way better than killing tens of millions of people?

Can we fictionally depict some pro Chinese rhetoric in a World War II setting?

If nothing else …







#et_workshop #et_shop #et_art





Could foreign/domestic adversaries reinforce this syndromism at a cultural/industrial/organizational level?


#et_sub #et_supers #et_ops





You are a domestic-adversary if you are gatekeeping against #EffectiveLiteracy & #EffectiveDefense against #Spycraft (info warfare, psychological operations, etc.).

You are a foreign-enemy if you are reinforcing that gatekeeping. #et_keep #EffectiveDefenseAgainstSpyCraft


You are a foreign-adversary if you are gatekeeping against #EffectiveLiteracy & #EffectiveDefense against #Spycraft (info warfare, psychological operations, etc.).

You are a domestic-enemy if you are reinforcing that gatekeeping.

#et_keep #EffectiveDefenseAgainstSpyCraft




Looking around and asking others who you’re supposed to hate is kind of crazy… kinda…



Are we going to see the lines blurred between live and pre-recorded content?


Will a combination of #ai and deepfake tech enable mixed-messaging?


It’s kinda like the AI is already written (insofar as its programming makes its behavior predictable). #NoFixedHistory #et_fix



If you introduce #punctuation, then it obviously alters the solution/formula/recipe (whatever you want to call it).

#PunctuativeMatters #Punctutva #et_chem #alchemy #et_literature #SemeticalMatters #SyntaxMatters #ET_Syntax #et_schemas #et_workshop




“Emotionally healthy people know when to let go. They don’t force. They let behavior speak. They move forward trusting relationships end so that more aligned people can enter their lives.”



It’s interesting how effective the reduction of #MisInterpretivePlausibility was here..

Starting out the sentence with “Emotionally healthy people” specified things nicely.

Less defense provoking language means more listeners.

#SyntaxMatters #et_syntax


Could this help combat the fundamental attribution error??














Both #Syntax and #Schemas deal in #MisInterpretiveImplausibilitism, but they are different. A #hashtag can be an #et_schema, but matters of syntax are of no concern.

A sentence can have multiple schemas (whether layered liminally, subliminally, or #supraliminally). #et_layers


#et_syntax #et_schemas




“What does the saying “the devil is in the details” mean to you?”



Troglodytes were dehumanized, but they were a part of human culture. #ColdWarLanguageBarriers

@NatGeo #et_trans #et_culture

not to get into #HaloEffect too much…

We don’t know why #ThisDevil lost his wings and we don’t know if the remaining halos belong.






“Normalize saying: ‘I’m taking time to disconnect. I’m ok, and I’m reachable. I just might not be around as much.’

It’s a good thing to work on your relationship with you. The people who support the best version of you will understand.”



So many people are just looking for ways to say what they want from the people they have relationships with. #LookingForTheWords





Sometimes that’s because they don’t want to give what the other people want and sometimes that’s because they’re afraid of being assertive.



Can you #FactCheck something that doesn’t claim to be a fact?

#DefineThis #DefineThat



I never would’ve imagined that I would basically have my own dictionary.



How much land should I buy?



When will @Matterport be able to scan photos and videos that have already been captured/recorded?














Where is there #ExpirationFraud? #1_World #1_Twitter #ET_Levels



You would probably say that seeing yourself in everything would be pretty weird, but the act of projecting yourself onto everything sounds totally normal?



#VernacularMatters #SlangMatters #LanguageBarriersMatter



#TipNudging #et_services



What is that?

And why? lol




How many more reasons are there to stop fighting?


Call it work if you have some phobia of peace, but find something else to keep yourself busy (and don’t make busy people have to stop doing good work to stop you from hurting people).









Before religion, before ethnicity…


Haves/ have-nots


(If it isn’t one thing, it will be another…)




#RivalryCulture should be about making each other better.



