37. clones n scones

Here’s a little script I prompted Open AI’s Chat GPT 3.5 to whip up:

Title: Nuclear Clones

[The scene opens in a dimly lit laboratory, filled with an array of high-tech equipment. Dr. Marcus Reed, a brilliant yet eccentric scientist, is hunched over a workbench, muttering to himself. His frazzled assistant, Dr. Sarah Hayes, rushes in, carrying a stack of papers.]

Dr. Hayes: Marcus, we have a problem. The nuclear tensions between Rovinia and Veridium have escalated again. It's only a matter of time before...

Dr. Reed: Before they blow us all to kingdom come? Yes, I'm well aware, Sarah. That's why we're here.

[Dr. Reed gestures towards a large chamber in the corner of the lab, humming with energy.]

Dr. Reed: Behold, my masterpiece. Cloning technology that will save us all from mutually assured destruction.

Dr. Hayes: Cloning? Marcus, you can't be serious.

Dr. Reed: Oh, but I am. Meet Adam and Eve.

[Dr. Reed points to two eerily identical figures lying inside the chamber.]

Dr. Hayes: You've cloned yourself? That's... terrifyingly narcissistic.

Dr. Reed: Desperate times call for desperate measures, Sarah. And who better to save the world than me?

[Dr. Reed cackles maniacally, sending shivers down Dr. Hayes's spine.]

Dr. Hayes: But what if something goes wrong?

Dr. Reed: Oh, something always goes wrong, my dear. That's what makes life interesting.

[Dr. Hayes watches in horror as Dr. Reed activates the cloning process. Moments later, Adam and Eve emerge from the chamber, blinking in confusion.]

Adam: What... what's happening?

Dr. Hayes: You're clones, created to prevent nuclear war between Rovinia and Veridium.

Eve: Seriously? Couldn't you have cloned someone less... unhinged?

Dr. Reed: Hey, I resemble that remark!

[The group shares a tense laugh, knowing the gravity of their situation.]

Dr. Reed: Now, go forth, my clones. Diplomacy awaits!

[Adam and Eve exchange a worried glance before reluctantly leaving the lab.]

[Cut to a diplomatic summit between Rovinia and Veridium. Adam and Eve, dressed in impeccable suits, sit at the negotiation table, surrounded by world leaders.]

Adam: Gentlemen, ladies, and... other distinguished individuals. We are here today to discuss the future of humanity.

Eve: Namely, not blowing ourselves to smithereens.

[The room erupts into nervous laughter, but tension still hangs thick in the air.]

[As the negotiations progress, Adam and Eve find themselves caught in a web of deceit and manipulation. Both sides refuse to budge, and it becomes clear that peace is a distant dream.]

Adam: This is hopeless. They'll never see reason.

Eve: Maybe we should just let them nuke each other. Natural selection and all that.

Adam: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree.

[With a heavy heart, Adam and Eve return to the laboratory, knowing what must be done.]

[Back in the lab, Adam and Eve stand face to face, a sense of resignation in their eyes.]

Adam: It's time.

Eve: For one of us to go.

[Without hesitation, Adam lunges at Eve, and a chaotic struggle ensues. The lab erupts into chaos as equipment is destroyed and sparks fly.]

[In the midst of the carnage, Dr. Reed calmly walks away, unscathed, a twisted smile playing on his lips.]

Dr. Reed: Ah, the circle of life. Or should I say, death?

[As the sounds of destruction fade into the distance, Dr. Reed disappears into the shadows, leaving behind a world on the brink of annihilation.]

[The screen fades to black, leaving the audience to ponder the twisted legacy of Dr. Marcus Reed.]

[End of script]

L.W. Otteson

Social scientist, student, & writer

2048 US President?


38. mas de lwo + open ai


36. some linkage