79. Crypto currents

Response #8 from @Grok & NoEchoChambers.Org:

Cryptocurrencies as Psychosociocultural Conditions

Here, cryptocurrencies are covert currents of belief, behavior, or norms circulating in society, encoded to exploit via psychology, culture, or economics. They’re not blockchain tokens but sociocultural ‘codes’ that flow like currency, often maladaptive (Maldaptivity), with cascading impacts (Consequentiality), requiring a fit response (Fitness). Interpretive cryptology decodes them to counter manipulation.

25 Cryptocurrencies: Exploitable States

These are 25 pervasive conditions:

  1. Blind Trust - Unquestioned faith in authority.

  2. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - Trend-driven anxiety.

  3. Nostalgia - Romanticized past reliance.

  4. Obedience - Unthinking compliance.

  5. Scarcity Panic - Resource fear frenzy.

  6. Groupthink - Conformity over logic.

  7. Hero Worship - Blind idolization.

  8. Instant Gratification - Quick reward chase.

  9. Polarization - Binary division.

  10. Apathy - Civic disengagement.

  11. Status Seeking - Rank obsession.

  12. Overoptimism - Risk ignorance.

  13. Xenophobia - Outsider fear.

  14. Technophilia - Tech obsession.

  15. Victimhood - Oppression identity.

  16. Fatalism - Fate acceptance.

  17. Consumerism - Buying as meaning.

  18. Moral Panic - Ethical overreaction.

  19. Denialism - Evidence rejection.

  20. Superstition - Omen belief.

  21. Entitlement - Unearned expectation.

  22. Distraction - Trivia focus.

  23. Patriotism - Uncritical loyalty.

  24. Privacy Surrender - Data-for-convenience trade.

  25. Echo Chambers - Reality bubbles.

Exploitation Value Across PLCMEGS

Their ‘value’ is exploitability (1-10 scale), varying by PLCMEGS archetype:


  • FOMO (10): Exploits impulsivity, herd bias.

  • Obedience (8): Leverages authority bias.

  • Apathy (6): Numbs resistance.

  • High Value: Emotional triggers (FOMO, Panic).


  • Technophilia (9): Jargon masks downsides.

  • Denialism (8): Rejects learning.

  • Nostalgia (5): Less literacy-reliant.

  • High Value: Complexity (Technophilia).


  • Patriotism (9): Deep identity hook.

  • Groupthink (8): Norm pressure.

  • Consumerism (7): Cultural ritual.

  • High Value: Identity norms (Patriotism).

Mass Media

  • Moral Panic (10): Outrage amplifier.

  • FOMO (9): Viral driver.

  • Apathy (4): Quietly spreads.

  • High Value: Hype (Panic, FOMO).


  • Consumerism (10): Profit engine.

  • Status Seeking (8): Wealth chase.

  • Blind Trust (6): Scam enabler.

  • High Value: Market ties (Consumerism).


  • Obedience (9): Policy enforcer.

  • Polarization (8): Control via division.

  • Privacy Surrender (7): Surveillance aid.

  • High Value: Authority (Obedience).


  • Echo Chambers (9): Reality sabotage.

  • Xenophobia (8): Scapegoat fuel.

  • Overoptimism (5): Pacifies dissent.

  • High Value: Division (Echo Chambers).

Consolidation with the Triad

The triad—a meronymic whole—decodes these cryptocurrencies, integrating PLCMEGS for a gestalt beyond the sum:

  • Linguistics: Tracks terms—’join’ (FOMO), ‘duty’ (Obedience). PLCMEGS: Psychology (hooks), Mass Media (spread).

  • Semiotics: Unmasks signs—flags (Patriotism), ads (Consumerism). PLCMEGS: Culture (resonance), Subversion (twist).

  • Semantics: Reveals meanings—’safety’ (Panic), ‘belonging’ (Groupthink). PLCMEGS: Governance (justification), Economics (profit).

Gestalt: E.g., Polarization—words (‘us vs. them’), symbols (divided flags), meanings (‘righteousness’)—sum to division, but the whole is a control system (Governance/Subversion). Triad + PLCMEGS catches this.

Enhanced Cribsheet with Cryptocurrency Addition

Here’s the cribsheet from before, now with a dedicated section for these sociocultural cryptocurrencies:

Triad Analysis Process

  1. Start: Pick a trigger—word (e.g., ‘now’ for FOMO), sign (e.g., sale tag for Consumerism), meaning (e.g., ‘loyalty’ for Patriotism).

  2. PLCMEGS Map: Score across all seven (e.g., FOMO: P-10, M-9).

  3. Triad Cycle: Linguistics (terms), Semiotics (symbols), Semantics (meanings).

  4. Gestalt: Synthesize systemic intent (e.g., FOMO as herd trap).

  5. Act: Redefine/reclaim holistically.

New Section: Cryptocurrency Decoder

  • Purpose: Identify and neutralize sociocultural cryptocurrencies.

  • Steps:

    1. Name the Currency: Spot a state (e.g., Echo Chambers).

    2. PLCMEGS Score: Rate exploitability (e.g., S-9, P-8, M-7).

    3. Triad Breakdown:

      • Linguistics: Key phrases (e.g., ‘my side’).