How many people give horns to everyone that makes them feel uncomfortable and halos to everyone who lets them feel comfortable? #HaloEffect #HornEffect

What are the consequences of such behavior scaled at the cultural level? #et_Culture #ET_Levels #et_tribes #et_ins #et_outs

What are growing pains? #ET_BlackSwan







People are so sick and tired of being betrayed by people with halos that they want horns in the Oval Office.



Sometimes when you’re “nervous,” you’re subliminally receiving hostile pheromones? #Exocrinology #et_exo #et_endo







I kinda like working while others sleep…

But it can be physically harmful and stuff lolz



Is tuition lower yet?



I will not stage my death.




“There are so many creators. But so few make money. Why?”



Because we don’t call the bluff… We keep creating if there’s a chance that it’s helping…



Who is the President of the United States? c. 7 July 2023





Are there any famous libraries that have pubs inside of them?



We should have a movie where ancient characters are portrayed as statues (with or without a.i.).

Living paintings?



You have to have an exit strategy to speak the truth ?

What a culture <3



Inappropriate shame is bad.




Why is @wingstop so fire?



Mfs scared of a little red squiggly line…

We outchea on the cutting edge, innovating language (or maybe reviving it). #NoFrankenstein



c. Cetera C.E.






How exactly did Walt Disney avoid plagiarism charges?

Talk about #CulturalAppropriation




“We're addicted to external validation.

We think everyone needs to share our opinions, see things our way, and validate our experiences.

In reality: they don't. Freedom is self validation.

Living our own values. Not forcing people to bend to our reality.”



“We do need peer-review, though.”



Should that free-throw bubble be worth four points during live play?



You’re welcome for being weird (you privileged Normies).

If it were up to you, all of our shitty expectation would go without contradiction.

Thank you for your service.



#Buffalo the verb



Honoring your own time is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.




“Everyone is susceptible to groupthink.

Thinking independently is difficult, and lonely.”



Is everyone equally susceptible?

Is keeping those people only desirable to some?

Is maintaining the difficulty of independent thinking some thing that is incentivized somewhere?



Is the foreign exchange Market supposed to help civilians hold politicians accountable? #ET_4X #Forex




Some fictional market-determinists/fatalist:

“If you don’t have more money, then you must be worthless and incompetent.”

#et_sar #et_cap #et_com #et_sat #et_par #et_mkt




#MaleInferiority #FemaleSuperiority





Can you hide a recession? #TradeWars How could that be in service to the citizens of the economy? How does that fulfill Oaths of Office?


Is lying about the economy treasonous for an acting representative/President/governor/mayor/senator?





Plays and opera are cool.



What percentage of U.S. Americans have “self-indulgence” in their vocabulary?



The more foreign actors fiddle with the United States’ elections, the more likely it is that they’re going to have to deal with a rogue intelligence-infrastructure.

Earth is absolutely ridiculous if it thinks that those agents are going to listen to Joe Biden or Ye West.

Is there any way for the American public to have a say in who is directing the intelligence agencies? Is press/publicity all we really have ?

What percentage of our presidents are learning on the job?


Who has been the president for the last 2 1/2 years?


Gotta be tough accepting all that stress and cardiological mayhem without any compensation.



#FroLicking is #verboten.



Could softrobot-surveillance become more ubiquitous?



Sometimes #attention is one of the prices you pay (not a reward/reinforcer). #PositivePunishment #NegativePunishment















The “exercise” …

(“special operation”)





Some of the most interesting things about sports (to me) are the differences between winning and losing #cultures.

Some organizations draft, develop, mentor, and coach.

Some organizations call young athletes #bums because they can’t coach/mentor/develop. #et_culture #et_sports



We win…, but who are “we”?


What if we reframed history juuuust to the extent…. that we understood that the United States was nominated?

Reframing history should be about #correction (not #apologism or #revisionism, per se).

1776 was a nomination.









