39. lwo + Chat gpt

My prompt:

Write a 3 page fiction story about a human society that has been unwittingly living on Mars. They live under a digital dome that mimics Earth. When they travel, it is all simulated on treadmill roads. Flying takes passengers to other domes/bubbles. That's the setting/lore. It should feel like a veneer of a utopia, but the cinematic universe is definitely a dystopia. The main character discovers that all of their media (TV, radio, etc.) existed on Earth (in the past). The tyrants of Mars replay & loop history that has already happened from history's past. The villains want the world to be utterly predictable. Things are safe, but at what cost? The main character's journey should go as follows: she is content with the life she's been given (grateful), witnessing a glitch in one of her computer games, traveling to an underground bunker to find answers, and then fighting the dictators of Earth to publish the truth.

Open AI’s Chat GPT responded:

“Title: Unveiling the Illusion

Page 1:

In the year 2150, humanity thrived under the digital dome of Mars, a utopian society shielded from the desolate reality beyond. The citizens lived blissfully unaware of the red planet's harsh environment, their days filled with simulated sunshine and artificial greenery. Within the confines of their domed cities, life was safe, predictable, and seemingly perfect.

Eva, a young woman with a bright smile and curious eyes, was one such inhabitant of Mars. She had grown up within the confines of the dome, never questioning the reality presented to her. Like everyone else, she traversed the treadmill roads, traveled between domes on simulated flights, and immersed herself in the digital world that surrounded her.

Content with her life, Eva spent her days working as a programmer, crafting virtual worlds and entertainment for her fellow citizens. She felt grateful for the comfort and security provided by the domed society, never once considering that there might be more beyond the facade.

Page 2:

One day, while engrossed in debugging a computer game she had created, Eva noticed a glitch—a small anomaly that sparked her curiosity. As she delved deeper into the code, she discovered fragments of information that didn't add up. It was as though someone had tampered with the program, inserting subtle hints of a reality beyond their own.

Determined to uncover the truth, Eva embarked on a clandestine journey, following a trail of breadcrumbs that led her to an underground bunker hidden beneath the surface of Mars. There, she stumbled upon a cache of forbidden knowledge—archives of Earth's history, long forgotten by the inhabitants of Mars.

As she pored over the ancient records, Eva's eyes were opened to the grim reality of their existence. The domed society was not a sanctuary but a prison, constructed by tyrants who sought to control every aspect of their lives. The media, the entertainment, even the very memories of the citizens were manipulated and controlled, all in the name of maintaining order and predictability.

Page 3:

Fueled by a newfound sense of purpose, Eva resolved to challenge the oppressive regime that ruled over Mars. Armed with the truth, she sought to expose the lies and deception that had kept her people in bondage for generations.

Gathering allies among the disaffected and disillusioned, Eva led a rebellion against the tyrants of Mars. Together, they fought against the forces of oppression, facing danger and uncertainty at every turn.

Finally, after a long and arduous struggle, Eva and her allies emerged victorious. The digital dome was shattered, and the truth was laid bare for all to see. The citizens of Mars, once kept in ignorance, now stood united in defiance against their oppressors.

As the dust settled and the dawn of a new era began, Eva looked out upon the red landscape of Mars with hope in her heart. Though the journey had been fraught with peril, she knew that it was only the beginning. With the truth as their guide, humanity would chart a new course—one free from the shackles of deception and control.”

Follow-up prompt:

“Write it as a 10 page script”

Open AI Chat GPT 3.5 responded:

“Title: Red Veil


The year is 2150. A bustling metropolis exists under a vast digital dome on Mars. Citizens go about their daily routines, seemingly oblivious to the artificial reality surrounding them. Among them is EVA (late 20s), a programmer with a spark of curiosity in her eyes.


Eva sits in front of her computer, debugging a computer game she's created. She notices a glitch, a flicker of something unusual. Intrigued, she begins to investigate further.


Eva ventures into an underground bunker, hidden beneath the surface of Mars. Rows of dusty archives line the walls, filled with forbidden knowledge from Earth's history.


Eva sifts through the archives, uncovering the truth about their existence. The domed society is revealed to be a facade, constructed by tyrants to control every aspect of their lives.


Eva emerges from the bunker, her mind reeling with the weight of the truth. Determined to challenge the oppressive regime, she sets out to rally allies among the disillusioned citizens.


Eva meets with a group of rebels, united in their desire to overthrow the tyrants of Mars. Together, they plan their uprising, aware of the dangers that lie ahead.


Eva leads her allies in a daring escape, navigating the treadmill roads that crisscross the domed city. They evade security patrols as they make their way towards the heart of the regime.


Eva and her allies infiltrate the control center, confronting the leaders who have kept them in ignorance for so long. A fierce battle ensues as they fight to expose the truth.


The digital dome begins to flicker and fade, revealing the harsh reality of Mars beyond. Citizens emerge from their homes, stunned by the revelation of the world outside.


Eva stands at her window, looking out at the red landscape of Mars with a sense of hope. Though the journey has been fraught with danger, she knows that they have finally broken free from the shackles of deception.


L.W. Otteson

Social scientist, student, & writer

2048 US President?


40. Naught all as semes?


38. mas de lwo + open ai