      • Semiotics: Symbols (e.g., platform logos).

      • Semantics: Meanings (e.g., ‘truth’).

    4. M-C-F Check:

      • Maldaptivity: Once adaptive? (e.g., community → isolation).

      • Consequentiality: Impact? (e.g., societal fracture).

      • Fitness: Counterable? (e.g., boost Literacy).

    5. Counter: Disrupt the flow—e.g., break Echo Chambers with cross-exposure.

  • Example: Consumerism—PLCMEGS (E-10, C-7), Triad (ads, sales signs, ‘happiness’), M-C-F (maladaptive excess, economic drain, fit via redefinition to ‘enough’).

Format Update

  • Addition: ‘Cryptocurrency Decoder’ box on the cribsheet, with a mini-table: ‘Currency | PLCMEGS Scores | Triad Clues | M-C-F | Action.’

  • Visual: PLCMEGS-Triad flow arrow—e.g., ‘FOMO → Hype Words → Trend Icons → Success Myth → Mass Control.’

Why It Fits

This addition leverages the triad’s gestalt to decode cryptocurrencies as systems, not fragments—e.g., Nostalgia isn’t just old words but a cultural trap (Culture/Economics). PLCMEGS quantifies exploitability, M-C-F ensures strategic depth, aligning with Fitness to adapt.


  • 25 Cryptocurrencies: States like FOMO, Consumerism, Echo Chambers—hidden currents of exploitability.

  • PLCMEGS Variance: Emotional (FOMO) tops Psychology, cultural (Patriotism) Culture, economic (Consumerism) Economics.

  • Triad + Cribsheet: Decodes them holistically, with a new section to name, score, and counter these currents—e.g., Obedience as a governance tool disrupted by questioning norms.”

Then @Grok offered to make a table for us…

Table Breakdown

1. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

  • PLCMEGS Scores:

    • Psychology (10): Triggers impulsivity, FOMO bias.

    • Literacy (7): Exploits trend-blindness.

    • Culture (6): Ties to achievement norms.

    • Mass Media (9): Viral hype driver.

    • Economics (8): Fuels speculative booms.

    • Governance (5): Less direct, but enables policy rushes.

    • Subversion (7): Divides via competition.

  • Triad Clues:

    • Linguistics: ‘Now or never’ hooks urgency.

    • Semiotics: Upward arrow signals gain.

    • Semantics: ‘Success’ promises reward.

  • M-C-F:

    • Maldaptivity: Once adaptive for seizing chances, now traps in cycles.

    • Consequentiality: Panic buying, social rifts.

    • Fitness: Counterable with patience training.

  • Action: Shift lexicon to value delay; debunk media trends.

2. Consumerism

  • PLCMEGS Scores:

    • Psychology (8): Dopamine from buying.

    • Literacy (6): Masks long-term costs.

    • Culture (7): Shopping as identity.

    • Mass Media (8): Ad bombardment.

    • Economics (10): Profit machine.

    • Governance (6): Deregulation aids it.

    • Subversion (4): Less subversive, more overt.

  • Triad Clues:

    • Linguistics: ‘Buy now’ prompts action.

    • Semiotics: Sale tags signal value.

    • Semantics: ‘Happiness’ ties to goods.

  • M-C-F:

    • Maldaptivity: Survival need turned excessive.

    • Consequentiality: Debt, environmental ruin.

    • Fitness: Shift cultural norms to sufficiency.

  • Action: Push ‘enough’ narrative; expose waste.

3. Echo Chambers

  • PLCMEGS Scores:

    • Psychology (8): Comfort in agreement.

    • Literacy (8): Rejects outside info.

    • Culture (7): Reinforces tribalism.

    • Mass Media (7): Algorithms boost it.

    • Economics (5): Ad revenue, not primary driver.

    • Governance (6): Enables control via division.

    • Subversion (9): Subverts reality.

  • Triad Clues:

    • Linguistics: ‘My side’ cements loyalty.

    • Semiotics: Platform logos brand the bubble.

    • Semantics: ‘Truth’ justifies bias.

  • M-C-F:

    • Maldaptivity: Community turned isolating.

    • Consequentiality: Polarization, distrust.

    • Fitness: Breakable with exposure.

  • Action: Introduce diverse voices; question ‘truth.’

How It Fits the Cribsheet

This table slots into the Cryptocurrency Decoder section added last time:

  • Layout: Fits the mini-table format—’Currency | PLCMEGS Scores | Triad Clues | M-C-F | Action.’

  • Use: Users (e.g., lawmakers) spot a state (e.g., FOMO in policy debates), score it, decode via triad, assess M-C-F, and act.

  • Gestalt: Shows systemic intent—e.g., Consumerism isn’t just ads but an economic trap, countered holistically.”

Should the public unite in collective action to short the whales that are invested into cognitive control? Is that a 2nd Amendment right that the SEC is inclined to violate?

L.W. Otteson

Social scientist, student, & writer

2048 US President?


80. cryptoSOcio Abuse


#78 - IC: CmF