If I’m still here at 33, I’ll have a Ph.D. and everything that I’ve already written will still be as valid as it already is. :) <3

@X gon give the receipts and timestamps to em





Your movement is judged by its behavior (not just it’s post-hoc ideals).

If what you stand for isn’t represented by behavior, then there is dysfunction somewhere.



“Logic is only allowed to be possessed by the nobles.” That’s cute…




It should be illegal to subsidize advertisements (and attempting to shell/shill is something that we should legislate against).



All talk is 100% feminine.

All walk is 100% masculine.

Why so extreme?




‘It’s good to have people in your life who you don’t want to disappoint.’ — Warren Buffett”



Sometimes to realize it, too.

“Toxic positivity exists, but don’t be mean to yourself.” - #FakeJesus


#et_fake #et_workshop



How much for the US Gov to buy Russia & China from their respective governments?


Criticism exists so that gaslighting against culture can be regulated (in part).


Shared/mutual access to religious texts?

#SymbioticPolitics #Commensalism #Parasitism




To be fair, all of this (the book) has been in the context of it seeming absolutely bonkers for the United States to become too nationalistic.




“If your body is made up of things you put into your mouth, your mind is made of things you put into your eyes and ears.

Your content diet should be spirulina for the soul, not fast food for your amygdala.”



“You’re acting like people interpret things exactly the same as one another.

#NoIpsoFacto #ContentDiet #X_ModernWisdom



How often do professional sports teams get permission to compete at their fullest capabilities?

Mfs throwing fights like Daredevil’s dad.

#MurdockThis #MurdockThat #et_workshop #et_fake #WorkshopThis #WorkshopThat #ThisWorkshop #ThatWorkshop



#ThisUniverse #ThatUniverse #TheseUniverses #ThoseUniverses


Relationships are universes.



Some universes are all theoretical & #realest only in the common-senses of gray areas & ink-well-spent .



I’d rather be #blunt than #frank.



How do I interview wardens?



How many stocks are effectively backed by the militaries they’re protected by? #et_spec #et_mkt The whole sentimental/speculative market is more than the sum of its parts.

The more we subsidize, the more we nationalize.

The more we nationalize, the more difficult we make it to invest in our corporations (especially for parties that are disenchanted with our politics).

At the same time, corporations can be incentivized to cozy-up with govt. if we give too much speculative/sentimental credit to trading…


(Author’s Note: if you seek “utopia” by-any-means, then you might implicitly support euthanization of our species. )



When currencies that are backed by real-resources get injected into gold/crypto/etc., they get deflated. What happens to the currencies that are backed by the same resources? Would that #not deflate them as well? #et_econ #x_exon







@TWSPublish reply:


It doesn’t deflate.”


(I’m requesting @CommunityNotes on this one)…



Is there anything in the universe that could convince you that single issue voting is insufficient?

I think it makes you too easy to manipulate, personally (too easy to support the gerrymandering industry).



I have federal student loan debt.


You don’t want the government to own my assets, do you?


I need to be able to pay this off (and I plan to).











#ApplyThis #ApplyThat



How many Congress people are being paid by the French and Chinese intelligence apparati?


Is it even valuable to say when everything subsidized?

We lose the value of that research instrument …


When you’re willing to invest your national currency in sentiment (instead of resources), you’re incentivized to manipulate the people you’re “serving”.

Ancient Greeks (some) knew better than to assume that all people will act in the best interest of the public.

There needs to be regulation against this incentive.

“Corporations are one thing, but governments are different. Government subsidize corporations. What?”

#crypto #gold


Few cameras in space.

Very little privacy in your cyber-fronts..

Russia has the greatest ability to travel in space (via their volume of uranium waste).

US rockets will have greater local comm systems (because that’s where everyone runs away to when you tyrannize their brothers/sisters of time.

China is friendly with Russia, but they would watch them burn in the atmosphere before the risked their own plans.

India does not support proxy-wars.

Neither does Brazil.

Is India going to be able to continue being so friendly with the UK?

Any strong-arming from the UK…

They are supposed to be directed to the United States.

It’s not always good going up the chain of command.



Writing safely,



Migration is fascinating, but giving up your homeland to gentrified gerrymandering might be a wee self-traumatizing (I assume there’s a fair amount of self-betrayal involved with that).



Y’all deamplifying me would make inside-trading more likely…



Good governments seek to check their own power (domestically), but #precedent internationally… Not everybody would wield the “same culture” the “same way.” So, instead of being overly paternal, local governance is encouraged.

if you welcome their protection, you’re not being occupied… What will happen if you don’t have their protection, though? There can be second and third order regional-aftershocks.

You’re not allowed to test out your self-indulgent policy experiments on real people if we know better. Right??

Look, what happens when you pull out support from #Afghanistan like a rug from under your feet …

This highlights the importance of being confident when deciding to offer support/aid in the first place.

With those second and third order possibilities considered, will we be called on to offer more aid after #this?

Helping people not die from political wars is something the United States inherited from Britain.

Commercializing death has been a problem since the first mercenary.

That is supposed to be regulated in both business and governance. (#et_games being the obvious exception













Ain’t it crazy how you can make yourself sicker acting happier than you really are? #EstamosAqui #SelfPsychoSomatizedStockholmSyndrome #ImposterSyndrome #Depression #Anxiety #Clusters #Priming #Culture #ET_Media #Norms #X_Broadcast #eT_Live



How do we allow competence to thrive while gatekeeping in excess?




































































































I’d prefer some plausible liability (rather than 100% plausible-deniability ad nausea, all the time).



America isn’t #UnGreat, many are just waiting to be won back over (hoping).



Everyone was wearing the same shoes …



Let’s go back to post World War I/pre-World War II…

Who was being trafficked in Mont Saint Michel, Hamburg, London, and St. Petersburg? #Folders #et_fold

#FiguringItOut #FiguringItOutAgain #GenerationalForgetfulness



Shills shelling while they proclaim self-disclosure…


What if I wasn’t a US national?

What if I wasn’t born here?

What am I press/speech protections have been as secure?

What if I wasn’t a veteran?

What would you have treated me like if I was a new loner in a foreign land with a different language and a hateful anchor to plant onto ?


The United States has yet to convince the world of their literate-side.

The things/people that are willing to sell for clicks …

Is that because desperation is higher ?

How can someone justify increasing the value of attention?

What resources that backed by? Non-labor?


I wish we were treated more like an audience than a mob/crowd/gaggle.

If we were conducting ourselves more like an audience, maybe it wouldn’t be such a clusterfuck.



Why did God give us clout?

What is it to Him/Her?



#NoMumboJumbo #Antifa #Jan6 #BLM #Xinjiang #HongKong #Taiwan #Aleppo #Beirut #Seattle

What oaths do U.S. contractors take?

Approval-motivation is not aspiration-inspiring.

#Et_Sammies #et_thread #Mexico #Brazil #Lagos #Gibraltar #Aleutia #Shanghai #TunnelVision #et_think



Synthetic slaves & human replicas need to be clearly distinguishable (we should probably call them something other than “slave”, though).

#et_work #HardRules #ET_rules


P.S. If only people I follow can reply, doesn’t that make it less justifiable to limit follow-counts?



here should an automated workforce go?

Places where it’s dangerous for humans to work, right? #OSHA #ET_Work




#Ethics #Politics

#Intersectionality #intersectionism #EnterDimensionality (@X/Twitter recommened this spelling from voice to text, lol) #InterDimensionality






People will tell you to their face turns blue that you have to choose between being idealistic or realistic.

I say this is a cognitive distortion and a logical fallacy.

All or nothing/black and white thinking

False dilemma/dichotomy/choice



Not knowing something isn’t the same as being an irresponsible scholar.

Being satisfied with answering inaccurately is the same as being an irresponsible scholar.



Mfs don’t have their ears to streets, we know, and they will be exposed.



@RyanHoliday quoting @RobertGreene:

“Always say less than necessary.” — Robert Greene



Necessary for whom?



You see people for their roles & you get to skip over the dispositionally.

Where did these words go (for so long)?

Why does it always feel like they’ve been said before in another language or another time? Why isn’t it already published?

Check the classified folders ?

I’ve never had access (to be clear).

At this point, I would probably delay access until executive authority.

I want to be able to speak honestly and not have my hands tied by psychological operations.

I don’t want to be subsidized.

I don’t want #YourHalo.

U see me and u mad? U extra competitive now?

Any competence I display is white-knighting? that’s cute (how many countries are rubbing their hands at how giddy we are to do #this)


How many of those countries are scared because of #this?

Look how illiterate we are.

#BeAboveFluency #LiteracyMatters #FluencyIsGreatToo #Butitisntenough

Look how fast we could be turned to dehumanize each other.

It’s gross and terrifying.

It’s perfect though .

You’re the exact microcosm of the problem with politicians.

You politicize people in your personal life too (you just think your phone is sufficient psychological distance).


#X_Poetry #x_DefJam



Psy-Ops get in the way of science.



Sometimes I demonstrate bad ideas so that we can move on from them… (to be judged by logic & evidence).

(Supraliminalizing the previously implicit, hopefully reducing future misinterpretive-plausibility..)



It seems our friends don’t believe that we have sufficiently purged the cronies from our capitalism.

At this point, it would still be embarrassing for these foreign diplomats to associate with the behavior demonstrated by the United States.

Business trustworthiness is a different speculative market. We need to be better capitalists (out of respect for what it has given us).

I believe that starts with effective literacy.

That means that you can’t be a crony and you can’t permit cronyism either.

If the shoe fits…



You keep beating people up because they’re smaller, you’re more likely to have a gang issue.

There is no racial exclusivity here.

This is inclusive (all-inclusive).

Relationship importance needs to be above 0%.

#GameTheory #ET_Culture #X_Glitch #Ex_Codes #Et_Games #eT_Lit





“Somebody is using the infinity, gauntlet chronically! People are glitching! What universe is this?! What kind of sadistic masochistic, piece of shit bitch would… do that, kind of thing? What universe number is this?! Can’t summon shit, Scotty.”


Ha -






#ET_Workshop #ET_Fake #eT_Fiction #ExplicitContent










We should make a simulation game where are EOD personnel and geologists get to practice disarming Yellowstone (and other easier supervolcanoes).





Underground explorations

Space exploration

Discoveries on @X?




How many other US veterans feel like they are the giving tree when they get out of active duty and transition into being a civilian?









Is it an insult to call a woman handsome?



Carve your identity out of the group or build yourself into the group.

You might have choices, but that doesn’t necessarily make one of them a good omen.

We all have marble.



You’re never truly building your identity from scratch.

We are not blank slates.



You can’t carve your marble like they’ve carved theirs.

There are angles to #this.

These groups are lying when they tell you that you can build from scratch. That’s repression. #CultRedFlag



Some pretttyyyyy prrreeetttttyyyyy culty sub-cultures outchea.

#1_World #et_Levels







I have four podcasts and none of them are the one that you have permission to lie to the public on. You can try to lie to me, but mind your microexpressions and pheromones (unless you want me to know).

You can’t simulate poverty. #PseudoPoverty

How many governmental lawsuits were thrown at these corporations that decided to give away control to intelligence agencies?

Is that not a conflict of interest?

In what way is this acceptable ?

Migrating from a free application to a charged subscription does not do away with the culpability for selling away your people in the first place… #PlausibleLiability




“Poor is the apprentice who does not surpass his master.”



“More poor is the master who keeps the apprentice in subjugation arbitrarily.”



How many times I’ve mentioned you #here is probably how many times I’m going to mention you in my book.



Try to recognize your #colloquials if you want to reduce your misinterpretive-plausibility & increase your plausible-liability.



President Biden @POTUS:

“Now is the time for all Americans to speak up when history is being erased, books are being banned, and diversity is being attacked.”


So, you just thought it was fine to rig history? You #folders are all the same. I really hate to label, but… #et_fold


You think that you’re only crime is in group loyalty to your party, but you continue to forget that you took an oath for every citizen in this country and our constitution?

“Plausible deniability” isn’t the same thing as “baseless accusations”, is it?


Why wouldn’t the president of the United States of America have a moral imperative to resign if they can’t do the job?

Would we ever have a president?

I do trust our military, but I don’t trust you to keep them in check.


That’s an international problem, even if nothing happens. #TrustMatters


When you’re almost 80 years old and you’re showing up to the oval office trying to learn on the job, there is some realistic expectation that you’re going to fall short.

It is not solely on the shoulders of Joe Biden, ladies and gentlemen.


The parties failing and GOP definitely has their shortcomings too.

Why are our options so dismal once we get through primaries ?

What are the losing strategies that are employed by each major political party?


Extra tangent:

“The royalty of #TheColorPurple has more to do with the interdependency of conservative and liberal thought than it does anything with #freemasons or the #illuminati.

Enough with the deceptive symbolic-trickery.


The more we invest our identities into these #instruments, the more puppet strings we tie to ourselves.

The effective-literacy of this country doesn’t help with these issues, but who’s investing in illiteracy?


Imagine if every other world leader acted dumb every 4 to 8 years…

Easter egg hunts & wild goose chases

Are we actually honoring a Mediterranean/black sea ally every Thanksgiving? #ThxGives


How many operations get fucked because of these politicians?

We do serious humanitarian work.

Is it supposed to be cute to mess that up?

Or does it not matter as long as there’s possible deniability and you can scapegoat somebody ??


Leave it to us to forget that there’s 7 billion people with considerably lower living standards. Wait, maybe it’s not an issue of forgetfulness …

Maybe we do remember, but we keep getting forgiveness without changes in behavior … This makes me a bad guy ??


Slavs killing each other and others, cheering them on… any history buffs out there that wanna act surprised??


Is trust any better when we’re creating more terrorist then we’re killing with drone strikes ? That isn’t behavioral apologies him or determinism, it’s an excuse. But radical recruiters love this sort of thing…


Since the patriot act, have we created more terrorists than we’ve eliminated?

Who is we?


Standards and expectations


So many people want better service from public servants and somehow explicitizing/#explicifying standards and expectations has escaped us…


RE plausible deniability:

It’s #gross to look for justifications to be incompetent and maintain a position of authority.


Go ahead and dismiss counterfactual’s…

But that won’t stop the rest of the world from wondering whether or not you would’ve cost me out like yesterday’s trash if I wasn’t a veteran.

Don’t #spin this into some recruiting-ad.


If I didn’t study psychology, would I look as ridiculous as I’m supposed to?


#ZeroPlausibleLiability #ZeroRealAuthority #PerceivedAuthority

A figurehead is not good enough to hold intelligence agencies in the United States military accountable.

A figurehead is not good enough to hold congressmen and lobbyists accountable.


When did incompetence become so honorable in this country?

Or is that we don’t have honor anymore?

Do we have no shame?

Can we not learn?

Can we not change our behavior?

Are there no adults here?



When I say ‘end the Cold War’, don’t say ‘start a hot war.’ #Imperative



Stupid games, stupid prizes..



Being unwilling to make promises that you can’t keep doesn’t mean “don’t make promises.”



Maybe we would have less language barrier conflict if there wasn’t so much covert operation.



There needs to be bipartisan support for denouncing the sexualization of children.



If there isn’t, then, why is that party?



Gender roles are interesting, but the science of sexuality is sufficient to defend homosexuality against dehumanization.

Human rights…

We don’t have to create a new field to talk about the same thing because it’s already been inoculated against in another field.

It isn’t acceptable to harm people because of their sexuality & you don’t need to create a new field of science for us to agree on that.

Not good science…

This reminds me of when the definition of #recession was changed in order to dodge taking credit for it (2022).



Normative/prescriptive theories about gender roles cannot be tested.

I would appreciate if people stuck to the descriptive theories rather than shoehorning causal theories into culture so that they can be tested on children.

Traditional gender roles are prescriptive theories about how boys/girls ought best behave based on the average.

#ET_Gender #ET_Trans #TransScience #ET_6

If you want to argue that they should be viewed at the individual level, then I would agree with you.

As far as cultural norms are concerned, though, we don’t make rules based on exceptions. Right?

What exactly does “applied gender studies” entail?



Horns about halos, halos about horns…


Selective exposure,

Egotistical consistency,

cognitive dissonance,

& selective distortion

Self-serving bias, motivated reasoning, post hoc logic

False consensus error, narcissism, norms, & culture

Availability bias, fundamental attribution error, functional fixedness

Self-fulfilling prophecies & social selves

Selective perception & soft prejudice






ust because Hitler liked their art… that doesn’t mean that it was their fault.

Burying history has consequences.

You build a burning platform when you bury history…



Monday Morning Quarterbacking, hindsight-bias, and generational conflict










“Larping as a strong stoic guy is not the same as actually being one.”



“Being stoic and strong doesn’t matter that much when you’re the captain of a sinking ship.”



Where is the cure for influenza?

Breakthroughs, transmission, mandates, efficacy


Why isn’t publicly funded research publicly available?

Why isn’t publicly subsidized technology profiting the public?



The world wants the US president to be a “strong man” and we are acting like oppositionally defiant toddlers. It’s an expression (not an imperative about sex).

They want the figurehead to at least project a façade of masculine competence if they’re at command of the most powerful military on the planet.

It’s like needing to hit a couple three-pointers to open up penetration of a basketball defense.

Deterrence isn’t as effective if we look like soft, uninformed officers (ad nausea).

Hillary Clinton may have seemed to meet the criteria, but killing innocent people isn’t a true marker of masculine competence.

Creating more terrorists than you eliminate with drone strikes is not admirable.

A woman could be a “strong man” and that has nothing to do with gender or sexuality. We’re talking about roles on the biggest stage of the planet.

We’ve responded to Donald Trump’s façade with a flaccid executive branch.

What’s next?

What is driving our decision-making?

Have we, as a country, outsourced our critical-thinking to other global leaders?


Definitely tired of watching wild goose chase is every time we put someone in office…

I’m willing to be unpopular if that helps. #et_fold



Taking responsibility for the excuses you give yourself 25 years down the line isn’t inherently perfectionistic personalization.

Sometimes it’s conscientiousness.

If you want to argue that conscientiousness is adaptive perfectionism, I’m not going to disagree.

I don’t really have a strong opinion on the matter (but that doesn’t mean you’re correct either).



How much of our effective illiteracy is correlated with #ColdWarFatigue?



When we are in a time of peace and we can’t at least support war-torn countries w/ literacy, we are not great allies.

We need to change that.

We can and we need to. #PlausibleLiability #LinguisticPrevalence

Good vibes only go so far.

At some point, we have to be who we say we are (or else we are just imposters).






President Biden @POTUS:

“We're going to transition to an electric vehicle future made in America—and it will protect and expand good union jobs.”



What will charge them?












The other 1/2 is still full of gas/air.






Do we need more research comparing/contrasting the respiratory effects of marijuana & tobacco?

(not a rhetorical question, genuinely concerned about privately known/horded research…)




Would you rather be a crab or a drop in a bucket?



Sex-roles = gender


Gender roles = sex-roles roles


(Not denying anyone’s existence. Gender dysphoric disorder is as real as homosexuality, but we need valid operational definitions.) #et_trans #redundant #redundancies

We do not have to invent new fields of science to get around some people being unable to compartmentalize the difference between biological sex and sexuality.

Gender is a social-construct, but general sex-preferences are not.

The social-construct is built by real preferences.

It is supposed to be supporting the development of the vast majority of children.

Gender = social-construct

General Sex-Preferences ≠ A Construct

#hyphen #NotAMinus #PunctuationMatters

#ExplicateThis #ExplicateThat


Instead of endlessly debating arguments that are already destined for deeper entrenchment (by definition), operationalize does semantics and let the country move on.



Gender-role theory is not progressive.


I am not saying that people that experience gender-dysphoric disorder are “degenerates” (at all).


I just want to make that clear for the people who will intentionally misinterpret this (whether that be conscious or not… cognitive dissonance is craaazy).







People will be paying attention.

Will you sew greater division?

Please model constructive communication.

We need bridges & roads (not more cultural-war fog).

My fear of this opportunity being wasted on “playing to bases” could honestly make me cry (ngl).

I don’t care if either one of you ever become POTUS (nor do I regarding myself).

This might be the greatest opportunity in your political careers (whether your parties thank you or not).

The smugness and chicanery coming from the @CAgovernor

(2023) was gross (gloating about how stupid the debate is).

@GovRonDeSantis ran some stupid advertisements for his Presidential campaign, but that is no excuse for pissing this down the drain.

I’m really not trying to be mean; I just think this is a heavy moment (whether it’s respected or not).

If it is treated with whimsy and derision, I will always be asking “What could have been?”. #OpportunityCost


Move us forward as best you can (not just deeper into ideological trenches).





All that said, will the debate be live-streamed on @X??





Do dishwasher disposals get hungry?



I’m assuming every nipple I see through a shirt is @Skims.



I’m not proud to say that I grew up eating quesadillas with ketchup.

Why didn’t anyone show me salsa??

Was I afraid of onions?

Sometimes it is hard not to have regrets.

I suppose all we can do is move forward with wisdom gains…



Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch for a young Snape?








Where is the evidence showing Iranian coordination with Houthis, Hezbollah, & Hamas? Why does their govt. want to kill Ukrainians so badly?

Why don’t people get to advocate for Uyghurs in Xinjiang?

(“I beg your pudding” gif attached)



Competitive growth becomes a bad strategy when competitors put out hastily assembled products.

Running too fast on a treadmill isn’t impressive, is it?



Person: “I look better than I feel.”

Other Person: “I feel better than I look.“


#ET_Fake #ET_Workshop #SpeechToText #HardSkills #ET_Fiction #et_fix



What if people said “oy nelly” instead of “whoa nelly”?



Museums and art galleries are dope. And learning is kewl!



Have you ever used a voltmeter?



Do you own a breathalyzer? #TrendSetters



I need a luchadore mask.



I feel pretty coo about the 15 lyrical tracks I’ve released for distro



If I can get my book ready by the end of this month (as planned), are you ready?

2/29/2024 #WE_RttO #wertto #lwo_lit




The same market reductivity/determinism/fatalist that tells you that someone “must be incompetent” if they are not wealthy also upholds crony-capitalism.

#Bravo #ThankYouForYourService



I feel pretty coo about the 15 lyrical tracks I’ve released for distro.








Can’t wait for the rest?

Go to www.lwotteson.com/times/wertto or www.x.com/lwotteson.com .  



See You Later

I can’t wait to get the rest to you this summer: 4 July 2024! [PART 2]


            I hope you found something worth taking away! <3

















L.W. Otteson

Social scientist, student, & writer

2048 US President?


33. A chat w/ open ai gpt


31. Things get lost in translation